Research Exercise

Gender Dysphoria

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Research Exercise
Gender Dysphoria

The biological sex of male or female may not accurately, or entirely, describe how one identifies one’s own gender. Gender dysphoria is a classification that is used to describe individuals whose gender presentation does not match the gender they were assigned at birth. Such individuals do not identify themselves by the gender typically assigned to their biological sex, but rather by their own gender identity. For instance, a biological male could identify as a woman. Those with gender dysphoria may also experience a multitude of mental health concerns (e.g., depression, anxiety) because their gender identity is not immediately accepted by their culture or society. Gender dysphoria is not well understood, and, as a result, a great deal of misinformation and stigmatization about it exists.

After reading the National Health Services’ article about gender dysphoria and watching “Jay’s story,” consider the following questions. Then submit your responses.

1 of 5

According to the article, which term best describes a person who does not identify as either a man or a woman?

2 of 5

In the video clip, what was an obstacle Jay had to overcome at the beginning of his transition?

3 of 5

According to the article around _____ people where referred to adult gender dysphoria services between 2018 and 2019.

4 of 5

What might be some symptoms of gender dysphoria in teenagers?
One possible answer might be that the teen shows signs of depression or anxiety and expresses distress as the physical changes of puberty occur.

5 of 5

Define social transitioning and explain its importance for managing gender dysphoria.
One possible answer might include that social transitioning is living as one’s preferred gender. It is an important step because the person transitioning defines how they want to live their life going forward and it shows clinicians that further treatments, such as hormone therapy or gender surgery, are the right course of action for them.

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