Research Exercise

Women and Depression: Understanding the Gender Gap

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
Women and Depression: Understanding the Gender Gap

Overall, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression or a related mood disorder as men. Many potential factors could explain this difference, including cultural and gender roles that may inhibit men from identifying depressive symptoms in themselves. This article suggests that specific life events that can only be experienced by women may be one potential explanation for the gender difference.

After reading “Women and Depression: Understanding the Gender Gap,” consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

1 of 5

Postpartum depression occurs in what percentage of women?

2 of 5

During what age range is depression most common among women?

3 of 5

What stage prior to menopause heightens the risk of a woman developing depression as the result of hormone fluctuations?

4 of 5

Why might there be a strong connection between eating disorders and depression?
One possible answer might involve the cognitive distortions and low self-esteem and poor body image that are associated with both eating disorders and depression.

5 of 5

How might pregnancy increase the risk of developing depression during or after pregnancy?
One possible answer might involve such possible pre-pregnancy factors as relationship problems, lifestyle or work changes, lack of social support, and previous episodes of depression prior to pregnancy.

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