Research Exercise

Criminal Profiling: The Reality Behind the Myth

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
Criminal Profiling: The Reality Behind the Myth

Forensic science has been popularized and commercialized by television programs and films in recent years. Crime shows that include forensic science and criminal profiling have fascinated viewers, but they have also promulgated a misunderstanding of the field of profiling. Forensic psychology incorporates tenets of both clinical psychology and criminology. Forensic psychologists work every day with law enforcement officials, integrating psychological science and criminal profiling. Criminal profiling can be a useful tool for law enforcement, as long it is interpreted with caution and its respective limitations are understood. This article helps separate fact from fiction when discussing criminal profiling.

After reading the American Psychological Association Monitor’s article “Criminal Profiling: The Reality Behind the Myth,” consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

1 of 5

In what year was George Metesky arrested?

2 of 5

In what year did the FBI form its Behavioral Science Unit to investigate serial rape and homicide cases?

3 of 5

John Douglas and Robert Ressler developed the idea of:

4 of 5

When was the first case of “profiling”?
One possible answer might be as early as the 1880s. Criminal profiling was used by two doctors, George Phillips and Thomas Bond, who used crime scene clues to assist in determining the identity of Jack the Ripper, responsible for gruesome murders in England.

5 of 5

What are the four crime phases?
One possible answer might be that the four phases include: antecedent, method and manner, body disposal, and post-offense behavior.

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