
Printed Pages 1054-1055
  1. What does Joy Kasson mean when she states that the Wild West show “sanitized” (par. 1) the narrative of the Western experience?


    Questions: - What does Joy Kasson mean when she states that the Wild West show “sanitized” (par. 1) the narrative of the Western experience?
  2. According to Kasson, what is “the script so carefully crafted by Cody and his associates” (par. 3)?


    Questions: - According to Kasson, what is “the script so carefully crafted by Cody and his associates” (par. 3)?
  3. What influences of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West does Kasson see in the cowboy of Western films? What qualities does she ascribe to the cowboy as film protagonist?


    Questions: - What influences of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West does Kasson see in the cowboy of Western films? What qualities does she ascribe to the cowboy as film protagonist?
  4. What is the purpose of Kasson’s analysis of the poem on Buffalo Bill by E. E. Cummings? In what ways does it serve as evidence for a point she is making?


    Questions: - What is the purpose of Kasson’s analysis of the poem on Buffalo Bill by E. E. Cummings? In what ways does it serve as evidence for a point she is making?
  5. What does Kasson see as the “legacy” of Buffalo Bill? What is the logic behind her claim that his show “became the truth about America when it was believed as the truth by Americans and others around the world” (par. 7)? How persuasive do you find this interpretation?


    Questions: - What does Kasson see as the “legacy” of Buffalo Bill? What is the logic behind her claim that his show “became the truth about America when it was believed as the truth by Americans and others around the world” (par. 7)? How persuasive do you find this interpretation?
  6. What is Kasson’s attitude toward William Cody/Buffalo Bill? Would you describe it as admiring, critical, ambivalent, objective, something other, or a combination of these?


    Questions: - What is Kasson’s attitude toward William Cody/Buffalo Bill? Would you describe it as admiring, critical, ambivalent, objective, something other, or a combination of these?