Items | Inventory | |
Suicidal ideas | 0 | I don’t have any thoughts of killing myself. |
1 | I have thoughts of killing myself but I would not carry them out. | |
2 | I would like to kill myself. | |
3 | I would kill myself if I had the chance. | |
Work inhibition | 0 | I can work about as well as before. |
1 | It takes extra effort to get started at doing something. | |
2 | I have to push myself very hard to do anything. | |
3 | I can’t do any work at all. | |
Loss of libido | 0 | I have not noticed any recent change in my interest in sex. |
1 | I am less interested in sex than I used to be. | |
2 | I am much less interested in sex now. | |
| 3 | I have lost interest in sex completely. |