Change in the kinetic energy K of an object during its motion
{"title":"Change in the kinetic energy K of an object during its motion","description":"Correct!","type":"correct","color":"#99CCFF","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"82,133\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"39,6,72,48\"}]"} {"title":"Change in the potential energy U associated with an object during its motion","description":"Wrong","type":"incorrect","color":"#ffcc00","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"118,11,119,13\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"171,5,209,49\"}]"}Equation 6-24 refers to the change in kinetic energy ΔK and the change in potential energy ΔU during the motion. If the only forces that do work on the object are conservative forces, the sum of these is zero: Any increase in kinetic energy comes with an equal decrease in potential energy, and vice versa. In \perpher words, the total mechanical energy E remains constant as it transforms back and forth between the kinetic and potential forms.