Chapter 1. False Fame

1.1 Introduction

Cognitive Tool Kit

False Fame

Jacoby and colleagues (1989) tested the ability of individuals to use their source memory to recall whether names that were familiar to them were familiar because the names were of famous people or because they had seen the names in a list in the recent past. The researchers demonstrated that individuals will often report that a name made familiar by presentation in the study portion of their experiment will become indistinguishable from actual famous names in the context of their experimental method. This provided evidence for an already-established experimental phenomenon, known as the sleeper effect, which has been observed in studies of persuasion in which information from a questionable source is initially rejected, but later influences decision-making (Greenwald et al, 1986).


Jacoby, L. L., Kelley, C., Brown, J., & Jasechko, J. (1989). Becoming famous overnight: limits on the ability to avoid unconscious influences of the past, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56(3), 326-338.

Greenwald, A. G., Pratkanis, A. R., Leippe, M. R., & Baumgardner, M. H. (1986). Under what conditions does theory obstruct research progress? Psychological Review, 93, 216-229.

Dywan, J., & Jacoby, L. (1990). Effects of aging on source monitoring: differences in susceptibility to false fame, Psychology and Aging, 5(3), 379-387.

1.2 Experiment Setup

1.3 Instructions


You will need to press the space bar to start the experiment. At the beginning of each block, a fixation mark will appear. Please look at this mark. After a brief delay, a series of names will then be presented on the screen one at a time. Please pronounce each name out loud. You will be tested later on the accuracy of your pronunciation. Some names will appear only once, while others will appear multiple times.

1.4 Experiment

Begin Experiment

1.5 Results


1.6 Quiz


Question 1.1

All of these except recognition performance were independent variables in Jacoby’s 1989 study. Each of the other three was manipulated by the experimenters.

Question 1.2

The correct answer is delayed recognition testing of names leads to a feeling of familiarity without clear knowledge of the source of the familiarity. Jacoby’s study refers to this phenomenon as a sleeper effect because it happens to individuals unconsciously over time. They lose the ability to remember when or where they saw the name. They just know that they are familiar with it and they confuse such names with famous names they have seen elsewhere.

Question 1.3

All of these conditions were used in Jacoby’s 1989 study, except famous names presented once during the study procedure. Only nonfamous names were used during the study procedure. The famous names were used during the test procedure only as distractors.

Question 1.4

Discrimination of famous and nonfamous names was the dependent variable in the 1989 study by Jacoby and colleagues. Participants were required to determine where they had been exposed to the names earlier in the experiment or in another type of exposure during daily life.

Question 1.5

Deception was used because Jacoby and colleagues didn't want participants to memorize the names.