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  1. In this excerpt from an essay subtitled “An Artist’s Answer to Politics,” how does Arthur Miller provide the background and context for the political backdrop of The Crucible?


    Questions: - In this excerpt from an essay subtitled “An Artist’s Answer to Politics,” how does Arthur Miller provide the background and context for the political backdrop of The Crucible?
  2. Miller says that “[f]ear doesn’t travel well” (par. 2) and provides a couple of examples: fear of “creeping Communism” (par. 3) and liberals’ fears of “being identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly” (par. 4). Why do you think his “answer to politics” begins with acknowledging these fears?


    Questions: - Miller says that “[f]ear doesn’t travel well” (par. 2) and provides a couple of examples: fear of “creeping Communism” (par. 3) and liberals’ fears of “being identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly” (par. 4). Why do you think his “answer to politics” begins with acknowledging these fears?
  3. How does Miller make the political personal? Do his comments on how The Crucible was to some degree a personal reaction to his own failings change the way you think about the play?


    Questions: - How does Miller make the political personal? Do his comments on how The Crucible was to some degree a personal reaction to his own failings change the way you think about the play?