You might notice that John Updike writes in the present tense. What mood does it create in this excerpt?
Questions: - You might notice that John Updike writes in the present tense. What mood does it create in this excerpt?
How does home keep a hold on Rabbit? In what ways does he feel as if he’s escaped?
Questions: - How does home keep a hold on Rabbit? In what ways does he feel as if he’s escaped?
What is the effect of paragraph 4, which is, essentially, a list of everything Rabbit hears on the car radio?
Questions: - What is the effect of paragraph 4, which is, essentially, a list of everything Rabbit hears on the car radio?
In what ways might Rabbit’s journey help him find what he’s looking for? Are there hints that the answers he is looking for are out of reach?
Questions: - In what ways might Rabbit’s journey help him find what he’s looking for? Are there hints that the answers he is looking for are out of reach?
How does this excerpt illustrate Americans’ relationship with the automobile in the early 1960s?
Questions: - How does this excerpt illustrate Americans’ relationship with the automobile in the early 1960s?