Exploring the Text

Printed Pages 1110-1111
  1. How would you describe the tone of “This Is Just to Say”?


    Exploring the Text: - How would you describe the tone of “This Is Just to Say”?
  2. This poem is notable for its complete lack of punctuation. What effect does that have on the tone of “This Is Just to Say”?


    Exploring the Text: - This poem is notable for its complete lack of punctuation. What effect does that have on the tone of “This Is Just to Say”?
  3. “This Is Just to Say” is considered a “found” poem. It takes the form of a note left on a kitchen table. Its very informal nature leaves its theme wide open. What do you think is its message?


    Exploring the Text: - “This Is Just to Say” is considered a “found” poem. It takes the form of a note left on a kitchen table. Its very informal nature leaves its theme wide open. What do you think is its message?
  4. What effect does the poem’s typography (the way it looks on the page) have?


    Exploring the Text: - What effect does the poem’s typography (the way it looks on the page) have?
  5. William Carlos Williams is considered an imagist, a poet who writes in free verse and believes first and foremost in the simple clarity of an image. How does this poem fit that definition? How does it compare to Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro” (p. 1074)?


    Exploring the Text: - William Carlos Williams is considered an imagist, a poet who writes in free verse and believes first and foremost in the simple clarity of an image. How does this poem fit that definition? How does it compare to Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro” (p. 1074)?
  6. Love notes between husbands and wives are often the subject or even the form of poetry. Could “This Is Just to Say” be considered a love note? Explain your answer.


    Exploring the Text: - Love notes between husbands and wives are often the subject or even the form of poetry. Could “This Is Just to Say” be considered a love note? Explain your answer.
  7. Williams’s wife, Florence, wrote the following reply to “This Is Just to Say”:


    (crumped on her desk)

    Dear Bill: I’ve made a

    couple of sandwiches for you.

    In the ice-box you’ll find

    blue-berries—a cup of grapefruit

    a glass of cold coffee.

    On the stove is the tea-pot

    with enough tea leaves

    for you to make tea if you

    prefer—Just light the gas—

    boil the water and put it in the tea

    Plenty of bread in the bread-box

    and butter and eggs—

    I didn’t know just what to

    make for you. Several people

    called up about office hours—

    See you later. Love. Floss.

    Please switch off the telephone.

    Compare and contrast Florence’s note with “This Is Just to Say.” Can you make a case that Florence’s note is also a poem? Explain your answer.


    Exploring the Text: - Williams’s wife, Florence, wrote the following reply to “This Is Just to Say”:Reply(crumped on her desk)Dear Bill: I’ve made acouple of sandwiches for you.In the ice-box you’ll findblue-berries—a cup of grapefruita glass of cold coffee.On the stove is the tea-potwith enough tea leavesfor you to make tea if youprefer—Just light the gas—boil the water and put it in the teaPlenty of bread in the bread-boxand butter and eggs—I didn’t know just what tomake for you. Several peoplecalled up about office hours—See you later. Love. Floss.Please switch off the telephone.Compare and contrast Florence’s note with “This Is Just to Say.” Can you make a case that Florence’s note is also a poem? Explain your answer.