The Influence of Eating Disorder Websites

Eating disorders are increasing among teens. The Internet and social media, important facets of young people’s lives, cater to their curiosity and general use of the Internet for information. A proliferation of pro-eating-disorder websites promote unhealthy eating and fad diets, and encourage maladaptive behaviors and thoughts. Such websites are a cause of concern to many in the mental health and primary care communities. The National Eating Disorder Information Centre and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders present current information on the influence of these websites on young people.

After reading the information on the NEDIC and ANAD websites, consider the question(s) below. Then “submit” your response.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a reason someone may create a pro-eating-disorder website?


Which of the following is not a reason someone may create a pro-eating-disorder website?

Question 2

Pro-eating-disorder websites present eating disorders as:


Pro-eating-disorder websites present eating disorders as:

Question 3

A recent study in 2010 by researchers at John Hopkins found what percentage of Internet sites geared toward eating disordered populations to have pro-eating-disorder language?


A recent study in 2010 by researchers at John Hopkins found what percentage of Internet sites geared toward eating disordered populations to have pro-eating-disorder language?

Question 4

How can parents get involved and reduce the effects of these pro-eating-disorder sites?

How can parents get involved and reduce the effects of these pro-eating-disorder sites?
One possible answer might be for parents to open up a dialogue and communication with their teens, and to present appropriate resources and information that would provide an accurate idea of the risks of eating disorders.

Question 5

A study mentioned on the ANAD site that was published in European Eating Disorders Review noted that health college females, with no previous history of eating-disordered behaviors, were exposed to 1.5 hours of pro-eating-disorder websites. The female students subsequently exhibited reduced caloric intake over the following week. Why do you think this happened?

 A study mentioned on the ANAD site that was published in European Eating Disorders Review noted that health college females, with no previous history of eating-disordered behaviors, were exposed to 1.5 hours of pro-eating-disorder websites. The female students subsequently exhibited reduced caloric intake over the following week. Why do you think this happened?
One possible answer might be that exposure to these websites brought attention to flaws in themselves made them feel self-conscious. So they then engaged in eating-disordered behavior to reduce anxiety about their body image.