Making Connections

Printed Pages 1366-1367

Making Connections

  1. What are the differences in the ways Martin Luther King Jr. (p. 1345) and Gladwell (p. 1357) use expert testimony? What are the similarities?


    Making Connections: - What are the differences in the ways Martin Luther King Jr. (p. 1345) and Gladwell (p. 1357) use expert testimony? What are the similarities?
  2. Compare the tone of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to the tone of “Small Change.” How are the voices of the speakers different? Are they similar in any way? Which do you find easier to engage with? Explain your answer.


    Making Connections: - Compare the tone of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to the tone of “Small Change.” How are the voices of the speakers different? Are they similar in any way? Which do you find easier to engage with? Explain your answer.
  3. Gladwell describes the civil rights movement of the early 1960s as a “military campaign” (par. 20), arguing that all of the sit-ins were “formally organized by civil-rights organizations like the N.A.A.C.P. and CORE.” He says that Martin Luther King Jr. was the “unquestioned authority” (par. 21). How does that square with the description King gives in his letter about the structure of the civil rights movement and the boycotts and other actions in Birmingham?


    Making Connections: - Gladwell describes the civil rights movement of the early 1960s as a “military campaign” (par. 20), arguing that all of the sit-ins were “formally organized by civil-rights organizations like the N.A.A.C.P. and CORE.” He says that Martin Luther King Jr. was the “unquestioned authority” (par. 21). How does that square with the description King gives in his letter about the structure of the civil rights movement and the boycotts and other actions in Birmingham?
  4. Imagine a conversation between King and Gladwell. Do you think they would find much common ground? On what subjects do you think they would disagree? On which would they agree? Try to imagine King’s opinion of social media as a protest tool had he lived long enough to see it. Use evidence from the text to help form your answer.


    Making Connections: - Imagine a conversation between King and Gladwell. Do you think they would find much common ground? On what subjects do you think they would disagree? On which would they agree? Try to imagine King’s opinion of social media as a protest tool had he lived long enough to see it. Use evidence from the text to help form your answer.