Chapter 26. Theory of Mind: Taking the Perspective of Others


Theory of Mind: Taking the Perspective of Others
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Theory of Mind: Taking the Perspective of Others

Author: Melanie Maggard, University of Maryland Global Campus

Photo Credit: © Hans Barten/Moment/Getty Images

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26.1 Theory of Mind: Taking the Perspective of Others

This video shows children being shown by an adult how to play a candy game, which is used to test theory of mind. Children can be seen successfully or unsuccessfully playing the game themselves based on whether they have developed theory of mind.

26.2 Check Your Understanding

Question 26.1

Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Children younger than 3 typically have difficulty with theory of mind.

Question 26.2

Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Theory of mind is the ability to determine the perspective of others.

Question 26.3

Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Theory of mind is similar to mentalization.

Question 26.4

Sorry, your answer is incorrect. “Mind-blindness” may be present in those with autism spectrum disorder.

26.3 Activity Completed!

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