What do you think Richard Wright’s purpose is in this story?
Exploring the Text: - What do you think Richard Wright’s purpose is in this story?
What is the point of view in “The Man Who Was Almost a Man”? How does it help Wright achieve his purpose?
Exploring the Text: - What is the point of view in “The Man Who Was Almost a Man”? How does it help Wright achieve his purpose?
Why do you think Wright chose to use dialect for Dave’s inner monologue and for the story’s dialogue? What are some of the effects of that choice?
Exploring the Text: - Why do you think Wright chose to use dialect for Dave’s inner monologue and for the story’s dialogue? What are some of the effects of that choice?
The gun has, of course, a literal meaning in “The Man Who Was Almost a Man,” but it also carries symbolic weight. What are some of the gun’s symbolic meanings?
Exploring the Text: - The gun has, of course, a literal meaning in “The Man Who Was Almost a Man,” but it also carries symbolic weight. What are some of the gun’s symbolic meanings?
Look carefully at the paragraphs in which Dave is trying to get his mother to give him money to buy the gun (pars. 76–113). What qualities does he use to convince her? How does that scene develop or extend his characterization?
Exploring the Text: - Look carefully at the paragraphs in which Dave is trying to get his mother to give him money to buy the gun (pars. 76–113). What qualities does he use to convince her? How does that scene develop or extend his characterization?
What is the effect on Dave when, near the end of the story, he fires the gun successfully?
Exploring the Text: - What is the effect on Dave when, near the end of the story, he fires the gun successfully?
What does it mean to Dave to be a man? What does it mean to you? Are there similarities?
Exploring the Text: - What does it mean to Dave to be a man? What does it mean to you? Are there similarities?
Did you find this story funny? Explain your answer.
Exploring the Text: - Did you find this story funny? Explain your answer.