Table 7.2 Types of Love
Type Description Explanation
Eros Beauty and sexuality Sex is the most important aspect of erotic love. This type of relationship is quite intense, both emotionally and physically, focusing on beauty and attractiveness.
Ludus Entertainment and excitement Ludus means “play” in Latin, and the ludic lover views love as a game. Ludic love does not require great commitment.
Storge Peacefulness and slowness Storge is a type of love that lacks passion and excitement. Storgic lovers often share common interests but rarely disclose any feelings about their relationship.
Pragma Deed, task, work In Greek, pragma means “life work.” Pragmatic lovers are extremely logical and practical. They want a long-term relationship with someone who shares their goals in life.
Mania Elation and depression This is the love that is often referred to as “romantic love.” It exhibits extreme feelings and is full of intense excitement, but it reaches a peak and then quickly fades away.
Agape Compassion and selflessness In this type of love, the individual gives willingly and expects nothing in return. This type of lover can care for others without close ties; a deep relationship is not necessary for agapic love to develop.