About the Authors

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Robin Dissin Aufses is director of English Studies at Lycée Français de New York, where she teaches AP English Language. Robin was formerly the English department chair and a teacher at John F. Kennedy High School in Bellmore, New York, for ten years, and pivor to that she taught English at Paul D. Schreiber High School in Port Washington, New York, for twenty years. She is co-author of The Language of Composition and Literature & Composition. Robin also has published articles for the College Board on the novelist Chang Rae Lee and the novel All the King’s Men.


Renée H. Shea was professor of English and Modern Languages and Director of Freshman Composition at Bowie State University in Maryland. She is co-author of The Language of Composition and Literature & Composition and two volumes in the NCTE High School Literature series (Amy Tan and Zora Neale Hurston). A faculty consultant for more than thirty years in both AP Language and Literature, she was also a reader and question leader for both exams. Renée recently served as a member of the Development Committee for AP Language and Composition. She is currently a member of the English Academic Advisory Committee for the College Board and the SAT Critical Reading Committee.


Lawrence Scanlon taught at Brewster High School for more than thirty years, and now teaches at Iona College in New York. Over the past twenty years he has been a reader and question leader for the AP Language exam. As a College Board consultant in the United States and abroad, he has conducted AP workshops in both Language and Literature, as well as serving on the AP English Language Test Development Committee. Larry is co-author of The Language of Composition and Literature & Composition and has published articles for the College Board and elsewhere on composition and curriculum.


Kate Aufses studied English at Kenyon College and holds MPhil degrees in American Literature and Art History from Cambridge University. Kate is currently studying law at the University of Michigan.