The default line renderer for jqPlot, this class has no options beyond the Series class.  Draws series as a line.

$.jqplot.LineRendererThe default line renderer for jqPlot, this class has no options beyond the Series class.
smoothTrue to draw a smoothed (interpolated) line through the data points with automatically computed number of smoothing points.
constrainSmoothingTrue to use a more accurate smoothing algorithm that will not overshoot any data points.
bandDataData used to draw error bands or confidence intervals above/below a line.
bandsBanding around line, e.g error bands or confidence intervals.
showtrue to show the bands.
colorcolor of lines at top and bottom of bands [default: series color].
showLinesTrue to show lines at top and bottom of bands [default: false].
fillTrue to fill area between bands [default: true].
fillColorcss color spec for filled area.
intervalUser specified interval above and below line for bands [default: ‘3%’’].
highlightMouseOverTrue to highlight area on a filled plot when moused over.
highlightMouseDownTrue to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over an area on a filled plot.
highlightColorcolor to use when highlighting an area on a filled plot.



this.renderer.smooth = false

True to draw a smoothed (interpolated) line through the data points with automatically computed number of smoothing points.  Set to an integer number > 2 to specify number of smoothing points to use between each data point.


this.renderer.constrainSmoothing = true

True to use a more accurate smoothing algorithm that will not overshoot any data points.  False to allow overshoot but produce a smoother looking line.


this.renderer.bandData = []

Data used to draw error bands or confidence intervals above/below a line.

bandData can be input in 3 forms.  jqPlot will figure out which is the low band line and which is the high band line for all forms:

A 2 dimensional array like [[yl1, yl2, ...], [yu1, yu2, ...]] where [yl1, yl2, ...] are y values of the lower line and [yu1, yu2, ...] are y values of the upper line.  In this case there must be the same number of y data points as data points in the series and the bands will inherit the x values of the series.

A 2 dimensional array like [[[xl1, yl1], [xl2, yl2], ...], [[xh1, yh1], [xh2, yh2], ...]] where [xl1, yl1] are x,y data points for the lower line and [xh1, yh1] are x,y data points for the high line. x values do not have to correspond to the x values of the series and can be of any arbitrary length.

Can be of form [[yl1, yu1], [yl2, yu2], [yl3, yu3], ...] where there must be 3 or more arrays and there must be the same number of arrays as there are data points in the series.  In this case, [yl1, yu1] specifies the lower and upper y values for the 1st data point and so on.  The bands will inherit the x values from the series.


Banding around line, e.g error bands or confidence intervals.


true to show the bands.  If bandData or interval is supplied, show will be set to true by default.


color of lines at top and bottom of bands [default: series color].


True to show lines at top and bottom of bands [default: false].


True to fill area between bands [default: true].


css color spec for filled area.  [default: series color].


interval: '3%' }

User specified interval above and below line for bands [default: ‘3%’’].  Can be a value like 3 or a string like ‘3%’ or an upper/lower array like [1, -2] or [‘2%’, ‘-1.5%’]



this.highlightMouseOver = true

True to highlight area on a filled plot when moused over.  This must be false to enable highlightMouseDown to highlight when clicking on an area on a filled plot.


this.highlightMouseDown = false

True to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over an area on a filled plot.  This will be disabled if highlightMouseOver is true.


this.highlightColor = null

color to use when highlighting an area on a filled plot.

An individual data series object.
this.renderer.smooth = false
True to draw a smoothed (interpolated) line through the data points with automatically computed number of smoothing points.
this.renderer.constrainSmoothing = true
True to use a more accurate smoothing algorithm that will not overshoot any data points.
this.renderer.bandData = []
Data used to draw error bands or confidence intervals above/below a line.
interval: '3%' }
User specified interval above and below line for bands [default: ‘3%’’].
this.highlightMouseOver = true
True to highlight area on a filled plot when moused over.
this.highlightMouseDown = false
True to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over an area on a filled plot.
this.highlightColor = null
color to use when highlighting an area on a filled plot.