Chapter 1. Research Exercise

The Importance of Cultural Competence in Therapeutic Interventions

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
The Importance of Cultural Competence in Therapeutic Interventions

The sociocultural model of abnormality highlights the importance of taking into account one’s immediate environment, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, and similar factors that impact their thoughts and behaviors. Only recently has there been a surge in focus on multicultural or culturally sensitive treatment approaches. Unfortunately, many studies have found that members of ethnic and racial minority groups are less likely to show improvement and are more likely to account for the larger attrition rates in clinical treatment (APA, 2020c; Tilhou et al., 2020; Alegría, 2019). Inclusion of sensitive and distinctive issues that those in minority groups face is key to the development and success of a multicultural therapy.

After reading Sue, Zane, Hall, and Berger’s “The Case for Cultural Competency in Psychotherapeutic Interventions,” consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

Question 1.1


Question 1.2


Question 1.3


Question 1.4

EBPs are evidence-based practices that demonstrate value through effectiveness or efficacy research, while ESTs are empirically supported treatments that are a type of EBP that result in positive outcomes. Prior to 2008 little research had been conducted on EBPs or ESTs in relation to minority populations, thus more is needed to know what practices and treatments are most successful in providing positive outcomes for these groups.

Question 1.5

As noted in the research by Norcross and Goldfried (1992), and summarized in the article, various factors contribute to improvement in psychotherapy patients: 30% from therapist and relationship factors; 40% from client, family, and other environmental factors; and 30% from specific treatment techniques and expectancy factors. This finding highlights the importance of both the therapist and the treatment in impacting the successfulness of therapy with a client, yet these topics are often addressed separately in the research literature. More research is needed to demonstrate how culturally competent therapists and the use of multicultural therapy approaches interact to impact the treatment of minority populations.

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