
Printed Pages 1603-1630

9/11/2001 (Spiegelman), 1426–27

“9/11 of 1859, The” (Horowitz), 753–54

“9/11 ‘Overreaction,’ The” (Krauthammer), 109

“9/11 Speech” (Bush), 6–8

Abeyta, Aaron A., “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Tortilla,” 1087–89

“Able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught, The” (Revere), 370–71

“About Men” (Ehrlich), 1044–46

“Abraham Lincoln and Our ‘Unfinished Work’” (Cuomo), 703–6

Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator (Conversation), 689–730

accuracy of evidence, 101–3

Ace Comics, “Atomic War!,” 1468–69

active voice, 1273–74

Adams, Abigail, “Letter to John Adams,” 386–87

Adams, John

“Letter to Abigail Adams,” 387–89

mentioned, 345, 376

Adams, Samuel, 347, 348, 384

Addams, Jane

mentioned, 827


“The Subtle Problem of Charity,” 927–30

“Tribute to George Washington,” 460–62

“Address to General William Henry Harrison” (Tecumseh), 430–32

“Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association” (Kennedy), 486–89

“Address to the Osages” (Tecumseh), 60–62

ad hominem fallacy, 102–3

ad populum (bandwagon appeal) fallacy, 111–12

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain), 548

“After great pain, a formal feeling comes—” (Dickinson), 836

“Again, the Fields: After Winslow Homer” (Trethewey), 832–33

Age of Reason, The (Paine), 383–84

“Agreeable” (Franzen), 1431–44

“Ain’t I a Woman?” (Truth), 626

“Alarmist or Alarming Rhetoric?” (Demby), 32

Alexie, Sherman

mentioned, 1047, 1420


“My Heroes Have Never Been Cowboys,” 1047–49

“Superman and Me,” 1420–23

Alger, Horatio, Ragged Dick, or Street Life in New York with the Boot Blacks, 1493–97

Allen, Paula Gunn

Pocahontas: Medicine Woman, Spy, Entrepreneur, Diplomat, 330–33

“Pocahontas to Her English Husband, John Rolfe,” 321–23

Allison, Graham, 1491

All the King’s Men (Warren), 71–72

Alvarez, Antonio, “Out of My Hands,” 165–67

Alvarez, Julia, “Snow,” 1478–79

America Guided by Wisdom (Barralet and Tanner), 349

American Cowboy, The (Conversation), 1023–58

“American Cowboy, The” (Nimmo), 1024–27

American Jeremiad, The (Conversation), 254–78

American literature, defining. See What Is American Literature? (Conversation)

“American Literature” (Lazarus), 1250–52

American Lung Association, “Sandwich. Snack. Arsenic.,” 270

American Middle Class, The (Conversation), 1492–1528

American Progress (Gast), 825

“Americans and Their Cars: Is the Romance on the Skids?” (Pew Research Center), 1543–46

“Americans Hit the Brakes on NASCAR” (DeFord), 1554–55

American Spirit in Literature, The (Perry), 1260–62

“America’s New Tiger Immigrants” (Mead), 1019–21

America’s Romance with the Automobile (Conversation), 1528–57

“America’s True History of Religious Tolerance” (Davis), 472–77

“America the Beautiful” (Bates), 932–33

analogy, faulty, 103

analysis, rhetorical. See rhetorical analysis

anaphora, 1560

Anastas, Benjamin, “The Foul Reign of Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance,’” 602–5

Anderson, Jourdon

mentioned, 823, 829

“To My Old Master,” 829–30

Anderson, Sherwood, “An Apology for Crudity,” 1255–56

anecdotes, 106–7

annotating, 52, 54–55

Anthony, Susan B., “Sentencing Statement,” 971–73

antimetabole, 1560

“Anti-Suffrage Monologue, An” (Howe), 985–87

antithesis, 50, 1560

Apollo 11 moon landing, texts about

“In Event of Moon Disaster” (Safire), 38

“The July 16, 1969, Launch: A Symbol of Man’s Greatness” (Rand), 38–40

“Man Takes First Steps on the Moon” (Times), 34–36

“Transported” (Herblock), 40

“Voyage to the Moon” (MacLeish), 37

“Apology for Crudity, An” (Anderson), 1255–56

“Appeal from California. The Chinese Invasion. Workingman’s Address” (Kearney and Knight), 999–1000

appeal to false authority, 110–11

appeals, rhetorical. See rhetorical appeals

Applebaum, Anne, “If the Japanese Can’t Build a Safe Reactor, Who Can?,” 30–31. See also Demby, Tamar, “Alarmist or Alarming Rhetoric?”

appositives, 535–43

“Arabic Coffee” (Nye), 1392–93

arguments, analyzing


of fact, 91

overview, 89–90

of policy, 94–96

of value, 91–92

defining argument, 85–89

literary texts, 132–36

presenting evidence

first-hand evidence (see first-hand evidence)

logical fallacies (see logical fallacies)

relevance, accuracy, and sufficiency, 101–2

second-hand evidence (see second-hand evidence)

shaping arguments

classical oration, 116–20

induction and deduction, 120–26

Toulmin model, 126–31

thesis statements

closed, 98–99

counterargument, 99–100

open, 99

visual texts, 137–42

arguments, using sources to inform, 148–49

Aristotelian triangle, 3–4


definition of rhetoric, 1

rhetorical appeals, 8

assertions. See claims

assumption (warrant), in Toulmin model

analyzing, 127–29

defined, 126–27

using in own writing, 130

“Atlanta Exposition Address, The” (Washington), 891–94

“At Lowe’s Home Improvement Center” (Turner), 1445–46

Atomic Age, The (Conversation), 1467–92

Atomic Narratives and American Youth: Coming of Age with the Atom, 1945–55 (Scheibach), 1481–83

“Atomic War!” (Ace Comics), 1468–69

“At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border” (Stafford), 648

Atwood, Margaret, “Hello, Martians, Let Moby-Dick Explain,” 1267–69

“Auction Block Monument” (Historic Fredericksburg Foundation), 641–42

Auden, W. H., “The Unknown Citizen,” 1169–70


rhetorical triangle and, 4

SOAPS checklist and, 5–6, 23

using sources to appeal to, 152–55


appeal to false, 110–11

ethos and, 8, 10

expert opinion as second-hand evidence, 110

“Author to Her Book, The” (Bradstreet), 225

“Auto” (McHugh), 1542

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The (Franklin), 352–63

automobile, America’s romance with. See America’s Romance with the Automobile (Conversation)

“Average Student Loan Debt Nears $27,000” (Ellis), 168–69

Avery, Christopher, “The Missing ‘One-Offs’: The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students” (with Caroline M. Hoxby), 174–75

Baby in a Slum Tenement (Riis), 873

backing, in Toulmin model, 126–27, 130

Baldwin, James

mentioned, 1282

Notes of a Native Son, 1324–38

Ball, Thomas, Freedman’s Memorial to Abraham Lincoln, 698

Balliett, Whitney, “Daddy-O,” 1202–4

bandwagon appeal (ad populum fallacy), 111–12

Banneker, Benjamin

“Letter to Thomas Jefferson,” 426–29

mentioned, 348, 426

Baptism of Pocahontas, The (Chapman), 318

“Barn Burning” (Faulkner), 1156–68

Barralet, John J., America Guided by Wisdom (with Benjamin Tanner), 349

Barthelme, Donald, “The King of Jazz,” 1204–7

Bates, Katharine Lee

“America the Beautiful,” 932–33

mentioned, 931

Beaudrillard, Jean, 335

“Becoming Anne Bradstreet” (Boland), 226–27

“Becoming of the Native, The” (Momaday), 198–203

“Benjamin Franklin” (Lawrence), 364–67

Bercovitch, Sacvan, 254

Bergreen, Laurence, Columbus: The Four Voyages, 300–303

Berlin, Ira, “Who Freed the Slaves? Emancipation and Its Meaning,” 715–24

Berliner, Michael S., “The Christopher Columbus Controversy,” 291–93

Bernstein, Richard, 1298

Berry, Wendell, 758

“Beyond the Peacock: The Reconstruction of Flannery O’Connor” (Walker), 1320–21

bias, evaluating, 147

Bierce, Ambrose

“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” 875–82

mentioned, 590

Bierstadt, Albert, The Last of the Buffalo, 864–65

Billington, James, 834

Bill of Rights, 412–14

TalkBack: “Our Imbecilic Constitution” (Levinson), 414–17

Bishop, Elizabeth, “The Fish,” 1285–88

Blake, William, 1093

Block, Herb (Herblock), “Transported,” 40

Bloomberg, Michael, “Ground Zero Mosque Speech,” 496–98

body image, readings about

“Celebrity Bodies” (Harris), 142–43

“homage to my hips” (Clifton), 143–44

“Michael Jackson with and without Plastic Surgery,” 144

Boland, Eavan

“Becoming Anne Bradstreet,” 226–27

Bond, Julian, 943

“Bookmobile, Louisiana” (Works Progress Administration), 1141–42

Booth, John Wilkes, 551

“Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man, or Tarring and Feathering, The,” 372

Botstein, Leon, “Let Teenagers Try Adulthood,” 183–85

Bowden, Charles, “Our Wall,” 1014–17

Boye, Bertha M., “Votes for Women,” 984–85

Bradstreet, Anne

mentioned, 191, 222

TalkBack: “Becoming Anne Bradstreet” (Boland), 226–27


“The Author to Her Book,” 225

“The Prologue,” 222–24

Brinkley, Alan, “The Fifties,” 1503–6

Broderick, Mackenzie, “You Gotta Fight for Your Right…to Education,” 180–83

Bronzino, Agnolo, Eleonora of Toledo with Her Son Giovanni, 229

Brooks, Cleanth, 660

Brown, John

mentioned, 550


“Last Letter to His Family,” 733–35

“Last Speech,” 732–33

See also John Brown: Patriot or Terrorist? (Conversation)

Brown, Milton, 229

Bryant, William Cullen

mentioned, 449, 548, 551


“Thanatopsis,” 551–53

“To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe,” 554

“Buffalo Bill’s” (Cummings), 1042

“Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” (Buffalo Bill Cody), 1034–35

Buffalo Bill’s Wild West: Celebrity, Memory, and Popular History (Kasson), 1050–54

Burke, Kenneth, 147

Burnett, Leo, 1044

Bush, George H. W., “Letter of Apology,” 1230–31

Bush, George W., “9/11 Speech,” 6–8

Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez

mentioned, 188, 209–10

The Relation of Cabeza de Vaca, 210–16

Cabot, John, 187

Campbell, Joseph, 335, 449

“Captivity” (Erdrich), 240–42

“Carmakers’ Next Problem: Generation Y” (Linn), 1551–53

Carnegie, Andrew, “The Gospel of Wealth,” 865–68

Carretta, Vincent, 508

“Case Closed: The Rosenbergs Were Soviet Spies” (Radosh), 1484–86

Cather, Willa, “The Sculptor’s Funeral,” 950–60

cause and effect, subordinating conjunctions indicating, 336

“Celebrity Bodies” (Harris), 142–43

“Certain Oil Refinery, A” (Dreiser), 1095–98

Changing Roles of Women, The (Conversation), 970–97

Chapman, John Gadsby, “The Baptism of Pocahontas,” 318

Charles, Ray, 934

“Checkers Speech, The” (Nixon), 14

Chernow, Ron, 470

Chief Seattle

mentioned, 548

“Message to President Franklin Pierce,” 650–53

TalkBack: “A Modest Proposal: The Museum of the Plains White Person” (Green), 653–56

“Chieftain’s Daughter, The” (Morris), 319

“Chinese Must Go, The” (McDonnell), 1001–2

Chopin, Kate, “The Story of an Hour,” 888–90

Chowder, Ken, “The Father of American Terrorism,” 745–47

“Christopher Columbus Controversy, The” (Berliner), 291–93

Christy, Howard Chandler, Pocahontas, 320–21

“Chrysanthemums, The” (Steinbeck), 1147–55

circular reasoning, 104

citing sources, 180


of fact, 91

overview, 89–90

of policy, 94–96

in Toulmin model, 126–27

of value, 91–92

Clancy, Robert H., “An Un-American Bill,” 1004–7

Clark, Wesley, 470

classical oration, 116–20


dependent and independent. See subordination in complex sentences

parallelism and, 1558

restrictive and nonrestrictive, 337

subordinate. See subordination in complex sentences

Clay, Henry, 418

“Clean, Well-Lighted Place, A” (Hemingway), 1121–24

“Clean, Well-Lighted Place, A” (Li), 1125–26

Clift, Eleanor, “Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 Years On,” 80–83

Clifton, Lucille, “homage to my hips,” 143–44

close analysis

analyzing style

determining tone, 46–47

establishing rhetorical situation, 44–45

introduction, 41–42

model analysis, 45–46

close reading

fiction, 69–70, 71

poetry, 72–73

visual texts, 74–76

conversation with the text

annotating, 52, 54–55

asking questions, 48–49, 50–51

close reading and, 58–60

graphic organizers, 55–58

overview, 41

writing a close-analysis essay

introductory example, 62, 64–65

sample essay, 66–67

thesis statement, 65

closed thesis statements, 98–99

close reading

fiction, 69–70, 71

moving to analysis, 58–60

poetry, 72–73

visual texts, 74–76

Cody, Buffalo Bill, “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West,” 1034–35

Cofer, Judith Ortiz

mentioned, 1284, 1411

“The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named María,” 1411–15

Cole, John, “The Thanksgiving Table,” 15

Cole, Thomas

mentioned, 548

The Oxbow, 555–56

Collins, Gail, When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1950 to the Present, 988–91

colons, 536

Columbus, Christopher

Journal of the First Voyage to America, 279–83

mentioned, 187

See also Columbus Day Controversy, The

Columbus Day Controversy, The (Conversation), 278–305

Columbus: The Four Voyages (Bergreen), 300–303

“Come and Join Us Brothers” (Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments), 687–88


appositives and, 536

with cumulative, periodic, and inverted sentence patterns, 814

with subordinate clauses, 337

Common Sense (Paine), 376–78

complex sentences, 50. See also subordination in complex sentences

compound sentences, 50


counterarguments and, 11, 20

subordinating conjunctions indicating, 336


in classical oration (peroratio), 117, 120

in deductive reasoning, 124, 126

condition, subordinating conjunctions indicating, 337

Confederate Dead before the Dunker Church (Gardner), 685

confirmation (confirmatio), in classical oration, 117, 120

conjunctions, subordinating. See subordination in complex sentences

Connell, William J., “What Columbus Day Really Means,” 296–300

Connelly, Sheryl, 1556

Conscience of a Liberal, The (Krugman), 1508–12

context, rhetorical situation and, 3

contrast, subordinating conjunctions indicating, 336

coordination, as sentence pattern, 810

Cortés, Hernán, 187

Cortez, Jayne, “Jazz Fan Looks Back,” 1207–8


logos and, 11–12, 20

counterargument thesis statements, 99–100

Counts, Will, Little Rock’s Central High School, 1339–40

cowboy, American (conversation). See American Cowboy, The (Conversation)

“Coyote Gets Stuck,” 197–98

“Crackberry Congress” (Marcus), 16–17

Crane, Hart, 449

Crane, Stephen, “The Open Boat,” 899–917

“Crazed Rhetoric” (Toles), 86

Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de

Letters from an American Farmer, 399–402

mentioned, 348, 399

Crews, Frederick, 1315

Crisis, I, The (Paine), 378–79

“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” (Whitman), 660–65

Crumb, Robert, “A Short History of America,” 783–84

“Cuban Missile Crisis Speech” (Kennedy), 1472–76

Cummings, E. E.

“Buffalo Bill’s,” 1042

“in Just-,” 1099–1100

cumulative sentence patterns, 51, 811, 814

Cuomo, Mario, “Abraham Lincoln and Our ‘Unfinished Work,’” 703–6

current events, 107–8

Currier, Nathaniel, The Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 190

“C Word in the Hallways, The” (Quindlen), 95

“Daddy-O” (Balliett), 1202–4

Dalton, Harlon L., “Horatio Alger,” 1497–1502

Danticat, Edwidge, “New York Day Women,” 1416–19

Darrow, Clarence, 259

Darwin, Charles, 1069, 1099

dashes, 536

Dash for the Timber, A (Remington), 1028

Davidson, Sara, 1344

Davis, Jefferson, “Inaugural Address,” 668–72

Davis, Kenneth C., “America’s True History of Religious Tolerance,” 472–77

Davis, Miles, 1202

Davis, Ossie, 1276

Davis, Stuart, Swing Landscape, 1198–99

“Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” (Hedges and Sacco), 1457–66

Dean, Michelle, 1344

“Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, The” (Jarrell), 1180–81

“Declaration of Independence, The” (Jefferson), 390–92

“Declaration of Sentiments” (Stanton), 393–95

deduction, 123–26

“Defense of Native American Religion” (Red Jacket), 484–86

DeFord, Frank, “Americans Hit the Brakes on NASCAR,” 1554–55

DeGrazia, Ettore (Ted), Trading, Traveling, and Mosquitoes, 218

Demby, Tamar, “Alarmist or Alarming Rhetoric?,” 32

Demuth, Charles

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold, 1108

mentioned, 1069, 1107

dependent clauses. See subordination in complex sentences

de Soto, Hernando, 187

de Tocqueville, Alexis, 656, 819, 820, 1270

Devil’s Horn, The (Segell), 1209–10

Dickinson, Emily

TalkBack: “Emily Dickinson and Elvis Presley in Heaven” (Ostrom), 840–41


“After great pain, a formal feeling comes—,” 836

“‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers—,” 834–35

“I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—,” 837

“My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun—,” 838–39

“The Soul selects her own Society—,” 835

“Success is counted sweetest,” 134–35

diction, analyzing, 50–51

Didion, Joan

“On Self-Respect,” 1341–44

“The Santa Ana Winds,” 52–53

“Difficult Miracle of Black Poetry in America, The” (Jordan), 517–27

Dillard, Annie

“Living Like Weasels,” 785–88

mentioned, 758

Dirda, Michael, 882

direct verbs, 1272

“Diving into the Wreck” (Rich), 1381–84

Dodge Motor Company

“It’s a Big Fat Juicy Cheeseburger in a Land of Tofu,” 75

“This Is the Car You Buy Because You Can’t Buy a Bald Eagle,” 468

“Does Not Such a Meeting Make Amends?” (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper), 841–42

“Doing Nothing” (Kidd), 793–94

Domini, Amy, “Why Investing in Fast Food May Be a Good Thing,” 87–88

Donohue, Agnes, 572

Douglass, Frederick

mentioned, 259, 549, 614, 699, 756


Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself, 614–24

Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time, 699–703

“What, to the Slave, Is the Fourth of July?,” 260–62

“Douglass” (Dunbar), 897

Douthat, Ross, “The Secrets of Princeton,” 172–73

Dove, Rita

mentioned, 1282, 1423

“Rosa,” 1423–24

Downes, Lawrence, “In Search of Flannery O’Connor,” 1315–19

Dreiser, Theodore, “A Certain Oil Refinery,” 1095–98

DuBois, W. E. B.

mentioned, 823, 944

“The Talented Tenth,” 944–49

Duchamp, Marcel, 1069

“Duck and Cover” (Office of Civil Defense), 1470

Dunbar, Paul Laurence

mentioned, 823, 895

TalkBack: “Frederick Douglass” (Hayden), 898


“Douglass,” 897

“We Wear the Mask,” 895–96

Dunbar-Nelson, Alice, “I Sit and Sew,” 24–25

Dunn, Stephen, “The Sacred,” 1541

Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company, Suffragette Madonna and Uncle Sam Suffragee, 982–83

Durand, Asher B.

Kindred Spirits, 556–57

mentioned, 548

Dylan, Bob, 674, 1381, 1492

Early, Gerald L.

“Jazz and the African American Literary Tradition,” 1189–93

A Level Playing Field, 151

“Earth on Turtle’s Back, The,” 194–95

Ebert, Roger, “Star Wars,” 92–94

Eck, Diane L., A New Religious America, 492–94

Eckford, Elizabeth, 1339–40

Edelstein, Sally, Mutually Assured Consumption, 1524–25

Edgerton, Gary, “Redesigning Pocahontas: Disney, the ‘White Man’s Indian,’ and the Marketing of Dreams” (with Kathy Merlock Jackson), 324–29

Edison, Thomas, 828

Education: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time? (Conversation), 156–75

writing a synthesis essay

citing sources, 180

formulating your position, 175–77

framing and integrating quotations, 178–79

sample synthesis essay, 180–82

Edwards, Jonathan, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” 257–59

effective and ineffective rhetoric, 29–31

Ehrlich, Gretel, “About Men,” 1044–46

Einstein, Albert

“Letter to Phyllis Wright,” 5

mentioned, 828

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

mentioned, 1528

“Order of the Day,” 17–18

either/or (false dilemma) fallacy, 103

ekphrasis, 1109

elegy, 834

Eleonora of Toledo with Her Son Giovanni (Bronzino), 229

Eliot, T. S.

“The Hollow Men,” 1113–16

mentioned, 1069

Ellis, Blake, “Average Student Loan Debt Nears $27,000,” 168–69

Ellison, Ralph

Invisible Man, 1201

“On Bird, Bird-Watching and Jazz,” 49–50, 51–52

“Emancipation Proclamation, The” (Lincoln), 690–91

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

mentioned, 346, 548, 590, 758, 819, 820

“Self-Reliance,” 590–600

TalkBack: “The Foul Reign of Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance’” (Anastas), 602–5

“Emily Dickinson and Elvis Presley in Heaven” (Ostrom), 840–41

“Ending the Slavery Blame-Game” (Gates), 1243–45

“End of the Affair, The” (O’Rourke), 1547–50

“End of White America, The” (Hsu), 112–13

enjambment, 73

Enrico, Robert, 882

Environmental Protection Agency, “Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap!,” 77

Erdrich, Louise, “Captivity,” 240–42

Eriksson, Lief, 187

Etcheson, Nicole, 756


combining with logos and pathos, 18–20

defined, 8–10

Etter, William M, 471

“Evacuation Order” (Western Defense Command), 1217–19

evidence, presenting

first-hand evidence

anecdotes, 106–7

current events, 107–8

personal experience, 104, 106

logical fallacies (see logical fallacies)

relevance, accuracy, and sufficiency, 101–2

second-hand evidence

expert opinion, 110

historical information, 108–9

literary sources, 112–14

quantitative evidence, 111

evidence (support), in Toulmin model, 126–27

“Evolutionary Social Psychology of Off-Record Indirect Speech Acts, The” (Pinker), 154–55

“Examining the Reputation of Christopher Columbus” (Weatherford), 289–91

“Executive Order No. 9066” (Roosevelt), 1215–17

exordium, 117

expert opinion, 110

“Facing It” (Komunyakaa), 1398

fact, claims of, 91

fallacies, logical. See logical fallacies

“Fall of the House of Usher, The” (Poe), 576–89

false authority, appeal to, 110–11

false dilemma (either/or fallacy), 103

Faragher, John Mack, 1057

“Farewell, My Lovely!” (White), 1530–35

“Farewell Address” (Reagan), 265–66

“Farewell Address” (Washington), 452–54

“Farewell Speech” (Gehrig), 2

Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), 965–68

Fate of the Earth, The (Schell), 1184–86

“Father of American Terrorism, The” (Chowder), 745–47

Faulkner, William

mentioned, 1072, 1155, 1279, 1288


“Barn Burning,” 1156–68

“Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,” 1288–89

faulty analogy, 103

Fea, John, Was America Founded As a Christian Nation?, 499–503

Federal Highway Administration, “I Was Looking Out for Other Cars,” 33

Federalist Papers, The” (Hamilton, Madison, and Jay), 404–11

“Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse” (PETA), 29

“Felons and the Right to Vote” (New York Times Editorial Board), 96–98

Ferdinand of Spain, The Requierimiento, 284–85

“Few Don’ts by an Imagiste, A” (Pound), 1075–78


close reading, 69–70, 71

rhetorical analysis of, 21–24

“Fifties, The” (Brinkley), 1503–6

figures of speech, 50

Final Crisis, XIII, The (Paine), 380–82

“Fire and Ice” (Frost), 1081–82

“First Day, The” (Jones), 161–64

“First Fig” (Millay), 1090–91

first-hand evidence

anecdotes, 106–7

current events, 107–8

personal experience, 104

“First Seven Years, The” (Malamud), 1290–97

“Fish, The” (Bishop), 1286–88

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 368, 1187

Flanagan, Caitlin, 1344

Ford, Henry, 827, 1528

form, 72

“Foul Reign of Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance,’ The” (Anastas), 602–5

framing quotations, 178

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, “Does Not Such a Meeting Make Amends?,” 841–42

Franklin, Benjamin

mentioned, 187, 345, 349–50, 1492

TalkBack: “Benjamin Franklin” (Lawrence), 364–67


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 352–63

“The Speech of Miss Polly Baker,” 350–52

Franzen, Jonathan, “Agreeable,” 1431–44

“Frederick Douglass” (Hayden), 898

Freedman’s Memorial to Abraham Lincoln (Ball), 698

“Freedom’s Martyr” (Reynolds), 750–52

Freeman, Castle, Jr., 1042

Frethorne, Richard

“Letter to Father and Mother,” 219, 221

mentioned, 218

Freud, Sigmund, 1069

Frost, Robert

mentioned, 808, 1078


“Fire and Ice,” 1081–82

“Mending Wall,” 1080–81

“Reluctance,” 1078–79

Fuller, Margaret

mentioned, 549, 607

Woman in the Nineteenth Century, 607–13

Future of Life, The (Wilson), 788–92

Gandhi, Mahatma, 758

Gardner, Alexander, Confederate Dead before the Dunker Church, 685

Gast, John, American Progress, 825

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

mentioned, 895, 899


“Ending the Slavery Blame-Game,” 1243–45

“Mr. Jefferson and the Trials of Phillis Wheatley,” 528–33

Gehrig, Lou, “Farewell Speech,” 2


hasty, 103, 106

in inductive reasoning, 120–21, 123

George III, 345, 370

“George Washington” (Greenough), 457–58

George Washington—Lansdowne Portrait (Stuart), 454–55

“Gettysburg Address, The” (Lincoln), 692

“Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation, The” (Norvig), 725

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Women and Economics, 974–76

Ginsberg, Allen, “A Supermarket in California,” 666–67

Gioia, Ted, 1214

“Girl” (Kincaid), 70–71

Gladwell, Malcolm

mentioned, 1282, 1357–58


Outliers, 121–23

“Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,” 1358–66

Glass, Jennifer, “New York Times op-ed piece,” 112

Goebel, Bruce, 343

“Good Country People” (O’Connor), 1300–1314

Gordon, Mary, “More than Just a Shrine,” 1010–13

“Gospel of Wealth, The” (Carnegie), 866–68

Gould, Stephen Jay

mentioned, 1285, 1385

“Women’s Brains,” 1385–89

Grannis, Kerry Searle, “Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public Responsibilities” (with Isabel V. Sawhill and Scott Winship), 1521–23

Grant, Ulysses S., 551, 823

graphic organizers, 55–58

“Great Figure, The” (Williams), 1106–7

Green, Alfred M., “Let Us Take Up the Sword,” 673–74

Green, Rayna, “A Modest Proposal: The Museum of the Plains White Person,” 653–56

Greenglass, David, 1468

Greenough, Horatio

“George Washington,” 457–58

mentioned, 470

“Ground Zero Mosque Speech” (Bloomberg), 496–98

“Growing Gulf between the Rich and the Rest of Us, The” (Sklar), 1506–8

Hale, John

mentioned, 192, 248–49

A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, 249–53

Halm, Cindra, 1431

Halter, Peter, 1109

Hamilton, Alexander

The Federalist Papers” (with James Madison and John Jay), 404–11

mentioned, 347, 404, 418

Hamlet’s BlackBerry (Powers), 795–800

“Hammock, The” (Lee), 1425

Hansen, Tom, 1082

“Harlem” (Hughes), 74

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, “Letter to John Brown,” 736

Harris, Daniel, “Celebrity Bodies,” 142–43

Hartley, Marsden

mentioned, 1069

Portrait of a German Officer, 1082–83

Harvest of Death, A (O’Sullivan), 685–86

hasty generalization, 103, 106

Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy (Walker), 108–9

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

mentioned, 548, 558

“My Kinsman, Major Molineux,” 558–71

Hayden, Robert

“Frederick Douglass,” 898

“Those Winter Sundays,” 1367–68

Hedges, Chris, “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” (with Joe Sacco), 1457–66

Hellman, Lillian, “I Cannot and Will Not Cut My Conscience to Fit This Year’s Fashions,” 1471–72

“Hello, Martians, Let Moby-Dick Explain” (Atwood), 1267–69

Hemingway, Ernest, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” 1121–24

TalkBack: “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” (Li), 1125–26

Henry, Patrick

mentioned, 345, 347, 348, 373

“Speech to the Second Virginia Convention,” 373–75

Herblock, “Transported,” 40

Herrick, Henry W., Reading the Emancipation Proclamation in the Slaves’ Cabin, 697

Hillenbrand, Laura, Seabiscuit, 148–49

Hine, Lewis Wickes, 826

“His Highness” (Lepore), 463–67

historical information, 108–9

Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, “Auction Block Monument,” 641–42

History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of General George Washington, A (Weems), 456–57

Hitchens, Christopher, 379–80

Ho Chi Minh. See Minh, Ho Chi

Hoedel, Cindy, 1491

Hofstadter, Richard, 221

“Hollow Men, The” (Eliot), 1113–16

“homage to my hips” (Clifton), 143–44

“Homage to Phillis Wheatley” (Young), 515–17

Homer, Winslow, The Veteran in a New Field, 831

TalkBack: “Again, the Fields: After Winslow Homer” (Trethewey), 832–33

“‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers—” (Dickinson), 834–35

Hopper, Edward, 1127

“Horatio Alger” (Dalton), 1497–1502

Horowitz, Tony, “The 9/11 of 1859,” 753–54

“House of Mirth, The” (Wharton), 978–80

Hovenden, Thomas, The Last Moments of John Brown, 743–45

Howe, Marie Jenney, “An Anti-Suffrage Monologue,” 985–87

“How It Feels to Be Colored Me” (Hurston), 1117–20

“How Soccer Is Ruining America: A Jeremiad” (Webb), 267–68

“How the World Was Made,” 192–94

Hoxby, Caroline M., “The Missing ‘One-Offs’: The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students” (with Christopher Avery), 174–75

Hsu, Hua, “The End of White America,” 112–13

Hsu, Jeremy, 1556

Hudson, Henry, 187

Hughes, Langston

mentioned, 1071, 1100–1101, 1298


“Harlem,” 74

“Jazzonia,” 1197–98

“Mother to Son,” 135–36

“The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,” 1102–5

“The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” 1101

“Theme for English B,” 1298–99

humor, 15–17

“Hurricane Katrina” (Kennedy), 141

Hurston, Zora Neale

“How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” 1117–20

mentioned, 1071, 1117

“Huswifery” (Taylor), 230–31

hyperbole, 50

I Am an American (Lange), 1220

“I Cannot and Will Not Cut My Conscience to Fit This Year’s Fashions” (Hellman), 1471–72

“If the Japanese Can’t Build a Safe Reactor, Who Can?” (Applebaum), 30–31. See also “Alarmist or Alarming Rhetoric?” (Demby)

“If We Must Die” (McKay), 1093–94

“I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—” (Dickinson), 837

Ilgunas, Ken, “Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom,” 802–6

Illingworth, Leslie, 1280

images, pathos and, 14–15

Immigration: The Lure of America (Conversation), 997–1023

imperative sentences, 50

“Inaugural Address” (Davis), 669–72

“Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961” (Kennedy), 77–80

Inauguration of John F. Kennedy (U.S. Army Signal Corps), 84

“Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself” (Jacobs), 675–84

“In College, These American Citizens Are Not Created Equal” (Santiago), 106–7

“Income Confusion” (Sowell), 1512–13

“In Defense of Women” (Mencken), 423–25

independent clauses. See subordination in complex sentences


combined with deduction, 124–26

defined, 120–23

“In Event of Moon Disaster” (Safire), 38

Influence of Jazz, The (Conversation), 1187–1214

Influence of Phillis Wheatley, The (Conversation), 506–34

“in Just-” (Cummings), 1099–1100

“In Search of Flannery O’Connor” (Downes), 1315–19

“Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 Years On” (Clift), 80–83

insufficiency, fallacies of

circular reasoning, 104

hasty generalization, 103, 106

integrating quotations, 178–79

“In the Station of the Metro” (Pound), 1074

introduction (exordium), in classical oration, 117, 119

Inventing George Washington (Lengel), 468–69

inverted sentence patterns, 50, 813–14

Invisible Man (Ellison), 1201

Iroquois Confederacy, The Iroquois Constitution, 205–9

Iroquois Constitution, The (Iroquois Confederacy), 205–9

Irving, Washington, “Rip Van Winkle,” 435–48

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (Demuth), 1108

“I Sit and Sew” (Dunbar-Nelson), 24–25

It Costs a Dollar a Month to Sleep in These Sheds (Riis), 871

“It’s a Big Fat Juicy Cheeseburger in a Land of Tofu” (Dodge Motor Company), 75

“I Was Looking Out for Other Cars” (Federal Highway Administration), 33

Jackson, Andrew, 547

Jackson, Kathy Merlock, “Redesigning Pocahontas: Disney, the ‘White Man’s Indian,’ and the Marketing of Dreams” (with Gary Edgerton), 324–29

Jackson Pollock (Toynton), 1210–12

Jacobs, Harriet

“Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself,” 675–84

mentioned, 549, 675

Jacoby, Jeff, “The Role of Religion in Government: Invoking Jesus at the Inauguration,” 490–91

Japanese Internment and Reparations: Making It Right? (Conversation), 1214–46

Jarrell, Randall

“The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner,” 1180–81

mentioned, 1073, 1180

Jay, John

The Federalist Papers” (with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison), 404–11

mentioned, 347, 404

jazz, influence of. See Influence of Jazz, The (Conversation)

“Jazz and the African American Literary Tradition” (Early), 1189–93

“Jazz Fan Looks Back” (Cortez), 1207–8

“Jazzonia” (Hughes), 1197–98

Jefferson, Thomas

mentioned, 345, 348, 389–90

TalkBack: “Declaration of Sentiments” (Stanton), 393–95

TalkBack: “Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam” (Minh), 396–98


“The Declaration of Independence,” 390–92

“Letter to Benjamin Banneker,” 429

“The Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom,” 481–82

jeremiads, 192–93, 254. See also American Jeremiad, The (Conversation)

Jewett, Sarah Orne, “A White Heron,” 856–63

Jiles, Paulette, “Paper Matches,” 72–73

Jitterbugs VI (Johnson), 1199–1200

John Brown, Patriot or Terrorist? (Conversation), 731–57

Johnson, Andrew, 823

Johnson, James Weldon, “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” 941–43

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, “Speech to Congress, March 15, 1965,” 9–10

Johnson, William Henry, Jitterbugs VI, 1199–1200

Jones, Edward P., “The First Day,” 161–64

Jordan, June, “The Difficult Miracle of Black Poetry in America,” 517–27

Journal of the First Voyage to America (Columbus), 279–83

Joyce, James, 1125

Juan, Ana

mentioned, 1285, 1427

Reflections, 1428

“July 16, 1969, Launch, The” (Rand), 38–40

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 960–64

Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? (Sandel), 125

“Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space” (Staples), 1394–97

juxtaposition, 50

Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, The (Wolfe), 1537–40

Kaplan, Fred, 691

Käsebier, Gertrude, 941

Kasson, Joy, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West: Celebrity, Memory, and Popular History, 1050–54

Kazan, Elia, 1490

Kazin, Alfred, 1563

Kearney, Dennis, “Appeal from California. The Chinese Invasion. Workingman’s Address” (with H. L. Knight), 999–1000

Kelley, Florence, “Speech on Child Labor,” 980–82

Kennedy, John F.

inauguration of

“Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961” (Kennedy), 77–80

Inauguration of John F. Kennedy (U.S. Army Signal Corps), 84

“Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 Years On” (Clift), 80–83

mentioned, 1081


“Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association,” 486–89

“Cuban Missile Crisis Speech,” 1472–76

“Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961,” 77–80

Kennedy, Robert F., “The Mindless Menace of Violence,” 262–54

Kennedy, Sian, “Sulphur, LA,” 141

Keppler, Joseph, “Looking Backward,” 1003

Kerouac, Jack, 1556

Key, Francis Scott, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” 433–34

Khrushchev, Nikita, “Letter to John F. Kennedy,” 1477

Kidd, Sue Monk, “Doing Nothing,” 793–94

Killer Angels, The (Shaara), 21–22

Kilson, Martin, 1239–40

Kincaid, Jamaica, “Girl,” 70–71

Kindred Spirits (Durand), 556–57

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 1345–57

mentioned, 758, 1282, 1283, 1345

TalkBack: “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted” (Gladwell), 1357–66

“King Coal: Reigning in China” (Will), 12–13

“King of Jazz, The” (Barthelme), 1204–7

Kirp, David, “The Secret to Fixing Bad Schools,” 169–71

Koch, Kenneth, “Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams,” 1111–12

Komunyakaa, Yusef

“Facing It,” 1397–98

Konnikova, Maria, 1271

Krauthammer, Charles, “The 9/11 ‘Overreaction’? Nonsense,” 109

Krugman, Paul, The Conscience of a Liberal, 1508–12

Kunin, Madeleine M., The New Feminist Agenda, 991–94

Landing of Columbus (Vanderlyn), 285–86

Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, The (Currier), 190

Lange, Dorothea, I Am an American, 1220

Lapham, Louis, 385

Larson, Charles, 335

“Last Letter to His Family” (Brown), 733–35

Last Moments of John Brown, The (Hovenden), 743–45

Last of the Buffalo, The (Bierstadt), 864–65

“Last Speech” (Brown), 732–33

Lawrence, D. H.

mentioned, 364, 590, 668


“Benjamin Franklin,” 364–67

“The Spirit of Place,” 1262–63

Lazarus, Emma

“American Literature,” 1250–52

“The New Colossus,” 998

Lee, Harper, To Kill a Mockingbird, 132–33

Lee, Henry, 450

Lee, Li-Young

“The Hammock,” 1425

mentioned, 1284, 1424

Lee, Robert E., 551

Legacy of Henry David Thoreau, The (Conversation), 758–809

LeGuin, Ursula K., 1491

Lengel, Edward G.

Inventing George Washington, 468–69

mentioned, 450

Leopold, Aldo, 758

Lepore, Jill, “His Highness,” 463–67

“Let Teenagers Try Adulthood” (Botstein), 183–85

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King), 1345–57

“Letter of Apology” (Bush), 1230–31

Letters from an American Farmer (Crèvecoeur), 399–402

“Letter to Abigail Adams” (John Adams), 387–89

“Letter to Albert G. Hodges” (Lincoln), 693–95

“Letter to a Photojournalist Going-In” (Smith), 1429–30

“Letter to Barack Obama” (Morrison), 18–19

“Letter to Father and Mother” (Frethorne), 219, 221

“Letter to John Adams” (Abigail Adams), 386–87

“Letter to John Brown” (Harper), 736

“Letter to John F. Kennedy” (Khrushchev), 1477

“Letter to Phyllis Wright” (Einstein), 5

“Letter to Queen Anne of Great Britain” (Smith), 315–17

“Letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson” (Whitman), 1247–49

“Letter to Reverend Samson Occom” (Wheatley), 514–15

“Letter to Thomas Jefferson” (Banneker), 426–29

“Letter to Warner Brothers” (Marx), 62–64

“Let Us Take Up the Sword” (Green), 673–74

Leutze, Emanual

Washington Crossing the Delaware, 459

Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way, 548

Levander, Caroline, 1270

Level Playing Field, A (Early), 151

Levinson, Sanford, “Our Imbecilic Constitution,” 414–17

Lewis, R. W. B., 660

Li, Yiyun, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” 1125–26

Life on the Mississippi (Twain), 847–55

“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” (Johnson), 942–43

Lincoln, Abraham

mentioned, 550–51, 823, 1102


“The Emancipation Proclamation,” 690–91

“The Gettysburg Address,” 692

“Letter to Albert G. Hodges,” 692

“Second Inaugural Address,” 695–96

See also Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator (Conversation)

Lincoln at Gettysburg (Wills), 113

Linn, Allison, “Carmakers’ Next Problem: Generation Y,” 1551–53

literary analysis, using sources in, 149–50

literary sources, as second-hand evidence, 112–14

literary texts, analyzing, 132–36

“Litigating the Legacy of Slavery” (Ogletree), 1240–42

“Living Like Weasels” (Dillard), 785–88

“Living with Europeans” (Richter), 306–13

Locke, John, 348

logic, ethos and, 8

logical fallacies

ad hominem, 102–3

appeal to false authority, 110–11

bandwagon appeal (ad populum), 111–12

circular reasoning, 104

either/or (false dilemma), 103

logical fallacies (cont.)

faulty analogy, 103

hasty generalization, 103, 106

post hoc ergo propter hoc, 109

red herring, 102

slippery slope, 134

straw man, 103


combining with ethos and pathos, 18–20

defined, 11–12

Lomas, Herbert, 839

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

“A Psalm of Life,” 573–74

“Nature,” 575

“Looking Backward” (Keppler), 1003

“Loomings” (Melville), 643–46

Lopate, Philip, 1564

Lopez, Barry, 758

Louv, Richard, 758, 808

Lowell, Amy, “On ‘New Poetry,’” 1257–60

MacLeish, Archibald, “Voyage to the Moon,” 37

Macy, John, The Spirit of American Literature, 1252–54

Madison, James

mentioned, 347, 404


The Federalist Papers” (with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay), 404–11

“Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments,” 477–80

“‘Madness’ of John Brown, The” (McGlone), 747–50

Magritte, René, 1426

major premise, 124, 126

Malamud, Bernard, “The First Seven Years,” 1290–97

Malcolm, John, 372

Mann, Horace

mentioned, 820

Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 157–59

“Man Takes First Steps on the Moon” (Times), 34–36

“Man Who Was Almost a Man, The” (Wright), 1171–79

Marconi, Guglielmo, 828

Marcus, Ruth, “Crackberry Congress,” 16–17

Marlboro Man (McCombe), 1043–44

Marx, Groucho, “Letter to Warner Brothers,” 62–64

Marx, Karl, 1069

Mather, Cotton

mentioned, 192, 243

Wonders of the Invisible World, 243

Mather, Increase, 239

Matisse, Henri, 1069

“Matoaka als Rebecca” (van de Passe), 314–15

Matteson, Tompkins Harrison, The Trial of George Jacobs, 5th August, 1692, 247

Matthiessen, F. O., 548

McCarthy, Joseph, 1468

McCombe, Leonard, Marlboro Man, 1043–44

McDonnell, Joseph, “The Chinese Must Go,” 1001–2

McFarland, Ron, 1050

McGlone, Robert E., “The ‘Madness’ of John Brown,” 747–50

McHugh, Heather, “Auto,” 1542–43

McKay, Claude, 1071

“If We Must Die,” 1093–94

McKay, Nellie, 895, 899

McKibben, Bill, “Walden: Living Deliberately,” 759–62

McPherson, James, “Who Freed the Slaves?,” 706–14

Mead, Walter Russell, “America’s New Tiger Immigrants,” 1019–21

Mehl, Matthias, 91

Melville, Herman

mentioned, 548, 642–43

TalkBack: “At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border” (Stafford), 648


“Loomings,” 643–46

“Shiloh: A Requiem,” 647–48

“Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments” (Madison), 477–80

Mencken, H. L.

“In Defense of Women,” 423–25

mentioned, 399, 423

“Mending Wall” (Frost), 1080–81

“Message to President Franklin Pierce” (Seattle), 650–53

metaphors, 50

meter, 72

“Michael” (Sullivan), 1447–56

“Michael Jackson with and without Plastic Surgery,” 144

middle class, American. See American Middle Class, The (Conversation)

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, “First Fig,” 1090–91

Miller, Arthur

mentioned, 1279

“Why I Wrote The Crucible,” 1479–80

Mills, C. Wright, 1492, 1526

“Mindless Menace of Violence, The” (Kennedy), 263–54

Minh, Ho Chi, “Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam,” 396–98

“Miniver Cheevy” (Robinson), 920–21

minor premise, 124, 126

“Mixed Crowd, The” (Riis), 870–74

Moby-Dick (Melville), 548

“Modell of Christian Charity, A” (Winthrop), 255–56

Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, A (Hale), 249–53

“Modest Proposal, A” (Green), 653–56

modifiers, 1058–65

Momaday, N. Scott, “The Becoming of the Native: Man in America before Columbus,” 198–203

Moore, Marianne, “Poetry,” 1091–93

Moorhead, Scipio, Phillis Wheatley, 508

“More than Just a Shrine” (Gordon), 1010–13

Morley, Christopher, “On Laziness,” 67–69

Morris, George P., “The Chieftain’s Daughter: A Ballad,” 319

Morrison, Toni, “Letter to Barack Obama,” 18–19

“Mother to Son” (Hughes), 135–36

Mouly, Françoise, 1426

Mrs. Elizabeth Freake and Baby Mary (Anonymous), 228

Muir, John

mentioned, 758

“Save the Redwoods,” 42–44

Murphy, Gerald, 209

Murray, Judith Sargent

mentioned, 348, 419

“On the Equality of the Sexes,” 419–22

TalkBack: “The Feminine Mind” (Mencken), 423–25

Mutually Assured Consumption (Edelstein), 1524–25

“My Heroes Have Never Been Cowboys” (Alexie), 1047–49

“My Kinsman, Major Molineux” (Hawthorne), 558–71

“My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun—” (Dickinson), 838–39

Myth of George Washington, The (Conversation), 450–71

“Myth of the Latin Woman, The” (Cofer), 1411–15

“My Walden, My Walmart” (Sartwell), 801–92

narration (narratio), in classical oration, 117, 120

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, A (Rowlandson), 232–38

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself (Douglass), 614–24

Nast, Thomas, “Worse than Slavery,” 845–46

National Public Radio, “Wilma Mankiller Reflects on Columbus Day,” 293–96

native Americans

origin stories

“How the World Was Made,” 192–94

“Nature” (Longfellow), 575

“Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, The” (Hughes), 1102–5

“Negro Speaks of Rivers, The” (Hughes), 1101

“New Colossus, The” (Lazarus), 998

New Feminist Agenda, The (Kunin), 991–94

New Religious America, A (Eck), 492–94

Newton, Isaac, 348

New York Times Editorial Board, “Felons and the Right to Vote,” 96–98

New York Times op-ed piece” (Glass), 112

Niemann, Christoph, “Promised Land,” 1017–18

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1069

Nimmo, Joseph, Jr., “The American Cowboy,” 1024–27

Nixon, Richard, “The Checkers Speech,” 14

Noah, Timothy, 1527

“Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” (Faulkner), 1288–89

“No More Auction Block for Me” (Anonymous), 674–75

nonrestrictive appositives, 535

nonrestrictive clauses, 337

Norvig, Peter, “The Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation,” 725

“Not by Math Alone” (O’Connor and Romer), 117–19

Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin), 1324–38

Nye, Naomi Shihab

“Arabic Coffee,” 1392–93

mentioned, 1284, 1392

Oates, Joyce Carol, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?,” 1368–80

Obama, Barack, “Tucson Memorial Speech,” 271–76

O’Brien, Tim

mentioned, 1283, 1399

“On the Rainy River,” 1399–1410

“O Captain! My Captain!” (Whitman), 659–60


rhetorical situation and, 3

SOAPS and, 5–6, 23

Occom, Samson, 514–15

“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An” (Bierce), 875–82

O’Connor, Flannery, “Good Country People,” 1300–1314

TalkBack: “Beyond the Peacock: The Reconstruction of Flannery O’Connor” (Walker), 1320–21

TalkBack: “In Search of Flannery O’Connor” (Downes), 1315–19

O’Connor, Sandra Day, “Not by Math Alone” (with Roy Romer), 117–19

Office of Civil Defense, “Duck and Cover,” 1470

Ogletree, Charles, Jr., “Litigating the Legacy of Slavery,” 1240–42

O’Hara, Frank, “On Seeing Larry Rivers’ Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art,” 462–63

“Ohio Electric, The” (Ohio Electric Car Company), 1529–30

Ohio Electric Car Company, “The Ohio Electric,” 1529–30

O’Keefe, Georgia, Special No. 12, 1070

Oladipo, Jennifer, “Why Can’t Environmentalism Be Colorblind?,” 104–5

Olds, Sharon, “Rites of Passage,” 1391

O’Meally, Robert, Seeing Jazz, 1194–97

“On Being Brought from Africa to America” (Wheatley), 507

“On Bird, Bird-Watching and Jazz” (Ellison), 49–50, 51–52

One: Number 31 (Pollock), 1211

“On Laziness” (Morley), 67–69

“On ‘New Poetry’” (Lowell), 1257–60

“On Seeing Larry Rivers’ Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art” (O’Hara), 462–63

“On Self-Respect” (Didion), 1341–44

“On the Equality of the Sexes” (Murray), 419–22

“On the Rainy River” (O’Brien), 1399–1410

“Open Boat, The” (Crane), 900–917

open thesis statements, 99

oration, classical, 116–20

“Order of the Day” (Eisenhower), 17–18

Orenstein, Peggy, “What’s Wrong with Cinderella?,” 110

origin stories, native American

“How the World Was Made,” 192–94

“The Earth on Turtle’s Back,” 194–95

O’Rourke, P. J., “The End of the Affair,” 1547–50

Ostrom, Hans, “Emily Dickinson and Elvis Presley in Heaven,” 840–41

O’Sullivan, Timothy, A Harvest of Death, 685–86

Otsuka, Julie, When the Emperor Was Divine 1221–30

“Our Imbecilic Constitution” (Levinson), 414–17

“Our Wall” (Bowden), 1014–17

Outliers (Gladwell), 121–23

“Out of My Hands” (Alvarez), 165–67

Oxbow, The (Cole), 555–56

Paine, Thomas

mentioned, 345, 346, 375–76, 378, 403, 601, 1022–23


The Age of Reason, 383–84

Common Sense, 376–78

The Crisis, I, 378–79

The Final Crisis, XIII, 380–82

Painter, Nell Irvin, 403

“Paper Matches” (Jiles), 72–73

parallelism, analyzing syntax and, 50

Parini, Jay, 758, 807

Parks, Rosa, 26, 1282

Parrington, Vernon Louis, 819–20

passive voice, 1273–74


combining with ethos and logos, 18–20

defined, 13–17

“Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public Responsibilities” (Sawhill, Winship, and Grannis), 1521–23

Pearlston, Carl, 505

Penn’s Treaty with the Indians (West), 369

Percy, Benjamin, “The Virginian Teaches the Merit of a Man,” 1055–56

periodic sentence patterns, 50, 51, 812, 814

peroratio, 117

Perry, Bliss, The American Spirit in Literature, 1260–62

personal experience, 104

personification, 50

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), “Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse,” 29

Peters, John, 506

Pew Research Center, “Americans and Their Cars: Is the Romance on the Skids?,” 1543–46

Philbrick, Nathaniel, 647

phrases, parallelism and, 1558

Picasso, Pablo, 1069

Pierce, Franklin, 548

Pinker, Steven

“The Evolutionary Social Psychology of Off-Record Indirect Speech Acts,” 154–55

The Stuff of Thought, 153

“Words Don’t Mean What They Mean,” 152

Pinkus, Susan, 1324

Pinsky, Robert, 1093, 1212

Pitney, David Howard, 277

Pizarro, Francisco, 187

“Plea for Captain John Brown, A” (Thoreau), 737–42

Pocahontas, 190. See also Pocahontas: A Woman, a Movie, a Myth? (Conversation)

Pocahontas (Christy), 320–21

Pocahontas: A Woman, a Movie, a Myth? (Conversation), 305–35

Poe, Edgar Allan

mentioned, 548, 576

“The Fall of the House of Usher,” 576–89

poetic syntax, 72


close reading, 72–73

rhetorical analysis of, 21–24

“Poetry” (Moore), 1091–93

policy, claims of, 94–96

Pollock, Jackson, One: Number 31, 1211

Polyp, “Rat Race,” 137

Portrait of a German Officer (Hartley), 1082–83

post hoc ergo propter hoc, 109

Postman, Neil, 808

Pound, Ezra

mentioned, 1069, 1074


“A Few Don’ts by an Imagiste,” 1075–78

“In the Station of the Metro,” 1074

Powers, William, Hamlet’s BlackBerry, 795–800

“Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman), 287–89

Preamble to the United States Constitution, 412

TalkBack: “Our Imbecilic Constitution” (Levinson), 414–17

precise verbs, 1273

premises, in deductive reasoning, 124, 126

Problem We All Live With, The (Rockwell), 161

“Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam” (Minh), 396–98

“Prologue, The” (Bradstreet), 222–24

“Promised Land” (Niemann), 1017–18

propositions. See claims

“Psalm of Life, A” (Longfellow), 573–74


appositives and, 535–36

with cumulative, periodic, and inverted sentence patterns, 814

with subordinate clauses, 337


rhetorical situation and, 3

SOAPS checklist and, 5–6, 23

qualifier, in Toulmin model, 126–27, 130

quantitative evidence, 111

questions, asking, 48–49, 50–51

Quindlen, Anna, “The C Word in the Hallways,” 95

quotations, 178–79

Rabbit, Run (Updike), 1535–37

“Racial Reparations: Japanese American Redress and African American Claims” (Yamamoto), 1231–37

Radosh, Ronald, “Case Closed: The Rosenbergs Were Soviet Spies,” 1484–86

Ragged Dick, or Street Life in New York with the Boot Blacks (Alger), 1493–97

Rand, Ayn, “The July 16, 1969, Launch: A Symbol of Man’s Greatness” (Rand), 38–40

Rasmussen, William M. S., 335

“Rat Race” (Polyp), 137

Ray, David, 1043

Reading the Emancipation Proclamation in the Slaves’ Cabin (Herrick), 697

Reagan, Ronald

“Farewell Address,” 265–66

mentioned, 1231

reason, subordinating conjunctions indicating, 336


circular, 104

faulty (see logical fallacies)

inductive and deductive, 120–26

rebuttal, in Toulmin model, 130

Reconstruction of the South, 824

“Recruitment poster” (U.S. Navy), 28

Red Cloud, “Speech on Indian Rights,” 843–45

“Redesigning Pocahontas: Disney, the ‘White Man’s Indian,’ and the Marketing of Dreams” (Jackson and Edgerton), 324–29

red herring fallacy, 102

Red Jacket

“Defense of Native American Religion,” 484–86

mentioned, 348

Reflections (Juan), 1428


in classical oration (refutatio), 117, 120

counterarguments and, 11, 20

Relation of Cabeza de Vaca, The (Cabeza de Vaca), 210–16

relevance of evidence


ad hominem, 102–3

faulty analogy, 103

red herring, 102

need for, 101

Religious Tolerance (Conversation), 472–506

“Reluctance” (Frost), 1078–79

Remington, Frederic, A Dash for the Timber, 1028

Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time (Douglass), 699–703

Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education (Mann), 157–59

Requierimiento, The (Ferdinand of Spain), 284–85

reservation, in Toulmin model, 126–27, 130

restrictive appositives, 535

restrictive clauses, 337

Revere, Paul

mentioned, 370


engraving of Boston Massacre, 345

“The Able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught,” 370–71

Reynolds, David, “Freedom’s Martyr,” 750–52

rhetoric, introduction to

effective and ineffective rhetoric, 29–31

overview, 1

rhetorical analysis

of fiction and poetry, 21–24

of visual texts, 25–26

rhetorical appeals

combining ethos, logos, and pathos, 18–20

ethos, 8–10

logos, 11–12

pathos, 13–17

rhetorical situation, 2–4

SOAPS, 5–6

rhetorical analysis

of fiction and poetry, 21–24

of visual texts, 25–26

rhetorical appeals

combining ethos, logos, and pathos, 18–20

ethos, 8–10

logos, 11–12

pathos, 13–17

rhetorical situation

analyzing style and, 44–45

defined, 2–4

rhetorical triangle, 3–4

rhyme, 72

Rich, Adrienne

“Diving into the Wreck,” 1381–84

mentioned, 839, 1285, 1381

“Richard Cory” (Robinson), 919

Richter, Daniel

“Living with Europeans,” 306–13

mentioned, 335

Riis, Jacob

mentioned, 827, 869


Baby in a Slum Tenement, 873

It Costs a Dollar a Month to Sleep in These Sheds, 871

“The Mixed Crowd,” 870–74

“Rip Van Winkle” (Irving), 435–48

Rise of Nuclear Fear, The (Weart), 1486–89

“Rites of Passage” (Olds), 1391

Robinson, E. A.

“Miniver Cheevy,” 920–21

“Richard Cory,” 919

Rockwell, Norman, The Problem We All Live With, 161

Roethke, Theodore, “The Waking,” 1322–23

Rogerian arguments, 85–87

“Role of Religion in Government, The” (Jacoby), 490–91

“Roman Fever” (Wharton), 1128–37

Romer, Roy, “Not by Math Alone” (with Sandra Day O’Connor), 117–19

Roosevelt, Eleanor

mentioned, 1072, 1138

“What Libraries Mean to the Nation,” 1138–41

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

mentioned, 379, 1072


“Executive Order No. 9066,” 1215–17

“Second Inaugural Address: One-Third of a Nation,” 1143–46

Roosevelt, Theodore, “The Strenuous Life,” 922–25

“Rosa” (Dove), 1423–24

“Rosa Parks” (Toles), 26

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 1468

Rowlandson, Mary

mentioned, 190, 231–32

A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, 232–38

TalkBack: “Captivity” (Erdrich), 240–42

Sacco, Joe, “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” (with Chris Hedges), 1457–66

“Sacred, The” (Dunn), 1541–42

Safire, William, “In Event of Moon Disaster,” 38

Salzman, Randy, 1556

Sandel, Michael J., Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, 125

“Sandwich. Snack. Arsenic.” (American Lung Association), 270

“Santa Ana Winds, The” (Didion), 52–53

Santayana, George, 187

Santiago, Fabiola, “In College, These American Citizens Are Not Created Equal,” 106–7

Sanzgirl, Shona, 1456

Sartwell, Crispin, “My Walden, My Walmart,” 801–92

“Satisfying Meal, A,” 196–97

“Save the Redwoods” (Muir), 42–44

Sawhill, Isabel V., “Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public Responsibilities” (with Scott Winship and Kerry Searle Grannis), 1521–23

“Say It Ain’t So, Huck: Second Thoughts on Mark Twain’s Masterpiece” (Smiley), 149–50

Schama, Simon, 370

Scheibach, Michael, Atomic Narratives and American Youth: Coming of Age with the Atom, 1945–55, 1481–83

Schell, Jonathan, The Fate of the Earth, 1184–86

Schlosser, Eric, Fast Food Nation, 965–68

“School Days of an Indian Girl, The” (Zitkala-Ŝa), 935–40

“Sculptor’s Funeral, The” (Cather), 950–60

Seabiscuit (Hillenbrand), 148–49

second-hand evidence

expert opinion, 110

historical information, 108–9

literary sources, 112–14

quantitative evidence, 111

“Second Inaugural Address” (Lincoln), 695–96

“Second Inaugural Address: One-Third of a Nation” (Roosevelt), 1143–46

“Secrets of Princeton, The” (Douthat), 172–73

“Secret to Fixing Bad Schools, The” (Kirp), 169–71

Seeing Jazz (O’Meally), 1194–97

Segell, Michael, The Devil’s Horn, 1209–10

“Self-Reliance” (Emerson), 590–600

sentence patterns

coordinating, 810

cumulative, 811, 814

exercises, 814–18

inverted, 813–14

periodic, 812, 814

simple, 809

subordinating, 810

sentences, complex. See complex sentences

sentence types, 50

“Sentencing Statement” (Anthony), 971–73

Sergeant, Winthrop, 1213

Shaara, Michael, The Killer Angels, 21–22

Shapley, Harlow, 1082

shared values, 8, 10, 20

Sherr, Lynn, 934

“Shiloh: A Requiem” (Melville), 647–48

“Short History of America, A” (Crumb), 783–84

“Shut the Door” (Smith), 1007–10

“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner), 1029

similes, 50

simple sentence patterns, 809

Sinclair, Upton

The Jungle, 960–64

mentioned, 827, 960

TalkBack: Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), 965–68

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Edwards), 258–59

situation, rhetorical. See rhetorical situation

Sklar, Holly, “The Growing Gulf between the Rich and the Rest of Us,” 1506–8

“Slave Reparations Movement Adopts the Rhetoric of Victimhood, The” (Staples), 1237–39

“Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap!” (Environmental Protection Agency), 77

slippery slope fallacy, 134

Slow Food Nation (Waters), 11–12

“Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted” (Gladwell), 1358–66

Smiley, Jane, “Say It Ain’t So, Huck: Second Thoughts on Mark Twain’s Masterpiece,” 149–50

Smith, Ellison DuRant, “Shut the Door,” 1007–10

Smith, Hedrick, Who Stole the American Dream?, 1514–21

Smith, John, “Letter to Queen Anne of Great Britain,” 315–17

Smith, Tracy K., “Letter to a Photojournalist Going-In,” 1429–30

“Snow” (Alvarez), 1478–79


analysis of The Killer Angels (Shaara), 22–23

defined, 5–6

so that, 336

“Soul selects her own Society—, The” (Dickinson), 835

sound, 72

sources, synthesizing. See synthesizing sources

Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases (Wells-Barnett), 883–87

Sowell, Thomas, “Income Confusion,” 1512–13


rhetorical triangle and, 3–4

SOAPS checklist and, 5–6, 23

Special No. 12 (O’Keefe), 1070

“Speech at Pennsylvania Hall” (Weld), 47–48

“Speech of Miss Polly Baker, The” (Franklin), 350–52

“Speech on Child Labor” (Kelley), 980–82

“Speech on Indian Rights” (Red Cloud), 843–45

“Speech to Congress, March 15, 1965” (Johnson), 9–10

“Speech to the Second Virginia Convention” (Henry), 373–75

Spiegelman, Art

9/11/2001, 1426–27

mentioned, 1285, 1426

TalkBack: Reflections (Juan), 1428

Spielberg, Steven, 730

Spirit of American Literature, The (Macy), 1252–54

“Spirit of Place, The” (Lawrence), 1262–63

Stafford, William

“At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border,” 648

mentioned, 1079

Stalin, Joseph, 1280

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, “Declaration of Sentiments,” 393–95

Staples, Brent

mentioned, 1394


“Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space,” 1394–97

“The Slave Reparations Movement Adopts the Rhetoric of Victimhood,” 1237–39

“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (Key), 433–34

“Star Wars” (Ebert), 92–94

“Statement by the President of the United States” (Truman), 1181–84

statistics. See quantitative evidence

Stazesky, Richard C., 471

Steerage, The (Stieglitz), 140

Steinbeck, John

mentioned, 1072, 1147

“The Chrysanthemums,” 1147–55

Stephenson, Wen, 277, 278

Stevens, Wallace

mentioned, 1069, 1084

TalkBack: “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Tortilla” (Abeyta), 1087–89

“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” 1084–86

Stieglitz, Alfred

mentioned, 1109

The Steerage, 140

St. Marie, Buffy, 934

“Story of an Hour, The” (Chopin), 888–90

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

mentioned, 549, 627

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 627–40

straw man fallacy, 103

“Strenuous Life, The” (Roosevelt), 922–25

Stuart, Gilbert, George Washington—Lansdowne Portrait, 454–55

Stuff of Thought, The (Pinker), 153

style, analyzing

determining tone, 46–47

establishing rhetorical situation, 44–45

introduction, 41–42

model analysis, 45–46


rhetorical triangle and, 4

SOAPS checklist and, 5–6, 23

subordination, as sentence pattern, 810

subordination in complex sentences

exercises, 339–42

overview, 336–37

rhetorical and stylistic strategy, 338–39

“Subtle Problem of Charity, The” (Addams), 927–30

“Success is counted sweetest” (Dickinson), 134–35

sufficiency of evidence, 101, 103–4

fallacies of insufficiency

circular reasoning, 104

hasty generalization, 103, 106

Suffragette Madonna (Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company), 982–83

Sullivan, John Jeremiah, “Michael,” 1447–56

Sullivan, Robert, 808

“Superman and Me” (Alexie), 1420–23

“Supermarket in California, A” (Ginsberg), 667

Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, “Come and Join Us Brothers,” 687–88

support (evidence), in Toulmin model, 126–27

Sweet, Charles A., Jr., 1155

Swing Landscape (Davis), 1198–99

syllogisms, 123–24, 126


analyzing, 50, 51

poetic, 72

synthesizing sources

overview, 147–48

uses of sources

to appeal to an audience, 152–55

to inform an argument, 148–49

in literary analysis, 149–50

writing a synthesis essay

citing sources, 180

formulating position, 175–77

framing or integrating quotations, 178–79

sample essay: “You Gotta Fight for Your Right…to Education (Broderick), 180–83

See also Education: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time? (Conversation)

“Talented Tenth, The” (DuBois), 944–49

talking with the text

annotating, 52, 54–55

asking questions, 48–49, 50–51

close reading, 58–60

graphic organizers, 55–58

Tanner, Benjamin, America Guided by Wisdom (with John J. Barralet), 349

Taylor, Edward

“Huswifery,” 230–31

mentioned, 191, 230

Taylor, Paul, 1023


mentioned, 348, 430


“Address to General William Henry Harrison,” 430–32

“Address to the Osages,” 60–62

“Ten Commandments Courthouse Controversy” (Tramontina), 495–96

“Terror’s Purse Strings” (Thomas), 114–16

“Thanatopsis” (Bryant), 551–53

“Thanksgiving Table, The” (Cole), 15

“Theme for English B” (Hughes), 1298–99

Theory of the Leisure Class, The (Veblen), 976–78

“There Was a Child Went Forth” (Whitman), 657–58

thesis statements

for close-analysis essays, 65

closed, 98–99

counterargument, 99–100

open, 99

“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” (Stevens), 1084–86

“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Tortilla” (Abeyta), 1087–89

“This Is Just to Say” (Williams), 1109–10

“This Is the Car You Buy Because You Can’t Buy a Bald Eagle” (Dodge Motor Company), 468

Thomas, Dana, “Terror’s Purse Strings,” 114–16

Thoreau, Henry David

mentioned, 548


“A Plea for Captain John Brown,” 737–42

Walden, 763–77

See also The Legacy of Henry David Thoreau (Conversation)

“Those Winter Sundays” (Hayden), 1367–68

Tilton, Robert S., 335

time, subordinating conjunctions indicating, 337

Times, “Man Takes First Steps on the Moon,” 34–36

“To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe” (Bryant), 554

“To His Excellency General Washington” (Wheatley), 512–14

To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 132–33

Toles, Tom

“Crazed Rhetoric,” 86

“Rosa Parks cartoon,” 26

“To My Old Master” (Anderson), 829–30

tone, 46–47

“To S.M., a Young African Painter on Seeing His Works” (Wheatley), 508–9

“To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island” (Washington), 483

“To the University of Cambridge, in New-England” (Wheatley), 510–11

Toulmin model, 126–31

Toynton, Evelyn, Jackson Pollock, 1210–12

Trading, Traveling, and Mosquitoes (DeGrazia), 218

Tramontina, Gary, “Ten Commandments Courthouse Controversy,” 495–96

“Transported” (Herblock), 40

Trial of George Jacobs, 5th August, 1692, The (Matteson), 247

triangle, rhetorical, 3–4

“Tribute to George Washington” (Addams), 460–62

trickster stories, native American

“Coyote Gets Stuck,” 197–98

“A Satisfying Meal,” 196–97

TalkBack: “The Becoming of the Native: Man in America before Columbus” (Momaday), 198–203

Trilling, Lionel, 572

Truman, Harry S, “Statement by the President of the United States,” 1181–84

TalkBack: The Fate of the Earth (Schell), 1184–86

Truth, Sojourner

“Ain’t I a Woman?,” 626

mentioned, 549, 625–26

“Tucson Memorial Speech” (Obama), 271–76

Turner, Brian

“At Lowe’s Home Improvement Center,” 1445–46

mentioned, 1285, 1445

Turner, Frederick Jackson

mentioned, 825, 1029

“The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” 1029

Twain, Mark

Life on the Mississippi, 847–55

mentioned, 548, 847

“Un-American Bill, An” (Clancy), 1004–7

Uncle Sam Suffragee (Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company), 982–83

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 549, 627–40

“Unknown Citizen, The” (Auden), 1169–70

Updike, John, Rabbit, Run, 1535–37

U.S. Army Nurse Corps, “Recruitment poster,” 27

U.S. Army Signal Corps, “Inauguration of John F. Kennedy,” 84

Uses of Argument, The (Toulmin), 126

U.S. Navy, “Recruitment poster,” 28

value, claims of, 91–92

values, shared. See shared values

van de Passe, Simon, “Matoaka als Rebecca,” 314–15

Vanderlyn, John, Landing of Columbus, 285–86

“Van Winkle” (Crane), 449–50

“Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams” (Koch), 1111–12

Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class, 976–78

verbs, choice of

active verbs, 1273–74

direct verbs, 1272

exercises, 1274–75

overview, 1271–72

precise verbs, 1273

Vespucci, Amerigo, 187

Veteran in a New Field, The (Homer), 831

villanelle, 1324

“Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, The” (Jefferson), 481–82

Virginian, The (Wister), 1036–41

Virginian Teaches the Merit of a Man, The” (Percy), 1055–56

visual texts

analyzing, as arguments, 137–42

close reading, 74–76

rhetorical analysis of, 25–26

“Votes for Women” (Boye), 984–85

“Voyage to the Moon” (MacLeish), 37

“Waking, The” (Roethke), 1322–23

Walden (Thoreau), 763–77

“Walden” (White), 779–83

“Walden: Living Deliberately” (McKibben), 759–62

“Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom” (Ilgunas), 802–6

Walker, Alice, “Beyond the Peacock: The Reconstruction of Flannery O’Connor,” 1320–21

Walker, Samuel, Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy, 108–9

Warhol, Andy, 1109

warrant (assumption), in Toulmin model

analyzing, 127–29

defined, 126–27

using in own writing, 130

Warren, Robert Penn

All the King’s Men, 71–72

mentioned, 660

Was America Founded As a Christian Nation? (Fea), 499–503

Washington, Booker T.

“The Atlanta Exposition Address,” 891–94

mentioned, 823, 891

Washington, George

mentioned, 347, 378


“Farewell Address,” 452–54

“Letter to Colonel Lewis Nicola,” 451–52

“Letter to Phillis Wheatley,” 512–13

“To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island,” 483

See also Myth of George Washington, The (Conversation)

Washington Crossing the Delaware (Leutze), 459

Watson, Peter, 1276–77

Weart, Spencer R., The Rise of Nuclear Fear, 1486–89

Weatherford, Jack, “Examining the Reputation of Christopher Columbus,” 289–91

Webb, Stephen H., “How Soccer Is Ruining America: A Jeremiad,” 267–68

Weems, Mason Locke, A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of General George Washington, 456–57

Weld, Angelina Grimké, “Speech at Pennsylvania Hall,” 47–48

Welling, James C., 730

Wells-Barnett, Ida B.

mentioned, 823, 883

Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases, 883–87

West, Benjamin, Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, 368–69

Western Defense Command, “Evacuation Order,” 1217–19

Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way (Leutze), 548

“We Wear the Mask” (Dunbar), 895–96

Wexler, Laura, 941

Weymouth, George, 187

Wharton, Edith

“The House of Mirth,” 978–80

“Roman Fever,” 1127–37

“What, to the Slave, Is the Fourth of July?” (Douglass), 260–62

“What Columbus Day Really Means” (Connell), 296–300

What Is American Literature? (Conversation), 1247–71

“What Libraries Mean to the Nation” (Roosevelt), 1138–41

“What’s Wrong with Cinderella?” (Orenstein), 110

Wheatley, Phillis

mentioned, 348


“Letter to Reverend Samson Occom,” 514–15

“On Being Brought from Africa to America,” 507

“To His Excellency General Washington,” 512–14

“To S.M., a Young African Painter on Seeing His Works,” 508–9

“To the University of Cambridge, in New-England,” 510–11

See also Influence of Phillis Wheatley, The (Conversation)

When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1950 to the Present (Collins), 988–91

“When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer” (Whitman), 24

When the Emperor Was Divine (Otsuka), 1221–30

“When Will We Learn?” (Zakaria), 108, 111

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (Oates), 1368–80

White, E. B.

“Farewell, My Lovely!,” 1530–35

“Walden,” 779–83

White, Ronald C., Jr., 729

“White Heron, A” (Jewett), 856–63

Whitman, Walt

mentioned, 548, 657

TalkBack: “A Supermarket in California” (Ginsberg), 667


“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” 660–65

“Letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson,” 1247–49

“O Captain! My Captain!,” 659–60

“Prayer of Columbus,” 287–89

“There Was a Child Went Forth,” 657–58

“When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer,” 24

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 757

“Who Freed the Slaves?” (McPherson), 706–14

“Who Freed the Slaves? Emancipation and Its Meaning” (Berlin), 715–24

Who Stole the American Dream? (Smith), 1514–21

“Why Can’t Environmentalism Be Colorblind?” (Oladipo), 104–5

“Why Investing in Fast Food May Be a Good Thing” (Domini), 87–88

“Why I Wrote The Crucible” (Miller), 1479–80

“Why They Aren’t Writing the Great American Novel Anymore” (Wolfe), 1264–66

Will, George, “King Coal: Reigning in China,” 12–13

Williams, Roger, 506

Williams, William Carlos

mentioned, 1069, 1093, 1106

TalkBack: I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (Demuth), 1108

TalkBack: “Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams” (Koch), 1111–12


“The Great Figure,” 1106–7

“This Is Just to Say,” 1109–10

Wills, Gary

Lincoln at Gettysburg, 113

mentioned, 469, 693, 729

“Wilma Mankiller Reflects on Columbus Day” (National Public Radio), 293–96

Wilson, E. O.

Future of Life, The 788–92

mentioned, 758

Wilson, Sondra Kathryn, 943

Wilson, Woodrow, 828, 1069

Winship, Scott, “Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public Responsibilities” (with Isabel V. Sawhill and Kerry Searle Grannis), 1521–23

Winthrop, John

“A Modell of Christian Charity” (Winthrop), 255–56

mentioned, 254

Wister, Owen, The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains, 1036–41

Witchcraft at Salem Village, 191

Wolfe, Tom

The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, 1537–40

“Why They Aren’t Writing the Great American Novel Anymore,” 1264–66

Woman in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller), 607–13

women, changing roles of. See Changing Roles of Women, The (Conversation)

Women and Economics (Gilman), 974–76

“Women’s Brains” (Gould), 1385–89

Wonders of the Invisible World (Mather), 243

Wood, James, 1456

words, parallelism and, 1557

“Words Don’t Mean What They Mean” (Pinker), 152

Works Progress Administration, “Bookmobile, Louisiana,” 1141–42

“Worse than Slavery” (Nast), 845–46

Wright, Richard

mentioned, 1071, 1170

“The Man Who Was Almost a Man,” 1171–79

Wright Brothers, 828

Yamamoto, Eric K., “Racial Reparations: Japanese American Redress and African American Claims,” 1231–37

“You Gotta Fight for Your Right…to Education” (Broderick), 180–83

Young, Kevin

“Homage to Phillis Wheatley,” 515–17

mentioned, 1213

Zakaria, Fareed, “When Will We Learn?,” 108, 111

zeugma, 55, 1560–61


images, 941

mentioned, 934–35

“The School Days of an Indian Girl,” 935–40