Research Exercise

Behavioral Activation for Treatment of Depression

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
Behavioral Activation for Treatment of Depression

Behavioral activation as a treatment for unipolar depression has strong research support; the research has shown positive treatment outcomes and a reduction of depressive symptoms. Behavioral activation is used by some clinicians, and cited by researchers, for its simplicity and ease of implementation. It focuses on engaging individuals in more pleasurable activities, increasing their sense of mastery and competency, and improving their overall mood. The University of Michigan has prepared an information sheet that can help everyone gain a better understanding of the practicality and utility of such a treatment intervention.

After reading “Behavioral Activation for Depression,” consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

1 of 5

Behavioral activation draws a great deal of its interventions and strategies from what theory?

2 of 5

Which of the following is NOT identified as a motivation tip for clinicians working with patients during behavioral activation treatment?

3 of 5

Which of the following is NOT a problem-solving step in a behavioral activation acceptance plan?

4 of 5

Discuss at least two benefits of using SMART goals in your behavioral activation treatment.
One possible answer is that the more specifically your goal is identified, the more clearly you can determine if you have actually met that goal successfully.

5 of 5

Avoidance tends to lead to fewer opportunities for positive reinforcement from a person’s environment. How does behavioral activation increase opportunities for positive reinforcement?
One possible answer is that behavioral activation includes scheduling activities, which forces people to structure their day to include multiple activities. Behavioral activation also allows people to gain mastery and competency by creating a hierarchy of behaviors and activities to engage in over time. People start with small goals, receive positive reinforcement and reward from completing those goals, and then move on to more difficult or challenging goals.

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