Characterize the speaker in “Theme for English B.” Refer to specific words and phrases in the poem to support your description.
Exploring the Text: - Characterize the speaker in “Theme for English B.” Refer to specific words and phrases in the poem to support your description.
How does the poem’s setting help develop its themes? Look especially at the way Langston Hughes uses the words “up,” “down,” and “cross” (ll. 11–15)
Exploring the Text: - How does the poem’s setting help develop its themes? Look especially at the way Langston Hughes uses the words “up,” “down,” and “cross” (ll. 11–15)
You may have noticed that there is little figurative language in “Theme for English B.” In fact, in some ways it doesn’t even seem like a poem. How does the rather everyday language help create some of the poem’s ideas?
Exploring the Text: - You may have noticed that there is little figurative language in “Theme for English B.” In fact, in some ways it doesn’t even seem like a poem. How does the rather everyday language help create some of the poem’s ideas?
What do you think the speaker means by “That’s American” (l. 33)? What do you think “That’s American” means today? What are the similarities between being American then and now? What are the differences?
Exploring the Text: - What do you think the speaker means by “That’s American” (l. 33)? What do you think “That’s American” means today? What are the similarities between being American then and now? What are the differences?
What argument do you think Hughes is making in this poem? Why do you think he used an English class assignment as a framing device for his ideas?
Exploring the Text: - What argument do you think Hughes is making in this poem? Why do you think he used an English class assignment as a framing device for his ideas?
What do you think the instructor thought of the speaker’s work?
Exploring the Text: - What do you think the instructor thought of the speaker’s work?