Plugin class representing the cursor as displayed on the plot.
$.jqplot. | Plugin class representing the cursor as displayed on the plot. |
Properties | |
style | CSS spec for cursor style |
show | wether to show the cursor or not. |
showTooltip | show a cursor position tooltip. |
followMouse | Tooltip follows the mouse, it is not at a fixed location. |
tooltipLocation | Where to position tooltip. |
tooltipOffset | Pixel offset of tooltip from the grid boudaries or cursor center. |
showTooltipGridPosition | show the grid pixel coordinates of the mouse. |
showTooltipUnitPosition | show the unit (data) coordinates of the mouse. |
showTooltipDataPosition | Used with showVerticalLine to show intersecting data points in the tooltip. |
tooltipFormatString | sprintf format string for the tooltip. |
useAxesFormatters | Use the x and y axes formatters to format the text in the tooltip. |
tooltipAxisGroups | Show position for the specified axes. |
zoom | Enable plot zooming. |
looseZoom | Will expand zoom range to provide more rounded tick values. |
clickReset | Will reset plot zoom if single click on plot without drag. |
dblClickReset | Will reset plot zoom if double click on plot without drag. |
showVerticalLine | draw a vertical line across the plot which follows the cursor. |
showHorizontalLine | draw a horizontal line across the plot which follows the cursor. |
constrainZoomTo | ‘none’, ‘x’ or ‘y’ |
intersectionThreshold | pixel distance from data point or marker to consider cursor lines intersecting with point. |
showCursorLegend | Replace the plot legend with an enhanced legend displaying intersection information. |
cursorLegendFormatString | Format string used in the cursor legend. |
constrainOutsideZoom | True to limit actual zoom area to edges of grid, even when zooming outside of plot area. |
showTooltipOutsideZoom | True will keep updating the tooltip when zooming of the grid. |
methods | |
$.jqplot. | links targetPlot to controllerPlot so that plot zooming of targetPlot will be controlled by zooming on the controllerPlot. |
this.tooltipFormatString = '%.4P, %.4P'
sprintf format string for the tooltip. Uses Ash Searle’s javascript sprintf implementation found here: See for reference Note, if showTooltipDataPosition is true, the default tooltipFormatString will be set to the cursorLegendFormatString, not the default given here.
$.jqplot.Cursor.zoomProxy = function( targetPlot, controllerPlot )
links targetPlot to controllerPlot so that plot zooming of targetPlot will be controlled by zooming on the controllerPlot. controllerPlot will not actually zoom, but acts as an overview plot. Note, the zoom options must be set to true for zoomProxy to work.
CSS spec for cursor style = 'crosshair'
wether to show the cursor or not. = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins
show a cursor position tooltip.
this.showTooltip = true
Tooltip follows the mouse, it is not at a fixed location.
this.followMouse = false
Where to position tooltip.
this.tooltipLocation = 'se'
Pixel offset of tooltip from the grid boudaries or cursor center.
this.tooltipOffset = 6
show the grid pixel coordinates of the mouse.
this.showTooltipGridPosition = false
show the unit (data) coordinates of the mouse.
this.showTooltipUnitPosition = true
Used with showVerticalLine to show intersecting data points in the tooltip.
this.showTooltipDataPosition = false
sprintf format string for the tooltip.
this.tooltipFormatString = '%.4P, %.4P'
Use the x and y axes formatters to format the text in the tooltip.
this.useAxesFormatters = true
Show position for the specified axes.
this.tooltipAxisGroups = []
Enable plot zooming.
this.zoom = false
Will expand zoom range to provide more rounded tick values.
this.looseZoom = true
Will reset plot zoom if single click on plot without drag.
this.clickReset = false
Will reset plot zoom if double click on plot without drag.
this.dblClickReset = true
draw a vertical line across the plot which follows the cursor.
this.showVerticalLine = false
draw a horizontal line across the plot which follows the cursor.
this.showHorizontalLine = false
‘none’, ‘x’ or ‘y’
this.constrainZoomTo = 'none'
pixel distance from data point or marker to consider cursor lines intersecting with point.
this.intersectionThreshold = 2
Replace the plot legend with an enhanced legend displaying intersection information.
this.showCursorLegend = false
Format string used in the cursor legend.
this.cursorLegendFormatString = $.jqplot.Cursor.cursorLegendFormatString
True to limit actual zoom area to edges of grid, even when zooming outside of plot area.
this.constrainOutsideZoom = true
True will keep updating the tooltip when zooming of the grid.
this.showTooltipOutsideZoom = false
links targetPlot to controllerPlot so that plot zooming of targetPlot will be controlled by zooming on the controllerPlot.
$.jqplot.Cursor.zoomProxy = function( targetPlot, controllerPlot )