Each block of trials during the word presentation will follow the same basic pattern. DONE 4. A sentence will be presented. The sentence will be one of the three types below (This is our IV): DONE A. Case Sentence: Is this word in upper case? (This sentence is the same for all words in this condition - 20) DONE B. Rhymes Sentence: Does this word rhyme with _____? (The blank is filled from the rhyming word possibilities in the attached word file. Yes and No words are indicated.) DONE C. Semantic Sentence: Is this word _____________? (This sentence will be determined by the word and is shown in the attached word file. There are Yes and No sentences). DONE D. Parameters for these sentences. DONE 1. No word from the word list can be shown more than once. DONE 2. Font size of all text is 20 point. DONE 3. Each sentence type will be shown 20 times, 10 Yes answers and 10 No answers. DONE 4. There are 60 trials. DONE 5. Another 60 words will be used as distractors in the recognition phase of the experiment. DONE 6. At the bottom of a screen is the phrase “Press the space bar to continue.” The space bar should act like a Next button. DONE 5. After the space bar is pressed, the screen is blank for 0.5 seconds. DONE 6. Then one of the words is presented for 200 ms in the center of the screen experiment font. For each question condition, the word is in uppercase 50% of the time (10 trials) and lowercase for the other 50% of the trials (10 trials). DONE A. Below the word are two buttons Yes and No. The keyboard shortcuts also work. DONE 7. Repeat steps 2-7 until all trials are complete. DONE 8. At the end of the 60 words, new instructions appear on the screen. To complete this experiment, you will now be asked how many of the words presented you can recall. On the next screen, click on as many words as you remember from the first three lists.” On the next line: “Press the space bar to begin. 9. On the screen will be 120 buttons: 60 of the buttons will have the words shown in the first task, and the other 60 buttons will have the distractor words. The position of the word on the grid of 120 buttons is random. A. Participants are to click 60 buttons to indicate the words they have seen. They many not select more than 60 buttons. There should be a window that counts the buttons pressed, and the buttons should go inactive after being selected. B. There should be a Done button at the bottom of the screen for the participant to enter the data.