Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 marginBottom, Legend
 marginLeft, Legend
 marginRight, Legend
 marginTop, Legend
 markerOptions, Series
 name, $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay
 needlePad, $.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer
 needleThickness, $.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer
 negativeColor, Series
 neighborThreshold, Series
 noDataIndicator, jqPlot
 numberTicks, Axis
 objects, $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay
 offset, $.jqplot.shadowRenderer
 openColor, $.jqplot.OHLCRenderer
 pad, Axis
 padMax, Axis
 padMin, Axis
 pegNeedle, $.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer
 placement, Legend
 predraw, Legend
 ringColor, $.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer
 ringMargin, $.jqplot.DonutRenderer
 ringWidth, $.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer
 rowSpacing, Legend
this.marginBottom = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginLeft = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginRight = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginTop = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.mark = 'outside'
tick mark on the axis.
this.mark = 'outside'
tick mark on the axis.
this.markerOptions = {}
renderer specific options to pass to the markerRenderer, see $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.
this.markerRenderer = new $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer({shadow:false})
Renderer used to draw the marker of the highlighted point.
this.markerRenderer = {show:false}
Renderer to use to draw markers on the line.
this.markerRenderer = $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer
A class of a renderer which will draw marker (e.g.
this.markSize = 6
Length of the tick marks in pixels.
this.markSize = 4
Length of the tick marks in pixels.
Maximum value on the gauge.
this.max = null
maximum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
Minimum value on the gauge.
this.min = null
minimum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
this.minorTicks = 0
Number of ticks to add between “major” ticks.
this.minorTicks = 'auto'
Number of ticks to add between “major” ticks.
Optional name for the overlay object.
this.needlePad = 6
Padding between needle and inner edge of the ring when the needle is at the min or max gauge value.
this.needleThickness = null
Maximum thickness the needle.
css color spec used for filled (area) plots that are filled to zero and the “useNegativeColors” option is true.
this.neighborThreshold = 4
how close or far (in pixels) the cursor must be from a point marker to detect the point.
Options to set up a mock plot with a data loading indicator if no data is specified.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
Desired number of ticks.
this.objects = []
this.offset = 1
Pixel offset at the given shadow angle of each shadow stroke from the last stroke.
this.offsetBars = false
False will center bars on their y value.
this.openColor = null
color of the open price tick mark.
this.pad = 1.2
Padding to extend the range above and below the data bounds.
this.padding = 20
padding between the donut and plot edges, legend, etc.
this.padding = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20}
padding between the funnel and plot edges, legend, etc.
this.padding = null
padding between the meterGauge and plot edges, auto calculated by default.
this.padding = 20
padding between the pie and plot edges, legend, etc.
this.padMax = null
Padding to extend the range above data bounds.
this.padMin = null
Padding to extend the range below data bounds.
this.pegNeedle = true
True will stop needle just below/above the min/max values if data is below/above min/max, as if the meter is “pegged”.
this.placement = "insideGrid"
“insideGrid” places legend inside the grid area of the plot.
this.position = null
Position of axis.
Wether to draw the legend before the series or not.
this.prefix = ''
String to prepend to the tick label.
this.prefix = ''
String to prepend to the tick label.
this.pt2px = null
Point to pixel scaling factor, used for computing height of bounding box around a label.
this.pt2px = null
Point to pixel scaling factor, used for computing height of bounding box around a label.
this.renderer = new $.jqplot.LineRenderer()
Renderer to use to draw the trend line.
this.renderer = $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer
A class of a rendering engine that handles tick generation, scaling input data to pixel grid units and drawing the axis element.
this.renderer = $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer
Instance of a renderer which will actually render the grid, see $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer.
this.renderer = $.jqplot.LineRenderer
A class of a renderer which will draw the series, see $.jqplot.LineRenderer.
this.renderer = $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer
A class for creating a DOM element for the title, see $.jqplot.DivTitleRenderer.
this.rendererOptions = {marker:{show:false}}
Options to pass to the line renderer.
this.rendererOptions = {}
renderer specific options.
this.rendererOptions = {}
Options to pass on to the renderer, see $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer.
this.rendererOptions = {}
renderer specific options passed to the renderer.
this.rendererOptions = {}
Options to pass on to the renderer.
this.rendererOptions = {}
renderer specific options passed to the renderer.
this.ringColor = "#BBC6D0"
color of the outer ring, hub, and needle of the gauge.
this.ringMargin = null
pixel distance between rings, or multiple series in a donut plot.
this.ringWidth = null
width of the ring around the gauge.
this.rowSpacing = '0.5em'
css padding-top spec for the rows in the legend.