Adults: Social Readjustment Rating Scale* | |
1. | Death of spouse |
2. | Divorce |
3. | Marital separation |
4. | Jail term |
5. | Death of close family member |
6. | Personal injury or illness |
7. | Marriage |
8. | Fired at work |
9. | Marital reconciliation |
10. | Retirement |
11. | Change in health of family member |
12. | Pregnancy |
13. | Sex difficulties |
14. | Gain of new family member |
15. | Business readjustment |
16. | Change in financial state |
17. | Death of close friend |
18. | Change to different line of work |
19. | Change in number of arguments with spouse |
20. | Mortgage over $10,000 |
21. | Foreclosure of mortgage or loan |
22. | Change in responsibilities at work |
Students: Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire† | |
1. | Death (family member or friend) |
2. | Had a lot of tests |
3. | It’s finals week |
4. | Applying to graduate school |
5. | Victim of a crime |
6. | Assignments in all classes due the same day |
7. | Breaking up with boy/girlfriend |
8. | Found out boy/girlfriend cheated on you |
9. | Lots of deadlines to meet |
10. | Property stolen |
11. | You have a hard upcoming week |
12. | Went into a test unprepared |
13. | Lost something (especially wallet) |
14. | Death of a pet |
15. | Did worse than expected on test |
16. | Had an interview |
17. | Had projects, research papers due |
18. | Did badly on a test |
19. | Parents getting divorce |
20. | Dependent on other people |
21. | Having roommate conflicts |
22. | Car/bike broke down, flat tire, etc. |
* Full scale has 43 items. (Reprinted from Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol 11, Holmes, T. H., & Rahe, R. H., The Social Readjustment Rating Scale, 21 | |
† Full scale has 83 items. (Information from: Crandall, C. S., Preisler, J. J., & Aussprung, J. (1992). Measuring life event stress in the lives of college students: The Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire (USQ). Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 15(6), 62 |