Why long-
Why productivity is the key to long-
The factors that explain why long-
How growth has varied among several important regions of the world and why the convergence hypothesis applies to economically advanced countries
The question of sustainability and the challenges to growth posed by scarcity of natural resources and environmental degradation
On January 16, 2014, reported the New York Times, “Some residents of Beijing woke up with splitting headaches. A curtain of haze had fallen across the city of more than 20 million. It was the first ‘airpocalypse’ of the year in the Chinese capital and nearby provinces.”
As the article suggested, severe air pollution—
Unfortunately, the growth in China’s car population has run ahead of its pollution controls. And the result, combined with the emissions of the country’s burgeoning industry, is epochal smog.
Despite its troubling environmental problems, China has obviously made enormous economic strides over the past few decades. Indeed, its recent history is probably the world’s most impressive example to date of long-
Many economists have argued that long-
Before we analyze the sources of long-
The key statistic used to track economic growth is real GDP per capita—
Although we also learned in Chapter 7 that growth in real GDP per capita should not be a policy goal in and of itself, it does serve as a very useful summary measure of a country’s economic progress over time. Figure 9-1 shows real GDP per capita for the United States, India, and China, measured in 1990 dollars, from 1900 to 2010. (We’ll talk about India and China in a moment.) The vertical axis is drawn on a logarithmic scale so that equal percent changes in real GDP per capita across countries are the same size in the graph.
To give a sense of how much the U.S. economy grew during the last century, Table 9-1 shows real GDP per capita at selected years, expressed two ways: as a percentage of the 1900 level and as a percentage of the 2010 level. In 1920, the U.S. economy already produced 136% as much per person as it did in 1900. In 2010, it produced 758% as much per person as it did in 1900, an almost eightfold increase. Alternatively, in 1900 the U.S. economy produced only 13% as much per person as it did in 2010.
Year |
Percentage of 1900 real GDP per capita |
Percentage of 2010 real GDP per capita |
1900 |
100% |
13% |
1920 |
136 |
18 |
1940 |
171 |
23 |
1980 |
454 |
60 |
2000 |
696 |
92 |
2010 |
758 |
100 |
Sources: Angus Maddison, Statistics on World Population, GDP, and Per Capita GDP, 1– |
The income of the typical family normally grows more or less in proportion to per capita income. For example, a 1% increase in real GDP per capita corresponds, roughly, to a 1% increase in the income of the median or typical family—
Yet many people in the world have a standard of living equal to or lower than that of the United States at the beginning of the last century. That’s the message about China and India in Figure 9-1: despite dramatic economic growth in China over the last three decades and the less dramatic acceleration of economic growth in India, China has only recently exceeded the standard of living that the United States enjoyed in the early twentieth century, while India is still poorer than the United States was at that time. And much of the world today is poorer than China or India.
You can get a sense of how poor much of the world remains by looking at Figure 9-2, a map of the world in which countries are classified according to their 2013 levels of GDP per capita, in U.S. dollars. As you can see, large parts of the world have very low incomes. Generally speaking, the countries of Europe and North America, as well as a few in the Pacific, have high incomes. The rest of the world, containing most of its population, is dominated by countries with GDP less than $5,000 per capita—
When studying economic growth, it’s vitally important to understand the difference between a change in level and a rate of change. When we say that real GDP “grew,” we mean that the level of real GDP increased. For example, we might say that U.S. real GDP grew during 2013 by $297 billion.
If we knew the level of U.S. real GDP in 2012, we could also represent the amount of 2013 growth in terms of a rate of change. For example, if U.S. real GDP in 2012 had been $15,470 billion, then U.S. real GDP in 2013 would have been $15,470 billion + $297 billion = $15,767 billion. We could calculate the rate of change, or the growth rate, of U.S. real GDP during 2013 as: (($15,767 billion − $15,470 billion)/$15,470 billion) × 100 = $297 billion/$15,470 billion) × 100 = 1.92%. Statements about economic growth over a period of years almost always refer to changes in the growth rate.
When talking about growth or growth rates, economists often use phrases that appear to mix the two concepts and so can be confusing. For example, when we say that “U.S. growth fell during the 1970s,” we are really saying that the U.S. growth rate of real GDP was lower in the 1970s in comparison to the 1960s. When we say that “growth accelerated during the early 1990s,” we are saying that the growth rate increased year after year in the early 1990s—
According to the Rule of 70, the time it takes a variable that grows gradually over time to double is approximately 70 divided by that variable’s annual growth rate.
How did the United States manage to produce over eight times as much per person in 2013 than in 1900? A little bit at a time. Long-
To have a sense of the relationship between the annual growth rate of real GDP per capita and the long-
(Note that the Rule of 70 can only be applied to a positive growth rate.) So if real GDP per capita grows at 1% per year, it will take 70 years to double. If it grows at 2% per year, it will take only 35 years to double. In fact, U.S. real GDP per capita rose on average 1.9% per year over the last century.
Applying the Rule of 70 to this information implies that it should have taken 37 years for real GDP per capita to double; it would have taken 111 years—
Figure 9-3 shows the average annual rate of growth of real GDP per capita for selected countries from 1980 to 2013. Some countries were notable success stories: for example, China, though still quite poor, has made spectacular progress. India, although not matching China’s performance, has also achieved impressive growth, as discussed in the following Economics in Action.
Some countries, though, have had very disappointing growth. Argentina was once considered a wealthy nation. In the early years of the twentieth century, it was in the same league as the United States and Canada. But since then it has lagged far behind more dynamic economies. And still others, like Zimbabwe, have slid backward.
What explains these differences in growth rates? To answer that question, we need to examine the sources of long-
India Takes Off
India achieved independence from Great Britain in 1947, becoming the world’s most populous democracy—
Since then, however, India has done much better. As Figure 9-3 shows, real GDP per capita has grown at an average rate of 4.3% a year, more than tripling between 1980 and 2013. India now has a large and rapidly growing middle class.
What went right in India after 1980? Many economists point to policy reforms. For decades after independence, India had a tightly controlled, highly regulated economy. Today, things are very different: a series of reforms opened the economy to international trade and freed up domestic competition. Some economists, however, argue that this can’t be the main story because the big policy reforms weren’t adopted until 1991, yet growth accelerated around 1980.
Regardless of the explanation, India’s economic rise has transformed it into a major new economic power—
The big question now is whether this growth can continue. Skeptics argue that there are important bottlenecks in the Indian economy that may constrain future growth. They point in particular to the still low education level of much of India’s population and inadequate infrastructure—
Economic growth is measured using real GDP per capita.
In the United States, real GDP per capita increased eightfold since 1900, resulting in a large increase in living standards.
Many countries have real GDP per capita much lower than that of the United States. More than half of the world’s population has living standards worse than those existing in the United States in the early 1900s.
The long-
Growth rates of real GDP per capita differ substantially among nations.
Why do economists use real GDP per capita to measure economic progress rather than some other measure, such as nominal GDP per capita or real GDP?
Apply the Rule of 70 to the data in Figure 9-3 to determine how long it will take each of the countries listed there (except Zimbabwe) to double its real GDP per capita. Would India’s real GDP per capita exceed that of the United States in the future if growth rates remain as shown in Figure 9-3? Why or why not?
Although China and India currently have growth rates much higher than the U.S. growth rate, the typical Chinese or Indian household is far poorer than the typical American household. Explain why.
Solutions appear at back of book.
Labor productivity, often referred to simply as productivity, is output per worker.
Sustained economic growth occurs only when the amount of output produced by the average worker increases steadily. The term labor productivity, or productivity for short, is used to refer either to output per worker or, in some cases, to output per hour. (The number of hours worked by an average worker differs to some extent across countries, although this isn’t an important factor in the difference between living standards in, say, India and the United States.) In this book we’ll focus on output per worker. For the economy as a whole, productivity—
You might wonder why we say that higher productivity is the only source of long-
Over the longer run, however, the rate of employment growth is never very different from the rate of population growth. Over the course of the twentieth century, for example, the population of the United States rose at an average rate of 1.3% per year and employment rose 1.5% per year. Real GDP per capita rose 1.9% per year; of that, 1.7%—that is, almost 90% of the total—
So increased productivity is the key to long-
There are three main reasons why the average U.S. worker today produces far more than his or her counterpart a century ago. First, the modern worker has far more physical capital, such as machinery and office space, to work with. Second, the modern worker is much better educated and so possesses much more human capital. Finally, modern firms have the advantage of a century’s accumulation of technical advancements reflecting a great deal of technological progress.
Let’s look at each of these factors in turn.
Physical capital consists of human-
Increase in Physical Capital Economists define physical capital as manufactured resources such as buildings and machines. Physical capital makes workers more productive. For example, a worker operating a backhoe can dig a lot more feet of trench per day than one equipped only with a shovel.
The average U.S. private-
Human capital is the improvement in labor created by the education and knowledge embodied in the workforce.
Increase in Human Capital It’s not enough for a worker to have good equipment—
The human capital of the United States has increased dramatically over the past century. A century ago, although most Americans were able to read and write, very few had an extensive education. In 1910, only 13.5% of Americans over 25 had graduated from high school and only 3% had four-
Analyses based on growth accounting, described later in this chapter, suggest that education—
Technological progress is an advance in the technical means of the production of goods and services.
Technological Progress Probably the most important driver of productivity growth is technological progress, which is broadly defined as an advance in the technical means of the production of goods and services. We’ll see shortly how economists measure the impact of technology on growth.
Workers today are able to produce more than those in the past, even with the same amount of physical and human capital, because technology has advanced over time. It’s important to realize that economically important technological progress need not be flashy or rely on cutting-
The aggregate production function is a hypothetical function that shows how productivity (real GDP per worker) depends on the quantities of physical capital per worker and human capital per worker as well as the state of technology.
Productivity is higher, other things equal, when workers are equipped with more physical capital, more human capital, better technology, or any combination of the three. But can we put numbers to these effects? To do this, economists make use of estimates of the aggregate production function, which shows how productivity depends on the quantities of physical capital per worker and human capital per worker as well as the state of technology.
In general, all three factors tend to rise over time, as workers are equipped with more machinery, receive more education, and benefit from technological advances. What the aggregate production function does is allow economists to disentangle the effects of these three factors on overall productivity.
An example of an aggregate production function applied to real data comes from a comparative study of Chinese and Indian economic growth by the economists Barry Bosworth and Susan Collins of the Brookings Institution. They used the following aggregate production function:
where T represented an estimate of the level of technology and they assumed that each year of education raises workers’ human capital by 7%. Using this function, they tried to explain why China grew faster than India between 1978 and 2004. About half the difference, they found, was due to China’s higher levels of investment spending, which raised its level of physical capital per worker faster than India’s. The other half was due to faster Chinese technological progress.
An aggregate production function exhibits diminishing returns to physical capital when, holding the amount of human capital per worker and the state of technology fixed, each successive increase in the amount of physical capital per worker leads to a smaller increase in productivity.
In analyzing historical economic growth, economists have discovered a crucial fact about the estimated aggregate production function: it exhibits diminishing returns to physical capital. That is, when the amount of human capital per worker and the state of technology are held fixed, each successive increase in the amount of physical capital per worker leads to a smaller increase in productivity.
Figure 9-4 and the table to its right give a hypothetical example of how the level of physical capital per worker might affect the level of real GDP per worker, holding human capital per worker and the state of technology fixed. In this example, we measure the quantity of physical capital in dollars.
To see why the relationship between physical capital per worker and productivity exhibits diminishing returns, think about how having farm equipment affects the productivity of farmworkers. A little bit of equipment makes a big difference: a worker equipped with a tractor can do much more than a worker without one. And a worker using more expensive equipment will, other things equal, be more productive: a worker with a $40,000 tractor will normally be able to cultivate more farmland in a given amount of time than a worker with a $20,000 tractor because the more expensive machine will be more powerful, perform more tasks, or both.
But will a worker with a $40,000 tractor, holding human capital and technology constant, be twice as productive as a worker with a $20,000 tractor? Probably not: there’s a huge difference between not having a tractor at all and having even an inexpensive tractor; there’s much less difference between having an inexpensive tractor and having a better tractor. And we can be sure that a worker with a $200,000 tractor won’t be 10 times as productive: a tractor can be improved only so much. Because the same is true of other kinds of equipment, the aggregate production function shows diminishing returns to physical capital.
Diminishing returns to physical capital imply a relationship between physical capital per worker and output per worker like the one shown in Figure 9-4. As the productivity curve for physical capital and the accompanying table illustrate, more physical capital per worker leads to more output per worker. But each $20,000 increment in physical capital per worker adds less to productivity.
As you can see from the table, there is a big payoff for the first $20,000 of physical capital: real GDP per worker rises by $30,000. The second $20,000 of physical capital also raises productivity, but not by as much: real GDP per worker goes up by only $20,000. The third $20,000 of physical capital raises real GDP per worker by only $10,000. By comparing points along the curve you can also see that as physical capital per worker rises, output per worker also rises—
It’s important to realize that diminishing returns to physical capital is an “other things equal” phenomenon: additional amounts of physical capital are less productive when the amount of human capital per worker and the technology are held fixed. Diminishing returns may disappear if we increase the amount of human capital per worker, or improve the technology, or both at the same time the amount of physical capital per worker is increased.
For example, a worker with a $40,000 tractor who has also been trained in the most advanced cultivation techniques may in fact be more than twice as productive as a worker with only a $20,000 tractor and no additional human capital. But diminishing returns to any one input—
Growth accounting estimates the contribution of each major factor in the aggregate production function to economic growth.
In practice, all the factors contributing to higher productivity rise during the course of economic growth: both physical capital and human capital per worker increase, and technology advances as well. To disentangle the effects of these factors, economists use growth accounting, which estimates the contribution of each major factor in the aggregate production function to economic growth. For example, suppose the following are true:
The amount of physical capital per worker grows 3% per year.
According to estimates of the aggregate production function, each 1% rise in physical capital per worker, holding human capital and technology constant, raises output per worker by one-
It’s important to understand what diminishing returns to physical capital means and what it doesn’t mean. As we’ve already explained, it’s an “other things equal” statement: holding the amount of human capital per worker and the technology fixed, each successive increase in the amount of physical capital per worker results in a smaller increase in real GDP per worker. But this doesn’t mean that real GDP per worker eventually falls as more and more physical capital is added. It’s just that the increase in real GDP per worker gets smaller and smaller, albeit remaining at or above zero. So an increase in physical capital per worker will never reduce productivity. But due to diminishing returns, at some point increasing the amount of physical capital per worker no longer produces an economic payoff: at some point the increase in output is so small that it is not worth the cost of the additional physical capital.
In that case, we would estimate that growing physical capital per worker is responsible for 3% × 0.33 = 1 percentage point of productivity growth per year. A similar but more complex procedure is used to estimate the effects of growing human capital. The procedure is more complex because there aren’t simple dollar measures of the quantity of human capital.
Growth accounting allows us to calculate the effects of greater physical and human capital on economic growth. But how can we estimate the effects of technological progress? We do so by estimating what is left over after the effects of physical and human capital have been taken into account. For example, let’s imagine that there was no increase in human capital per worker so that we can focus on changes in physical capital and in technology.
In Figure 9-5, the lower curve shows the same hypothetical relationship between physical capital per worker and output per worker shown in Figure 9-4. Let’s assume that this was the relationship given the technology available in 1940. The upper curve also shows a relationship between physical capital per worker and productivity, but this time given the technology available in 2010. (We’ve chosen a 70-
Let’s assume that between 1940 and 2010 the amount of physical capital per worker rose from $20,000 to $60,000. If this increase in physical capital per worker had taken place without any technological progress, the economy would have moved from A to C: output per worker would have risen, but only from $30,000 to $60,000, or 1% per year (using the Rule of 70 tells us that a 1% growth rate over 70 years doubles output). In fact, however, the economy moved from A to D: output rose from $30,000 to $120,000, or 2% per year. There was an increase in both physical capital per worker and technological progress, which shifted the aggregate production function.
Total factor productivity is the amount of output that can be achieved with a given amount of factor inputs.
In this case, 50% of the annual 2% increase in productivity—
Most estimates find that increases in total factor productivity are central to a country’s economic growth. We believe that observed increases in total factor productivity in fact measure the economic effects of technological progress. All of this implies that technological change is crucial to economic growth.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the growth rate of both labor productivity and total factor productivity for nonfarm business in the United States. According to the Bureau’s estimates, over the period from 1948 to 2010 American labor productivity rose 2.3% per year. Only 49% of that rise is explained by increases in physical and human capital per worker; the rest is explained by rising total factor productivity—
In our discussion so far, we haven’t mentioned natural resources, which certainly have an effect on productivity. Other things equal, countries that are abundant in valuable natural resources, such as highly fertile land or rich mineral deposits, have higher real GDP per capita than less fortunate countries. The most obvious modern example is the Middle East, where enormous oil deposits have made a few sparsely populated countries very rich. For example, Kuwait has about the same level of real GDP per capita as Germany, but Kuwait’s wealth is based on oil, not manufacturing, the source of Germany’s high output per worker.
But other things are often not equal. In the modern world, natural resources are a much less important determinant of productivity than human or physical capital for the great majority of countries. For example, some nations with very high real GDP per capita, such as Japan, have very few natural resources. Some resource-
Historically, natural resources played a much more prominent role in determining productivity. In the nineteenth century, the countries with the highest real GDP per capita were those abundant in rich farmland and mineral deposits: the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Australia. As a consequence, natural resources figured prominently in the development of economic thought.
In a famous book published in 1798, An Essay on the Principle of Population, the English economist Thomas Malthus made the fixed quantity of land in the world the basis of a pessimistic prediction about future productivity. As population grew, he pointed out, the amount of land per worker would decline. And this, other things equal, would cause productivity to fall.
His view, in fact, was that improvements in technology or increases in physical capital would lead only to temporary improvements in productivity because they would always be offset by the pressure of rising population and more workers on the supply of land. In the long run, he concluded, the great majority of people were condemned to living on the edge of starvation. Only then would death rates be high enough and birth rates low enough to prevent rapid population growth from outstripping productivity growth.
It hasn’t turned out that way, although many historians believe that Malthus’s prediction of falling or stagnant productivity was valid for much of human history. Population pressure probably did prevent large productivity increases until the eighteenth century. But in the time since Malthus wrote his book, any negative effects on productivity from population growth have been far outweighed by other, positive factors—
It remains true, however, that we live on a finite planet, with limited supplies of resources such as oil and limited ability to absorb environmental damage. We address the concerns these limitations pose for economic growth in the final section of this chapter.
Is the End of Economic Growth in Sight?
In 2012 Robert Gordon of Northwestern University, an influential macroeconomist and economic historian, created a stir with a paper suggesting that the best days of long-
Gordon made his case, in part, by contrasting recent innovations—
The internal combustion engine
Running water and central heating
Modern chemistry
Mass communication, movies, and telephones
How does the information technology revolution stack up against these changes? In Gordon’s account, it’s less important than any one of the five. As he likes to put it, which would you rather give up—
Gordon also argues that the numbers bear him out. Figure 9-6 illustrates his argument. The blue and red lines show the historical rate of growth of real GDP per capita in the world’s “technological leaders”—Britain (red) before 1906, the United States (blue) thereafter. The green line shows a “smoothed” version of this history, which Gordon sees as a huge but temporary hump, and then extrapolates this pattern forward. As he says, growth rates got higher and higher until around the 1950s, but have fallen since then—
Is Gordon right? The most persuasive counterargument says that we have only just begun to see the payoff of modern technologies. As a recent book by MIT’s Eric Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, Race Against the Machine, points out, in the past few years innovative technologies addressing a number of seemingly intractable problems have reached the state where they’re either already on the market or ready to go—
Who’s right? As Yogi Berra said, “It‘s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” What’s clear, however, is that both sides are asking the right question, because technology is, ultimately, the main driver of long-
An increase in physical capital is one source of higher productivity, but it is subject to diminishing returns to physical capital.
Human capital and technological progress are also sources of increases in productivity.
The aggregate production function is used to estimate the sources of increases in productivity. Growth accounting has shown that rising total factor productivity, interpreted as the effect of technological progress, is central to long-
Natural resources are less important today than physical and human capital as sources of productivity growth in most economies.
Predict the effect of each of the following events on the growth rate of productivity.
The amounts of physical and human capital per worker are unchanged, but there is significant technological progress.
The amount of physical capital per worker grows at a steady pace, but the level of human capital per worker and technology are unchanged.
Output in the economy of Erewhon has grown 3% per year over the past 30 years. The labor force has grown at 1% per year, and the quantity of physical capital has grown at 4% per year. The average education level hasn’t changed. Estimates by economists say that each 1% increase in physical capital per worker, other things equal, raises productivity by 0.3%. (Hint: % change in (X/Y) = % change in X − % change in Y.)
How fast has productivity in Erewhon grown?
How fast has physical capital per worker grown?
How much has growing physical capital per worker contributed to productivity growth? What percentage of productivity growth is that?
How much has technological progress contributed to productivity growth? What percentage of productivity growth is that?
Multinomics, Inc., is a large company with many offices around the country. It has just adopted a new computer system that will affect virtually every function performed within the company. Why might a period of time pass before employees’ productivity is improved by the new computer system? Why might there be a temporary decrease in employees’ productivity?
Solutions appear at back of book.
In 1820, according to estimates by the economic historian Angus Maddison, Mexico had somewhat higher real GDP per capita than Japan. Today, Japan has higher real GDP per capita than most European nations and Mexico is a poor country, though by no means among the poorest. The difference? Over the long run—
As this example illustrates, even small differences in growth rates have large consequences over the long run. So why do growth rates differ across countries and across periods of time?
As one might expect, economies with rapid growth tend to be economies that add physical capital, increase their human capital, or experience rapid technological progress. Striking economic success stories, like Japan in the 1950s and 1960s or China today, tend to be countries that do all three: rapidly add to their physical capital through high savings and investment spending, upgrade their educational level, and make fast technological progress. Evidence also points to the importance of government policies, property rights, political stability, and good governance in fostering the sources of growth.
Savings and Investment Spending One reason for differences in growth rates between countries is that some countries are increasing their stock of physical capital much more rapidly than others, through high rates of investment spending. In the 1960s, Japan was the fastest-
Where does the money for high investment spending come from? From savings. In the next chapter we’ll analyze how financial markets channel savings into investment spending. For now, however, the key point is that investment spending must be paid for either out of savings from domestic households or by savings from foreign households—
Foreign capital has played an important role in the long-
One reason for differences in growth rates, then, is that countries add different amounts to their stocks of physical capital because they have different rates of savings and investment spending.
Education Just as countries differ substantially in the rate at which they add to their physical capital, there have been large differences in the rate at which countries add to their human capital through education.
A case in point is the comparison between Argentina and China. In both countries the average educational level has risen steadily over time, but it has risen much faster in China. Figure 9-7 shows the average years of education of adults in China, which we have highlighted as a spectacular example of long-
Research and Development The advance of technology is a key force behind economic growth. What drives technological progress?
Scientific advances make new technologies possible. To take the most spectacular example in today’s world, the semiconductor chip—
Research and development, or R&D, is spending to create and implement new technologies.
But science alone is not enough: scientific knowledge must be translated into useful products and processes. And that often requires devoting a lot of resources to research and development, or R&D, spending to create new technologies and apply them to practical use.
Although some research and development is conducted by governments, much R&D is paid for by the private sector, as discussed below. The United States became the world’s leading economy in large part because American businesses were among the first to make systematic research and development a part of their operations. The upcoming For Inquiring Minds describes how Thomas Edison created the first modern industrial research laboratory.
Developing new technology is one thing; applying it is another. There have often been notable differences in the pace at which different countries take advantage of new technologies. For example, as the following Global Comparison shows, since 2000, Italy has suffered a significant decline in its total factor productivity, while the United States and Germany have powered ahead. The sources of these national differences are the subject of a great deal of economic research.
Thomas Edison is best known as the inventor of the lightbulb and the phonograph. But his biggest invention may surprise you: he invented research and development.
Before Edison’s time, there had, of course, been many inventors. Some of them worked in teams. But in 1875 Edison created something new: his Menlo Park, New Jersey, laboratory. It employed 25 men full time to generate new products and processes for business. In other words, he did not set out to pursue a particular idea and then cash in. He created an organization whose purpose was to create new ideas year after year.
Edison’s Menlo Park lab is now a museum. “To name a few of the products that were developed in Menlo Park,” says the museum’s website, “we can list the following: the carbon button mouthpiece for the telephone, the phonograph, the incandescent lightbulb and the electrical distribution system, the electric train, ore separation, the Edison effect bulb, early experiments in wireless, the grasshopper telegraph, and improvements in telegraphic transmission.”
You could say that before Edison’s lab, technology just sort of happened: people came up with ideas, but businesses didn’t plan to make continuous technological progress. Now R&D operations, often much bigger than Edison’s original team, are standard practice throughout the business world.
In the preceding Economics in Action, we described the ongoing debate over the state of technological progress. Will information technology lead to sustained growth, or is it already past its prime? Nobody really knows. One thing does seem clear, however: some countries have been much more successful at making use of new technologies than others.
In the early stages of the information technology, or IT, revolution, it seemed that the United States was pulling ahead of Europe. That’s less clear now: some European countries have moved forward rapidly in broadband, the wireless internet, and more. But one major European nation is clearly lagging on all fronts: Italy.
The accompanying figure shows estimates of total factor productivity growth since 2000 in three countries: the United States, Germany (Europe’s largest economy), and Italy. The United States and Germany have been roughly keeping pace. But Italy seems, remarkably, to have actually been slipping backwards.
This may be, in part, a consequence of the continuing economic slump in Europe. But researchers studying Italian business argue that a variety of institutional factors, ranging from rigid labor markets to poor management, have prevented Italy from taking advantage of the opportunities new technology has to offer.
It’s a troubling picture, and one that surely should be addressed with a variety of economic reforms. Unfortunately, Italy’s troubles aren’t just economic: it also suffers from chronic political weakness, which has left successive governments with little ability to take strong action on any front.
Source The Conference Board Total Economy Database™, January 2014, http:/
Governments can play an important role in promoting—
Government Policies Government policies can increase the economy’s growth rate through four main channels.
Roads, power lines, ports, information networks, and other underpinnings for economic activity are known as infrastructure.
1. GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES TO INFRASTRUCTURE Governments play an important direct role in building infrastructure: roads, power lines, ports, information networks, and other large-
Poor infrastructure, such as a power grid that frequently fails and cuts off electricity, is a major obstacle to economic growth in many countries. To provide good infrastructure, an economy must not only be able to afford it, but it must also have the political discipline to maintain it.
Perhaps the most crucial infrastructure is something we, in an advanced country, rarely think about: basic public health measures in the form of a clean water supply and disease control. As we’ll see in the next section, poor health infrastructure is a major obstacle to economic growth in poor countries, especially those in Africa.
2. GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES TO EDUCATION In contrast to physical capital, which is mainly created by private investment spending, much of an economy’s human capital is the result of government spending on education. Government pays for the great bulk of primary and secondary education. And it pays for a significant share of higher education: 75% of students attend public colleges and universities, and government significantly subsidizes research performed at private colleges and universities. As a result, differences in the rate at which countries add to their human capital largely reflect government policy. As we saw in Figure 9-7, educational levels in China are increasing much more rapidly than in Argentina. This isn’t because China is richer than Argentina; until recently, China was, on average, poorer than Argentina. Instead, it reflects the fact that the Chinese government has made education of the population a high priority.
3. GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES TO R&D Technological progress is largely the result of private initiative. But in the more advanced countries, important R&D is done by government agencies as well. For example, the internet grew out of a system, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), created by the U.S. Defense department, then extended to educational institutions by the National Science Foundation.
If a country’s citizens trust their banks, they will place their savings in bank deposits, which the banks will then lend to their business customers. But if people don’t trust their banks, they will hoard gold or foreign currency, keeping their savings in safe deposit boxes or under the mattress, where it cannot be turned into productive investment spending. As we’ll discuss later, a well-
Until the 1990s, economic models of technological progress assumed that what drove innovation was a mystery—
At any point in time, an economy has a stock of knowledge capital—
Yet, as Romer pointed out, there is a severe wrinkle in this story: because knowledge is shared throughout the economy, it may be very difficult for an innovator to capture the rewards of his or her innovation as others exploit the innovation for their own interests. So in the New Growth Theory, government protection of intellectual property rights is critical to furthering technological progress. In addition, governments, institutions, and firms can enhance technological progress by subsidizing investments in education and research and development, which, in turn, can increase the stock of knowledge capital.
By giving us a better model of where technological progress comes from, the New Growth Theory makes clear how important the policies of government, institutions, and firms are in fostering it.
Protection of Property Rights Property rights are the rights of owners of valuable items to dispose of those items as they choose. A subset, intellectual property rights, are the rights of an innovator to accrue the rewards of her innovation. The state of property rights generally, and intellectual property rights in particular, are important factors in explaining differences in growth rates across economies. Why? Because no one would bother to spend the effort and resources required to innovate if someone else could appropriate that innovation and capture the rewards. So, for innovation to flourish, intellectual property rights must receive protection.
Sometimes this is accomplished by the nature of the innovation: it may be too difficult or expensive to copy. But, generally, the government has to protect intellectual property rights. A patent is a government-
Political Stability and Good Governance There’s not much point in investing in a business if rioting mobs are likely to destroy it, or in saving your money if someone with political connections can steal it. Political stability and good governance (including the protection of property rights) are essential ingredients in fostering economic growth in the long run.
Americans take these preconditions for granted, but they are by no means guaranteed. Aside from the disruption caused by war or revolution, many countries find that their economic growth suffers due to corruption among the government officials who should be enforcing the law. For example, until 1991 the Indian government imposed many bureaucratic restrictions on businesses, which often had to bribe government officials to get approval for even routine activities—
Even when the government isn’t corrupt, excessive government intervention can be a brake on economic growth. If large parts of the economy are supported by government subsidies, protected from imports, subject to unnecessary monopolization, or otherwise insulated from competition, productivity tends to suffer because of a lack of incentives. As we’ll see in the next section, excessive government intervention is one often-
Why Did Britain Fall Behind?
It’s one of the classic questions in economic history: Why did Britain, the home of the Industrial Revolution, by far the world’s leading economy for much of the nineteenth century, end up falling behind other nations at the start of a new century? It’s not a tragic story: the British economy continued to grow, and it remained a rich country by international standards. Still, by the early twentieth century it was obvious that British industry was no longer at the cutting edge. Instead, the United States and Germany had come to supplant Britain as the new economic frontier. What happened?
That’s not an easy question to answer. Robert Solow, an MIT economics professor and Nobel laureate who pioneered the theory of economic growth, once memorably declared that all efforts to explain Britain’s lag end in “a blaze of amateur sociology.” Indeed, among the reasons often given for the lag are such things as the excessive influence of the landed aristocracy, social barriers that prevented talented individuals from the wrong class from rising, and a cult of amateurism that was good enough for people running small family firms but not for the managers of large modern corporations.
There were, however, other factors in Britain’s relative decline that were more easily measured. Of special importance was education. Britain was much slower than other industrial countries, the United States in particular, to establish universal basic education. Moreover, its universities, for all their ancient glories, remained too focused on preparing young gentlemen for their role in society; college education was for a long time restricted to a narrow segment of the population. And Britain was late in developing the close ties between academics and industry that did so much to drive the Second Industrial Revolution in both America and Germany. These barriers to education and skill acquisition placed Britain at a human capital disadvantage.
The good news for today’s British residents is that most of these problems lie well in the past. Currently, young Britons are slightly more likely than their American counterparts to receive a college education. British real GDP per capita is still below U.S. levels, but it has made up part of the gap. And nobody walking around London today would consider it a backward-
Countries differ greatly in their growth rates of real GDP per capita due to differences in the rates at which they accumulate physical capital and human capital as well as differences in technological progress. A prime cause of differences in growth rates is differences in rates of domestic savings and investment spending as well as differences in education levels, and research and development, or R&D, levels. R&D largely drives technological progress.
Government actions can promote or hinder the sources of long-
Government policies that directly promote growth are subsidies to infrastructure, particularly public health infrastructure, subsidies to education, subsidies to R&D, and the maintenance of a well-
Governments improve the environment for growth by protecting property rights (particularly intellectual property rights through patents), by providing political stability, and through good governance. Poor governance includes corruption and excessive government intervention.
Explain the link between a country’s growth rate, its investment spending as a percent of GDP, and its domestic savings.
U.S. centers of academic biotechnology research have closer connections with private biotechnology companies than do their European counterparts. What effect might this have on the pace of creation and development of new drugs in the United States versus Europe?
During the 1990s in the former Soviet Union a lot of property was seized and controlled by those in power. How might this have affected the country’s growth rate at that time? Explain.
Solutions appear at back of book.
As we’ve seen, rates of long-
Figure 9-8 shows trends since 1960 in real GDP per capita in 2000 dollars for three countries: Argentina, Nigeria, and South Korea. (As in Figure 9-1, the vertical axis is drawn in logarithmic scale.) We have chosen these countries because each is a particularly striking example of what has happened in its region. South Korea’s amazing rise is part of a broad “economic miracle” in East Asia. Argentina’s slow progress, interrupted by repeated setbacks, is more or less typical of the disappointing growth that has characterized Latin America. And Nigeria’s unhappy story until very recently—
In 1960 South Korea was a very poor country. In fact, in 1960 its real GDP per capita was lower than that of India today. But, as you can see from Figure 9-8, beginning in the early 1960s South Korea began an extremely rapid economic ascent: real GDP per capita grew about 7% per year for more than 30 years. Today South Korea, though still somewhat poorer than Europe or the United States, looks very much like an economically advanced country.
South Korea’s economic growth is unprecedented in history: it took the country only 35 years to achieve growth that required centuries elsewhere. Yet South Korea is only part of a broader phenomenon, often referred to as the East Asian economic miracle. High growth rates first appeared in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore but then spread across the region, most notably to China. Since 1975, the whole region has increased real GDP per capita by 6% per year, more than three times America’s historical rate of growth.
How have the Asian countries achieved such high growth rates? The answer is that all of the sources of productivity growth have been firing on all cylinders. Very high savings rates, the percentage of GDP that is saved nationally in any given year, have allowed the countries to significantly increase the amount of physical capital per worker. Very good basic education has permitted a rapid improvement in human capital. And these countries have experienced substantial technological progress.
Why were such high rates of growth unheard of in the past? Most economic analysts think that East Asia’s growth spurt was possible because of its relative backwardness. That is, by the time that East Asian economies began to move into the modern world, they could benefit from adopting the technological advances that had been generated in technologically advanced countries such as the United States.
In 1900, the United States could not have moved quickly to a modern level of productivity because much of the technology that powers the modern economy, from jet planes to computers, hadn’t been invented yet. In 1970, South Korea probably still had lower labor productivity than the United States had in 1900, but it could rapidly upgrade its productivity by adopting technology that had been developed in the United States, Europe, and Japan over the previous century. This was aided by a huge investment in human capital through widespread schooling.
According to the convergence hypothesis, international differences in real GDP per capita tend to narrow over time.
The East Asian experience demonstrates that economic growth can be especially fast in countries that are playing catch-
Even before we get to that evidence, however, we can say right away that starting with a relatively low level of real GDP per capita is no guarantee of rapid growth, as the examples of Latin America and Africa both demonstrate.
In 1900, Latin America was not considered an economically backward region. Natural resources, including both minerals and cultivable land, were abundant. Some countries, notably Argentina, attracted millions of immigrants from Europe in search of a better life. Measures of real GDP per capita in Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil were comparable to those in economically advanced countries.
Since about 1920, however, growth in Latin America has been disappointing. As Figure 9-8 shows in the case of Argentina, growth has been disappointing for many decades, until 2000 when it finally began to increase. The fact that South Korea is now much richer than Argentina would have seemed inconceivable a few generations ago.
Why did Latin America stagnate? Comparisons with East Asian success stories suggest several factors. The rates of savings and investment spending in Latin America have been much lower than in East Asia, partly as a result of irresponsible government policy that has eroded savings through high inflation, bank failures, and other disruptions. Education—
In the 1980s, many economists came to believe that Latin America was suffering from excessive government intervention in markets. They recommended opening the economies to imports, selling off government-
So far, however, only one Latin American nation, Chile, has achieved sustained rapid growth. It now seems that pulling off an economic miracle is harder than it looks. Although, in recent years Brazil and Argentina have seen their growth rates increase significantly as they exported large amounts of commodities to the advanced countries and rapidly developing China.
Africa south of the Sahara is home to about 780 million people, more than 2 1/2 times the population of the United States. On average, they are very poor, nowhere close to U.S. living standards 100 or even 200 years ago. And economic progress has been both slow and uneven, as the example of Nigeria, the most populous nation in the region, suggests. In fact, real GDP per capita in sub-
This is a very disheartening story. What explains it?
Several factors are probably crucial. Perhaps first and foremost is the problem of political instability. In the years since 1975, large parts of Africa have experienced savage civil wars (often with outside powers backing rival sides) that have killed millions of people and made productive investment spending impossible. The threat of war and general anarchy has also inhibited other important preconditions for growth, such as education and provision of necessary infrastructure.
Property rights are also a major problem. The lack of legal safeguards means that property owners are often subject to extortion because of government corruption, making them averse to owning property or improving it. This is especially damaging in a country that is very poor.
While many economists see political instability and government corruption as the leading causes of underdevelopment in Africa, some—
Sachs, along with economists from the World Health Organization, has highlighted the importance of health problems in Africa. In poor countries, worker productivity is often severely hampered by malnutrition and disease. In particular, tropical diseases such as malaria can only be controlled with an effective public health infrastructure, something that is lacking in much of Africa. At the time of writing, economists are studying certain regions of Africa to determine whether modest amounts of aid given directly to residents for the purposes of increasing crop yields, reducing malaria, and increasing school attendance can produce self-
Although the example of African countries represents a warning that long-
The same is true for sub-
Are Economies Converging?
In the 1950s, much of Europe seemed quaint and backward to American visitors, and Japan seemed very poor. Today, a visitor to Paris or Tokyo sees a city that looks about as rich as New York. Although real GDP per capita is still somewhat higher in the United States, the differences in the standards of living among the United States, Europe, and Japan are relatively small.
Many economists have argued that this convergence in living standards is normal; the convergence hypothesis says that relatively poor countries should have higher rates of growth of real GDP per capita than relatively rich countries. And if we look at today’s relatively well-
Panel (a) of Figure 9-9 shows data for a number of today’s wealthy economies measured in 1990 dollars. On the horizontal axis is real GDP per capita in 1955; on the vertical axis is the average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita from 1955 to 2013. There is a clear negative relationship as can be seen from the line fitted through the points. The United States was the richest country in this group in 1955 and had the slowest rate of growth. Japan and Spain were the poorest countries in 1955 and had the fastest rates of growth. These data suggest that the convergence hypothesis is true.
But economists who looked at similar data realized that these results depend on the countries selected. If you look at successful economies that have a high standard of living today, you find that real GDP per capita has converged. But looking across the world as a whole, including countries that remain poor, there is little evidence of convergence.
Panel (b) of Figure 9-9 illustrates this point using data for regions rather than individual countries (other than the United States). In 1955, East Asia and Africa were both very poor regions. Over the next 58 years, the East Asian regional economy grew quickly, as the convergence hypothesis would have predicted, but the African regional economy grew very slowly. In 1955, Western Europe had substantially higher real GDP per capita than Latin America. But, contrary to the convergence hypothesis, the Western European regional economy grew more quickly over the next 58 years, widening the gap between the regions.
So is the convergence hypothesis all wrong? No: economists still believe that countries with relatively low real GDP per capita tend to have higher rates of growth than countries with relatively high real GDP per capita, other things equal. But other things—
Because other factors differ, however, there is no clear tendency toward convergence in the world economy as a whole. Western Europe, North America, and parts of Asia are becoming more similar in real GDP per capita, but the gap between these regions and the rest of the world is growing.
East Asia’s spectacular growth was generated by high savings and investment spending rates, emphasis on education, and adoption of technological advances from other countries.
Poor education, political instability, and irresponsible government policies are major factors in the slow growth of Latin America.
In sub-
The convergence hypothesis seems to hold only when other things that affect economic growth—
Some economists think the high rates of growth of productivity achieved by many Asian economies cannot be sustained. Why might they be right? What would have to happen for them to be wrong?
Consider Figure 9-9, panel (b). Based on the data there, which regions support the convergence hypothesis? Which do not? Explain.
Some economists think the best way to help African countries is for wealthier countries to provide more funds for basic infrastructure. Others think this policy will have no long-
Solutions appear at back of book.
Earlier in this chapter we described the views of Thomas Malthus, the early-
Sustainable long-
But will this always be the case? Some skeptics have expressed doubt about whether sustainable long-
In 1972 a group of scientists called The Club of Rome made a big splash with a book titled The Limits to Growth, which argued that long-
Figure 9-10 shows the real price of oil—
Differing views about the impact of limited natural resources on long-
How large are the supplies of key natural resources?
How effective will technology be at finding alternatives to natural resources?
Can long-
It’s mainly up to geologists to answer the first question. Unfortunately, there’s wide disagreement among the experts, especially about the prospects for future oil production. Some analysts believe that there is enough untapped oil in the ground that world oil production can continue to rise for several decades. Others, including a number of oil company executives, believe that the growing difficulty of finding new oil fields will cause oil production to plateau—
The answer to the second question, whether there are alternatives to natural resources, has to come from engineers. There’s no question that there are many alternatives to the natural resources currently being depleted, some of which are already being exploited. Indeed, since around 2005 there have been dramatic developments in energy production, with large amounts of previously unreachable oil and gas extracted through fracking, and with a huge decline in the cost of electricity generated by wind and especially solar power.
The third question, whether economies can continue to grow in the face of resource scarcity, is mainly a question for economists. And most, though not all, economists are optimistic: they believe that modern economies can find ways to work around limits on the supply of natural resources. One reason for this optimism is the fact that resource scarcity leads to high resource prices. These high prices in turn provide strong incentives to conserve the scarce resource and to find alternatives.
For example, after the sharp oil price increases of the 1970s, American consumers turned to smaller, more fuel-
This move toward conservation paused after 1990, as low real oil prices encouraged consumers to shift back to gas-
Given such responses to prices, economists generally tend to see resource scarcity as a problem that modern economies handle fairly well, and so not a fundamental limit to long-
Economic growth, other things equal, tends to increase the human impact on the environment. As we saw in this chapter’s opening story, China’s spectacular economic growth has also brought a spectacular increase in air pollution in that nation’s cities.
It’s important to realize, however, that other things aren’t necessarily equal: countries can and do take action to protect their environments. In fact, air and water quality in today’s advanced countries is generally much better than it was a few decades ago. London’s famous “fog”—actually a form of air pollution, which killed 4,000 people during a two-
Despite these past environmental success stories, there is widespread concern today about the environmental impacts of continuing economic growth, reflecting a change in the scale of the problem. Environmental success stories have mainly involved dealing with local impacts of economic growth, such as the effect of widespread car ownership on air quality in the Los Angeles basin. Today, however, we are faced with global environmental issues—
Burning coal and oil releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. There is broad scientific consensus that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other gases are causing a greenhouse effect on the Earth, trapping more of the sun’s energy and raising the planet’s overall temperature. And rising temperatures may impose high human and economic costs: rising sea levels may flood coastal areas; changing climate may disrupt agriculture, especially in poor countries; and so on.
The problem of climate change is clearly linked to economic growth. Figure 9-12 shows carbon dioxide emissions from the United States, Europe, and China since 1980. Historically, the wealthy nations have been responsible for the bulk of these emissions because they have consumed far more energy per person than poorer countries. As China and other emerging economies have grown, however, they have begun to consume much more energy and emit much more carbon dioxide.
Is it possible to continue long-
The problem is how to make all of this happen. Unlike resource scarcity, environmental problems don’t automatically provide incentives for changed behavior. Pollution is an example of a negative externality, a cost that individuals or firms impose on others without having to offer compensation. In the absence of government intervention, individuals and firms have no incentive to reduce negative externalities, which is why it took regulation to reduce air pollution in America’s cities. And as Nicholas Stern, the author of an influential report on climate change, put it, greenhouse gas emissions are “the mother of all externalities.”
So there is a broad consensus among economists—
There are also several aspects of the climate change problem that make it much more difficult to deal with than, say, smog in Beijing. One is the problem of taking the long view. The impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the climate is very gradual: carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere today won’t have its full effect on the climate for several generations. As a result, there is the political problem of persuading voters to accept pain today in return for gains that will benefit their children, grandchildren, or even great-
There is also a difficult problem of international burden sharing. As Figure 9-12 shows, today’s rich economies have historically been responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions, but newly emerging economies like China are responsible for most of the recent growth. Inevitably, rich countries are reluctant to pay the price of reducing emissions only to have their efforts frustrated by rapidly growing emissions from new players. On the other hand, countries like China, which are still relatively poor, consider it unfair that they should be expected to bear the burden of protecting an environment threatened by the past actions of rich nations.
The general moral of this story is that it is possible to reconcile long-
The Cost of Limiting Carbon
Over the years several bills have been introduced in Congress that would greatly reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases over the next few decades. By 2014, however, it was clear that given the depth of the U.S. political divide, such bills were unlikely to pass for the foreseeable future. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is already required by the Clean Air Act to regulate pollutants that endanger public health, and in 2007 the Supreme Court ruled that carbon dioxide emissions meet that criterion.
So the EPA began a series of steps to limit carbon emissions. First, it set new fuel-
But how would new rules affect the economy? A number of politicians and industry groups were quick to assert that the EPA rules would cripple economic growth. For the most part, however, economists disagreed. The EPA’s own analysis suggested that by 2030 its rules would cost the U.S. economy about $9 billion in today’s dollars each year—
Still, the EPA’s proposed rules would at best make a small dent in the problem of climate change. How much would a program that really deals with the problem cost? In April 2014 the U.N. International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that global measures limiting the rise in temperatures to 2 degrees centigrade would impose gradually rising costs, reaching about 5% of output by the year 2100. The impact on the world’s rate of economic growth would, however, be small—
Why this optimism? At a fundamental level, the key insight is that given the right incentives modern economies can find many ways to reduce emissions, ranging from the use of renewable energy sources (which have grown much cheaper in the past few years) to inducing consumers to choose goods with lower environmental impact. Economic growth and environmental damage don’t have to go together.
There’s wide disagreement about whether it is possible to have sustainable long-
Overcoming the limits to growth arising from environmental degradation is more difficult because it requires effective government intervention. Limiting the emission of greenhouse gases would require only a modest reduction in the growth rate.
There is broad consensus that government action to address climate change and greenhouse gases should be in the form of market-
Are economists typically more concerned about the limits to growth imposed by environmental degradation or those imposed by resource scarcity? Explain, noting the role of negative externalities in your answer.
What is the link between greenhouse gas emissions and growth? What is the expected effect on growth from emissions reduction? Why is international burden sharing of greenhouse gas emissions reduction a contentious problem?
Solutions appear at back of book.
When we think about innovation and technological progress, we tend to focus on the big, dramatic changes: cars replacing horses and buggies, electric lightbulbs replacing gaslights, computers replacing adding machines and typewriters. A lot of progress, however, is incremental and almost invisible to most people—
The Boeing 707, introduced in 1957, was the first commercially successful jetliner, and for a number of years it ruled the skies. When the Beatles made their famous 1964 arrival in America, it was a 707 that brought them there. So what did the 707 look like? What’s striking about it, from a modern perspective, is how ordinary it appears. Basically, it looks like a jet airliner. If you walked past one today, and nobody told you it was an antique, you probably wouldn’t notice; 50-
Furthermore, the visible performance of modern jets, like the Boeing 777 or the even more advanced 787, isn’t that much better than those of the old 707. They only fly slightly faster; once you take extra security procedures and air traffic delays into account, traveling from London to New York probably takes more time now than it did in 1964. It’s nice to have a selection of movies (although there never does seem to be anything you want to watch), and business-
Yet Boeing’s modern jets (and those of its main competitor, Airbus) are vastly more efficient than jets half a century ago—
The answer is, things passengers can’t see. Most important, there has been a drastic improvement in fuel efficiency, with modern planes using less than a third as much fuel per passenger-
The moral is that the technological progress that drives growth is much broader and more powerful than meets the eye. Even when things look more or less the same, there is often enormous change beneath the surface.
A modern jet airliner does pretty much the same thing as an airliner from the 1960s: it gets you there from here, in about the same time. Where’s the technological progress?
Do scientific advances play any role in the progress we’ve described? Explain.
Some travelers complain that the flight experience has gone downhill. Does this refute the claim of technological progress?
Growth is measured as changes in real GDP per capita in order to eliminate the effects of changes in the price level and changes in population size. Levels of real GDP per capita vary greatly around the world: more than half of the world’s population lives in countries that are still poorer than the United States was in 1900. GDP per capita in the United States is about 8 times as high as it was in 1900.
Growth rates of real GDP per capita also vary widely. According to the Rule of 70, the number of years it takes for real GDP per capita to double is equal to 70 divided by the annual growth rate of real GDP per capita.
The key to long-
The large differences in countries’ growth rates are largely due to differences in their rates of accumulation of physical and human capital as well as differences in technological progress. Although inflows of foreign savings from abroad help, a prime factor is differences in domestic savings and investment spending rates, since most countries that have high investment spending in physical capital finance it by high domestic savings. Technological progress is largely a result of research and development, or R&D.
Governments can help or hinder growth. Government policies that directly foster growth are subsidies to infrastructure, particularly public health infrastructure, subsidies to education, subsidies to R&D, and maintenance of a well-
The world economy contains examples of success and failure in the effort to achieve long-
Economists generally believe that environmental degradation poses a greater challenge to sustainable long-
The emission of greenhouse gases is clearly linked to growth, and limiting them will require some reduction in growth. However, the best available estimates suggest that a large reduction in emissions would require only a modest reduction in the growth rate.
There is broad consensus that government action to address climate change and greenhouse gases should be in the form of market-
Rule of 70 Labor productivity Productivity Physical capital Human capital Technological progress Aggregate production function Diminishing returns to physical capital Growth accounting Total factor productivity Research and development (R&D) Infrastructure Convergence hypothesis Sustainable long-run economic growth | accounting that estimates the contribution of each of the major factors (physical and human capital, labor, and technology) in the aggregate production function. a mathematical formula that states that the time it takes real GDP per capita, or any other variable that grows gradually over time, to double is approximately 70 divided by that variable’s annual growth rate. human-made resources such as buildings and machines. physical capital, such as roads, power lines, ports, information networks, and other parts of an economy, that provides the underpinnings, or foundation, for economic activity. the improvement in labor created by the education and knowledge embodied in the workforce. long-run growth that can continue in the face of the limited supply of natural resources and the impact of growth on the environment. a principle of economic growth that holds that international differences in real GDP per capita tend to narrow over time because countries that start with lower real GDP per capita tend to have higher growth rates. output per worker; also referred to as simply productivity. Increases in labor productivity are the only source of long-run economic growth. a hypothetical function that shows how productivity (real GDP per worker) depends on the quantities of physical capital per worker and human capital per worker as well as the state of technology. spending to create new technologies and prepare them for practical use. output per worker; a shortened form of the term labor productivity. the amount of output that can be produced with a given amount of factor inputs. in an aggregate production function when the amount of human capital per worker and the state of technology are held fixed, each successive increase in the amount of physical capital per worker leads to a smaller increase in productivity. an advance in the technical means of production of goods and services. |
The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 8.0, for real GDP per capita in 2005 U.S. dollars for Argentina, Ghana, South Korea, and the United States for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2011.
Complete the table by expressing each year’s real GDP per capita as a percentage of its 1960 and 2011 levels.
How does the growth in living standards from 1960 to 2011 compare across these four nations? What might account for these differences?
The accompanying table shows the average annual growth rate in real GDP per capita for Argentina, Ghana, and South Korea using data from the Penn World Table, Version 8.0, for the past few decades.
Average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita |
Years |
Argentina |
Ghana |
South Korea |
1960– |
2.15% |
0.73% |
4.94% |
1970– |
0.93 |
−1.64 |
7.07 |
1980– |
−2.57 |
−0.90 |
8.22 |
1990– |
3.40 |
1.67 |
5.81 |
2000– |
7.92 |
3.16 |
3.67 |
For each decade and for each country, use the Rule of 70 where possible to calculate how long it would take for that country’s real GDP per capita to double.
Suppose that the average annual growth rate that each country achieved over the period 2000–
The accompanying table provides approximate statistics on per capita income levels and growth rates for regions defined by income levels. According to the Rule of 70, starting in 2012 the high-
Region |
Real GDP per capita (2012) |
Average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita (2000– |
High- |
$31,372 |
1.1% |
Middle- |
2,730 |
4.7 |
Low- |
422 |
3.2 |
Source: World Bank. |
Calculate the ratio of per capita GDP in 2012 of the following:
Calculate the number of years it will take the low-
Calculate the per capita GDP of each of the regions in 2076. (Hint: How many times does their per capita GDP double in 64 years, the number of years from 2012 to 2076?)
Repeat part a with the projected per capita GDP in 2076.
Compare your answers to parts a and d. Comment on the change in economic inequality between the regions.
The country of Androde is currently using Method 1 for its production function. By chance, scientists stumble onto a technological breakthrough that will enhance Androde’s productivity. This technological breakthrough is reflected in another production function, Method 2. The accompanying table shows combinations of physical capital per worker and output per worker for both methods, assuming that human capital per worker is fixed.
Method 1 |
Method 2 |
Physical capital per worker |
Real GDP per worker |
Physical capital per worker |
Real GDP per worker |
0 |
0.00 |
0 |
0.00 |
50 |
35.36 |
50 |
70.71 |
100 |
50.00 |
100 |
100.00 |
150 |
61.24 |
150 |
122.47 |
200 |
70.71 |
200 |
141.42 |
250 |
79.06 |
250 |
158.11 |
300 |
86.60 |
300 |
173.21 |
350 |
93.54 |
350 |
187.08 |
400 |
100.00 |
400 |
200.00 |
450 |
106.07 |
450 |
212.13 |
500 |
111.80 |
500 |
223.61 |
Using the data in the accompanying table, draw the two production functions in one diagram. Androde’s current amount of physical capital per worker is 100. In your figure, label that point A.
Starting from point A, over a period of 70 years, the amount of physical capital per worker in Androde rises to 400. Assuming Androde still uses Method 1, in your diagram, label the resulting point of production B. Using the Rule of 70, calculate by how many percent per year output per worker has grown.
Now assume that, starting from point A, over the same period of 70 years, the amount of physical capital per worker in Androde rises to 400, but that during that time period, Androde switches to Method 2. In your diagram, label the resulting point of production C. Using the Rule of 70, calculate by how many percent per year output per worker has grown now.
As the economy of Androde moves from point A to point C, what share of the annual productivity growth is due to higher total factor productivity?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly releases the “Productivity and Costs” report for the previous month. Go to www.bls.gov and find the latest report. (On the Bureau of Labor Statistics home page, from the tab “Subjects,” select the link to “Productivity: Labor Productivity & Costs”; then, from the heading “LPC News Releases,” find the most recent “Productivity and Costs” report.) What were the percent changes in business and nonfarm business productivity for the previous quarter? How does the percent change in that quarter’s productivity compare to the percent change from the same quarter a year ago?
What roles do physical capital, human capital, technology, and natural resources play in influencing long-
How have U.S. policies and institutions influenced the country’s long-
Over the next 100 years, real GDP per capita in Groland is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 2.0%. In Sloland, however, growth is expected to be somewhat slower, at an average annual growth rate of 1.5%. If both countries have a real GDP per capita today of $20,000, how will their real GDP per capita differ in 100 years? [Hint: A country that has a real GDP today of $x and grows at y% per year will achieve a real GDP of $x × (1 + (y/100))z in z years. We assume that 0 ≤ y ≤ 10.]
The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 8.0, for real GDP per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) in France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States in 1950 and 2011. Complete the table. Have these countries converged economically?
1950 |
2011 |
Real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) |
Percentage of U.S. real GDP per capita |
Real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) |
Percentage of U.S. real GDP per capita |
France |
$6,475 |
? |
$29,476 |
? |
Japan |
2,329 |
? |
31,587 |
? |
United Kingdom |
9,669 |
? |
32,079 |
? |
United States |
15,136 |
? |
42,244 |
? |
The accompanying table shows data from the Penn World Table, Version 8.0, for real GDP per capita (2005 U.S. dollars) for Argentina, Ghana, South Korea, and the United States in 1960 and 2011. Complete the table. Have these countries converged economically?
1960 |
2011 |
Real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) |
Percentage of U.S. real GDP per capita |
Real GDP per capita (2005 dollars) |
Percentage of U.S. real GDP per capita |
Argentina |
$6,585 |
? |
$13,882 |
? |
Ghana |
1,557 |
? |
2,349 |
? |
South Korea |
1,610 |
? |
29,618 |
? |
United States |
15,136 |
? |
42,244 |
? |
Why would you expect real GDP per capita in California and Pennsylvania to exhibit convergence but not in California and Baja California, a state of Mexico that borders the United States? What changes would allow California and Baja California to converge?
According to the Oil & Gas Journal, the proven oil reserves existing in the world in 2012 consisted of 1,525 billion barrels. In that year, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that the world daily oil production was 75.58 million barrels a day.
At this rate, for how many years will the proven oil reserves last? Discuss the Malthusian view in the context of the number you just calculated.
In order to do the calculations in part a, what did you assume about the total quantity of oil reserves over time? About oil prices over time? Are these assumptions consistent with the Malthusian view on resource limits?
Discuss how market forces may affect the amount of time the proven oil reserves will last, assuming that no new oil reserves are discovered and that the demand curve for oil remains unchanged.
The accompanying table shows the annual growth rate for the years 2000–
2000– |
Country |
Real GDP per capita |
CO2 emissions per capita |
Argentina |
2.25% |
2.95% |
Bangladesh |
4.16 |
6.52 |
Canada |
1.10 |
−0.33 |
China |
10.72 |
9.31 |
Germany |
1.25 |
−1.20 |
Ireland |
0.57 |
−0.96 |
Japan |
0.59 |
−0.16 |
South Korea |
3.74 |
3.06 |
Mexico |
0.79 |
1.72 |
Nigeria |
5.93 |
−0.55 |
Russia |
5.08 |
1.61 |
South Africa |
2.73 |
1.63 |
United Kingdom |
1.05 |
−1.09 |
United States |
0.74 |
−0.60 |
Sources: Energy Information Administration; The Conference Board |
Rank the countries in terms of their growth in CO2 emissions, from highest to lowest. What five countries have the highest growth rate in emissions? What five countries have the lowest growth rate in emissions?
Now rank the countries in terms of their growth in real GDP per capita, from highest to lowest. What five countries have the highest growth rate? What five countries have the lowest growth rate?
Would you infer from your results that CO2 emissions are linked to growth in output per capita?
Do high growth rates necessarily lead to high CO2 emissions?
For interactive, step-
14. You are hired as an economic consultant to the countries of Albernia and Brittania. Each country’s current relationship between physical capital per worker and output per worker is given by the curve labeled “Productivity1” in the accompanying diagram. Albernia is at point A and Brittania is at point B.
In the relationship depicted by the curve Productivity1, what factors are held fixed? Do these countries experience diminishing returns to physical capital per worker?
Assuming that the amount of human capital per worker and the technology are held fixed in each country, can you recommend a policy to generate a doubling of real GDP per capita in Albernia?
How would your policy recommendation change if the amount of human capital per worker could be changed? Assume that an increase in human capital doubles the output per worker when physical capital per worker equals $10,000. Draw a curve on the diagram that represents this policy for Albernia.