What can you read on the faces in the crowd that surrounds Elizabeth Eckford?
Exploring the Text: - What can you read on the faces in the crowd that surrounds Elizabeth Eckford?
Pictured just to the left of Eckford is a jeering Hazel Bryan Massery, who became a symbol of racism. She later apologized to Eckford and spoke out against racism. Why do you think she became such a potent symbol?
Exploring the Text: - Pictured just to the left of Eckford is a jeering Hazel Bryan Massery, who became a symbol of racism. She later apologized to Eckford and spoke out against racism. Why do you think she became such a potent symbol?
What juxtapositions do you see in the photo? How do they raise the emotional temperature?
Exploring the Text: - What juxtapositions do you see in the photo? How do they raise the emotional temperature?
Consider the layout of the photo. How do the direction of the crowd and the placement of Eckford comment on the event?
Exploring the Text: - Consider the layout of the photo. How do the direction of the crowd and the placement of Eckford comment on the event?