In Their Words
“In most of us, by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster and will never soften again.”
William James, Principles of Psychology, 1890
Most of today’s clinicians believe that personality disorders represent important and troubling patterns. Yet, as you read at the beginning of this chapter, DSM-
Some of the criteria used to diagnose the DSM-
Clinicians differ widely in their judgments about when a normal personality style crosses the line and deserves to be called a disorder. Some even believe that it is wrong ever to think of personality styles as mental disorders, however troublesome they may be.
The personality disorders often are very similar to one another. Thus it is common for people with personality problems to meet the diagnostic criteria for several DSM-
People with quite different personalities may qualify for the same DSM-
In Their Words
“We continue to shape our personality all our life.”
Albert Camus
In light of these problems, the leading criticism of DSM-
Which key personality dimensions should clinicians use to help identify people with personality problems? Some theorists believe that they should rely on the dimensions identified in the “Big Five” theory of personality, dimensions that have received enormous attention by personality psychologists over the years.
When Does Hostility Cross the Line?
67% | Percentage of young adult drivers who consider themselves aggressive drivers |
30% | Percentage of elderly drivers who consider themselves aggressive drivers |
14% | Motorists who have shouted at or had a honking match with another driver in the past year |
7% | Motorists who “give the finger” when upset by other drivers |
2% | Motorists who have had a fist fight with another driver |
(Information from: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010; OFWW, 2004; Kanner, 2005, 1995; Herman, 1999)
A large body of research consistently suggests that the basic structure of personality may consist of five “supertraits,” or factors—
Many proponents of the Big Five model have argued further that it would be best to describe all people with personality disorders as being high, low, or in between on the five supertraits and to drop the use of personality disorder categories altogether (Glover et al., 2012; Lawton et al., 2011). Thus a particular person who currently qualifies for a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder might instead be described as displaying a high degree of neuroticism, medium degrees of agreeableness and conscientiousness, and very low degrees of extroversion and openness to new experiences. Similarly, a person currently diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder might be described in the Big Five approach as displaying very high degrees of neuroticism and extroversion, medium degrees of conscientiousness and openness to new experiences, and a very low degree of agreeableness.
A lie is a false statement that a person makes in order to deliberately deceive another person. Everyone lies. But there is lying, and then there is “lying.” Psychologists often distinguish several kinds of lying: everyday lying, compulsive lying, and sociopathic lying. Compulsive and sociopathic lying are often referred to, collectively, as pathological lying.
Everyday liars: Almost everyone lies on occasion
Compulsive liars: Some people consistently lie out of habit, even when nothing is gained by the lies.
Sociopathic liars: Some people lie incessantly, without any concern for others, in order to get their way.
The “Big Five” approach to personality disorders is currently receiving study and may wind up being used in the next edition of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the classification system for medical and psychiatric diagnoses used in many countries outside the United States (Aldhous, 2012). In the meantime, as you read earlier, the DSM-
personality disorder—
This approach begins with the notion that people whose traits significantly impair their functioning should receive a diagnosis called personality disorder—
Negative Affectivity People who display negative affectivity experience negative emotions frequently and intensely. In particular, they exhibit one or more of the following traits: emotional lability (unstable emotions), anxiousness, separation insecurity, perseveration (repetition of certain behaviors despite repeated failures), submissiveness, hostility, depressivity, suspiciousness, and strong emotional reactions (overreactions to emotionally arousing situations).
Detachment People who manifest detachment tend to withdraw from other people and social interactions. They may exhibit any of the following traits: restricted emotional reactivity (little reaction to emotionally arousing situations), depressivity, suspiciousness, withdrawal, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure or take interest in things), and intimacy avoidance. You’ll note that two of the traits in this group—
Antagonism People who display antagonism behave in ways that put them at odds with other people. They may exhibit any of the following traits: manipulativeness, deceitfulness, grandiosity, attention seeking, callousness, and hostility (hostility is also found in the negative affectivity group).
Disinhibition People who manifest disinhibition behave impulsively, without reflecting on potential future consequences. They may exhibit any of the following traits: irresponsibility, impulsivity, distractibility, risk taking, and imperfection/disorganization.
Psychoticism People who display psychoticism have unusual and bizarre experiences. They may exhibit any of the following traits: unusual beliefs and experiences, eccentricity, and cognitive and perceptual dysregulation (odd thought processes and sensory experiences).
In Their Words
“We try me playing cocky, but I just don’t have the arrogance. Apparently, I’m too “vulnerable” for ferocity. I’m not witty. Funny. Sexy. Or mysterious. By the end of the session, I am no one at all.”
Katniss, The Hunger Games
If a person is impaired significantly by any of the five trait groups, or even by just 1 of the 25 traits that make up those groups, he or she would qualify for a diagnosis of personality disorder—
Consider, for example, Matthew, the unhappy 34-
According to this dimensional approach, when clinicians assign a diagnosis of personality disorder—
Consider Matthew once again. He would probably warrant a rating of “0” on most of the 25 traits listed in the DSM-
Diagnosis: Personality Disorder—
Separation insecurity: Rating 4
Submissiveness: Rating 4
Anxiousness: Rating 3
Depressivity: Rating 3
Other traits: Rating 0
This dimensional approach to personality disorders may indeed prove superior to DSM-