Research Exercise

The Science of Sexual Arousal

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
The Science of Sexual Arousal

Sexual dysfunctions—disorders in which people cannot respond normally in key areas of sexual functioning—make it difficult or impossible to enjoy sexual intercourse. Subsequently, such dysfunction also makes it difficult to engage in a satisfying sexual relationship, which often leads to sexual frustration, guilt, loss of self-esteem, and interpersonal problems. Men and women experience sexual arousal differently, both physiologically and psychologically. Now, with the help of innovative research methods, psychologists are gaining new insights that can help both men and women regarding sexual arousal.

After reading the American Psychological Association Monitor article “The Science of Sexual Arousal,” consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

1 of 4

According to the article, men who have arousal difficulties tend to equate their problems of arousal with:

2 of 4

Which researcher is well known for investigating the impact of anxiety in sexual arousal problems, and for researching anxiety associated with the threat of mild electric shock?

3 of 4

According to the study by Janssen and Bancroft involving SIS1, SIS2, and SES, who is most vulnerable to developing a sexual problem?
One possible answer is that those most vulnerable would be individuals who are high in inhibition-proneness.

4 of 4

Why is it difficult to get funding for research on sexual motivation and sexual arousal?
One possible answer is that these areas of sex-related research are not considered to be as important as issues like HIV and AIDS. Also, discussion of topics such as sexual motivation and sexual arousal might still be considered taboo.

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