Authors: Ronald J. Comer, Princeton University and Jonathan S. Comer, Florida International University
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In family therapy, the therapist meets with all members of a family, helps point out problem behaviors and interactions, and helps the family to change its problematic ways. In some of the sessions, all of the family members meet with the therapist together, but in other sessions the parents alone or the children alone may meet with the therapist. In this video you will see an excerpt from a family therapy session in which the parents alone are meeting with the therapist. The therapist is renowned family therapist Monica McGoldrick. The family has been experiencing multiple problems, including a suicide attempt by the couple’s teenage daughter (Maria), the addition to the family of the mother’s adult daughter (Vanessa) by a previous relationship, the father’s unhappiness over the new family constellation, the father’s unemployment, and the mother and father’s increased fighting.
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