Winslow Homer, The Veteran in a New Field (painting, 1865)

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Winslow Homer

Winslow Homer (1836–1910) is considered one of the most significant American painters of the nineteenth century. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and mainly self-taught, Homer started his career as a commercial illustrator. During the Civil War (1861–1865) he was sent to the front lines to sketch battle scenes and camp life for Harper’s magazine.

The Veteran in a New Field

Homer completed the following painting in 1865, a few months after the end of the Civil War.

Winslow Homer, The Veteran in a New Field, 1865, oil on canvas, 241⁄8”× 381⁄8”, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY.