Cognition and Sexual Arousal

Sexual dysfunctions, as discussed in Chapter 11 (pp. 358–360), are disorders in which people cannot respond normally in key areas of sexual functioning. This makes it difficult or impossible to enjoy sexual intercourse and a satisfying sexual relationship, which often leads to sexual frustration, guilt, loss of self-esteem, and interpersonal problems. Men and women experience sexual arousal differently, both physiologically and psychologically. Psychologists are gaining new insights into sexual arousal with the help of innovative research methods that can help both men and women.

After reading the article, “The Science of Sexual Arousal” from American Psychological Association, consider the questions below. Then submit your responses.

Question 1


Question 2


Question 3

Answers will vary. One possibility: Those most vulnerable would be individuals high in inhibition-proneness.

Question 4

Answers will vary. One possibility: Such areas of research are not deemed as important as other sex-related issues, such as HIV and AIDS. There might also still be a stigma attached to research into sex.

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