DONE - 1. To start the experiment: DONE - A. The words “Press the space bar to begin the experiment.” will appear. DONE - B. When the space bar is hit, the following events happen: DONE - 2. At the beginning of a trial, the fixation mark (+) will be shown at the center of the screen and should stay on for 0.75 seconds. DONE - 3. There should be a brief blank period for 0.25 seconds. DONE - 4. Then, centered where the fixation mark was, a word will be presented for 3 seconds. DONE - A. The word is in all capitals and is in a 24 point sans serif font. DONE - B. The word is selected at random from the entire list of words. DONE - C. The word can be used only once in an experiment. DONE - 5. After this word is presented, the next word is presented for 3 seconds. DONE - 6. This continues until all 20 words have been presented. DONE - A. We need to capture the word presented and its position in the list. DONE - B. Here is an initial list of words: family, kitchen, young, matter, accept, ocean, became, fellow, please, demand, escape, flower, taken, provide, given, increase weather, letter, doctor, battle, middle, caught, modern, enjoy, heard, forth, notice, remain, below, board, period, cover, taken, fight, before, career, defeat, every, going, hello, junior, keeps, light, mellow, never, option, period, river, sight, terror, woman, yellow, crisis, drifting, elevator, forever, mountain, select, great, tower, ability, broadest, capable, depend, eligible, follow, grateful, hollow, interest, juvenile, laughter, mortal, nucleus, opaque, retreat, safeguard, tremor, valuable, youngest, staple. DONE - 7. After the list has been presented, there will either be a delay or immediate retrieval of the list. DONE - A. The delay or immediate retrieval will be selected with a 50% probability. DONE - B. The delay will be 2-minutes long during which the participant will do the tracking task from the Brown-Peterson Task using the default parameters: DONE - -A dot should appear on the screen moving randomly. The movement should have the following general parameters: DONE - 1. The dot should be 4 pixels wide and circular DONE - 2. Each update of the screen it should move 4 pixels. DONE - 3. Each update, the direction of the dot should change random +/- 30 degrees. DONE - 4. When the dot hits the wall it should bounce off in a reflection manner (angle of incident = angle it comes off the circle). DONE - -There should be a square on the screen 25 pixels wide that the participant drags (with their mouse) to keep up with the dot. DONE - The square is: DONE - 5. Cyan when the dot is in the square. DONE - 6. Yellow when the dot is not in the square, but less than 10 diameters away. DONE - 7. Red when the dot is more than 10 diameters away. DONE - 8. When the dot moves more than 10 diameters away, another tone (2000 Hz for .5 seconds) should be sounded as well. DONE - 8. Either immediately or after the tracking task, 40 buttons will be shown on the screen in an 8 x 5 pattern, with each button containing 1 word. DONE - A. 20 buttons should have the words that were presented DONE - B. 20 buttons should be other words from the list that are not used at any other time in the experiment. DONE - C. The words should be in a 24 point sans serif font. DONE - D. The positioning of the words is random. DONE - E. (If we can do recall, the person should be given 20 blank windows to type in. A tab will move from window to window). DONE - F. This will not be timed. DONE - G. There is a button at the bottom of the screen for the participants to indicate when they are done. It should say "Done" DONE - 9. After the first trial there is a 5-second blank screen. DONE - 10. Then repeat steps 2-8. If there was a delay (step 7) the first time, there will not be a delay the second time; likewise, if there was no delay, then there will be one.