When Health Fears Hurt Health

Phobias, characterized by exaggerated and excessive fears of situations, objects, and people that are disproportionate to the real current danger or threat, can be more debilitating than we think. People will sometimes neglect their health because of phobias, avoiding necessary checkups at the offices of health care professionals like doctors and dentists because of their excessive and overwhelming fears of needles, disease, and germs. This article discusses how psychological interventions may show promise in treating such fears.


After reading “When Health Fears Hurt Health”, consider the question(s) below. Then “submit” your response.

Question 1

Individuals in Bihar-India self-reported ___________________ illness compared to Individuals in the United States.


Individuals in Bihar-India self-reported ___________________ illness compared to Individuals in the United States.

Question 2

Dr. Bruce Peltier uses what type of intervention for individuals with dental phobias?


Question 3

According to Dr. Lars-Goran, what is the rate of fainting for individuals with blood phobias when these individuals are in a phobic situation?


According to Dr. Lars-Goran, what is the rate of fainting for individuals with blood phobias when these individuals are in a phobic situation?

Question 4

Describe how phobias can affect one's general health.

One possible answer might be that if an individual fears needles, he or she may refuse vaccinations and therefore be susceptible to illness and disease. In some states vaccinations are required for employment with certain populations (e.g., children and geriatric) and so it may limit employment opportunities.

Question 5

What treatments for blood-injection injury phobias are discussed in the article?

What treatments for blood-injection injury phobias are discussed in the article?
A possible answer might be the therapy called Self-Injection Anxiety Therapy (SIAT). This therapy includes 6 sessions that focus on treating the anxiety and overcoming avoidance tactics.