Exploring the Text

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  1. Describe the techniques William Faulkner uses to set the scene in the story’s first paragraph.


    Exploring the Text: - Describe the techniques William Faulkner uses to set the scene in the story’s first paragraph.
  2. What are some of the recurring images in “Barn Burning”? How do they connect to the story’s theme?


    Exploring the Text: - What are some of the recurring images in “Barn Burning”? How do they connect to the story’s theme?
  3. How does Faulkner develop the characters of Sarty and his father, Abner? How does the character development differ? How is it the same?


    Exploring the Text: - How does Faulkner develop the characters of Sarty and his father, Abner? How does the character development differ? How is it the same?
  4. Why do you think Abner Snopes feels he can walk into Major de Spain’s house even though de Spain’s servant and wife have told him not to (pars. 41–44)? What does that attitude tell us about his background?


    Exploring the Text: - Why do you think Abner Snopes feels he can walk into Major de Spain’s house even though de Spain’s servant and wife have told him not to (pars. 41–44)? What does that attitude tell us about his background?
  5. What is the central conflict in “Barn Burning”? What are the secondary conflicts?


    Exploring the Text: - What is the central conflict in “Barn Burning”? What are the secondary conflicts?
  6. In what ways can “Barn Burning” be considered a coming-of-age story?


    Exploring the Text: - In what ways can “Barn Burning” be considered a coming-of-age story?
  7. Why do you think Faulkner made the decision not to identify the victims of the gunshots at the end of the story? Who do you think is shot?


    Exploring the Text: - Why do you think Faulkner made the decision not to identify the victims of the gunshots at the end of the story? Who do you think is shot?
  8. Both Abner Snopes and Sarty’s older brothers show up in later works by Faulkner, while Sarty does not. Does knowing that change your view of “Barn Burning”? Why do you think Faulkner might not have wanted to reprise young Sarty?


    Exploring the Text: - Both Abner Snopes and Sarty’s older brothers show up in later works by Faulkner, while Sarty does not. Does knowing that change your view of “Barn Burning”? Why do you think Faulkner might not have wanted to reprise young Sarty?
  9. Why is the burning of a barn so fraught with meaning? What do you think it means to Abner Snopes? To his neighbors and family?


    Exploring the Text: - Why is the burning of a barn so fraught with meaning? What do you think it means to Abner Snopes? To his neighbors and family?