Wired <<pop: www.wired.com>> magazine is known for its reports on new technologies as well as investigative reporting on how new technology affects our culture and economy. It is a respected magazine that coined the term “crowdsourcing,” which we now use to describe community-
Wired / Condé Nast<<embed 17_Wired from \\Fozzie\newmedia\@Drop_Box\Content_English\McWhorter, Successful College Writing, 6e\BIM Files >>
Download transcript. <<pop: 17_Wired_Coffee_Transcript.pdf>>
Analyzing the Writer’s Technique
After watching What’s Inside: Coffee <<pop: 17_Wired from \\Fozzie\newmedia\@Drop_Box\Content_English\McWhorter, Successful College Writing, 6e\BIM Files>>, answer the questions below. Then submit your responses.
25. Does the video use the principle of classification or division? What groups or parts does the video use to describe coffee? Use specific examples to support your answer.
Your answer will differ from this one in the way it is written, but it should include roughly the same information.
26. What other patterns of development does What’s Inside: Coffee use? Include specific details and examples from the video to support your answer.
Possible Answer: Process analysis, cause-
Thinking Critically about Classification and Division
After watching What’s Inside: Coffee <<pop: 17_Wired from \\Fozzie\newmedia\@Drop_Box\Content_English\McWhorter, Successful College Writing, 6e\BIM Files>>, answer the questions below. Then submit your responses.
27. What is the purpose of the video, and how does using classification or division help achieve that purpose?
28. Does the video provide sufficient detail about each category? What other kinds of details or topics might it have included?
Possible Answer: The video is brief and does not claim to include all the ingredients in coffee. The video is intended to be short and engaging, so the amount of detail was appropriate. The visuals associated with each compound, such as the moving cockroach illustrations for the cockroach pheromone and the earthworm for the earthy taste, provide enough detail to make the science surprising and interesting. The video might have included more detail about the compounds that make types of coffees taste different.