numberRowsMaximum number of rows in the legend.
numberColumnsMaximum number of columns in the legend.
seriesTogglefalse to not enable series on/off toggling on the legend.
seriesToggleReplotTrue to replot the chart after toggling series on/off.
disableIEFadingtrue to toggle series with a show/hide method only and not allow fading in/out.



this.numberRows = null

Maximum number of rows in the legend.  0 or null for unlimited.


this.numberColumns = null

Maximum number of columns in the legend.  0 or null for unlimited.


this.seriesToggle = 'normal'

false to not enable series on/off toggling on the legend. true or a fadein/fadeout speed (number of milliseconds or ‘fast’, ‘normal’, ‘slow’) to enable show/hide of series on click of legend item.


this.seriesToggleReplot = false

True to replot the chart after toggling series on/off.  This will set the series show property to false.  This allows for rescaling or other maniplation of chart.  Set to an options object (e.g.  {resetAxes: true}) for replot options.


this.disableIEFading = true

true to toggle series with a show/hide method only and not allow fading in/out.  This is to overcome poor performance of fade in some versions of IE.

this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.seriesToggle = 'normal'
false to not enable series on/off toggling on the legend.
this.seriesToggleReplot = false
True to replot the chart after toggling series on/off.
this.disableIEFading = true
true to toggle series with a show/hide method only and not allow fading in/out.