
Printed Pages 1511-1512
  1. In the first four paragraphs, Paul Krugman questions the validity of “Horatio Alger stories.” Having read Alger (p. 1493) and Harlon L. Dalton (p. 1497), how persuasive do you find Krugman’s argument?


    Questions: - In the first four paragraphs, Paul Krugman questions the validity of “Horatio Alger stories.” Having read Alger (p. 1493) and Harlon L. Dalton (p. 1497), how persuasive do you find Krugman’s argument?
  2. According to Krugman, what are the chief consequences of growing economic inequality? What implications do they have for our society as a whole?


    Questions: - According to Krugman, what are the chief consequences of growing economic inequality? What implications do they have for our society as a whole?
  3. Krugman, who teaches economics at Princeton University, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2008. How does that establish his ethos? How does knowing that affect your reading of his argument?


    Questions: - Krugman, who teaches economics at Princeton University, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2008. How does that establish his ethos? How does knowing that affect your reading of his argument?
  4. What is the rhetorical effect of the information in the endnotes? Explain by making specific reference to at least two of them.


    Questions: - What is the rhetorical effect of the information in the endnotes? Explain by making specific reference to at least two of them.