Chapter 11 Essay Quiz

Chapter 11 Essay Quiz

Question 11.22

1. Describe the three types of speeches highlighted in the chapter.

• Informative speeches (aim to increase the audience’s understanding and knowledge of a topic). • Persuasive speeches (intended to influence the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of the audience). • Special-occasion speeches (given at common events such as weddings, funerals, and other gatherings).

Question 11.23

2. Identify the factors that influence audience members.

• The speaking situation • The information their culture provides about public speaking • Their knowledge about the speaker • Situational factors such as the time of day of the speech, events happening in the outside world, and the comfort and attractiveness of the room

Question 11.24

3. Identify the various types of supporting materials for a speech.

• Expert testimony • Lay testimony • Scientific research findings • Statistics • Anecdotes • Quotations • Comparisons and contrasts

Question 11.25

4. How should supporting materials be critically evaluated?

• Credibility (from a reputable source • Timeliness (up-to-date information) • Accuracy (accurate information) • Compelling information (grabs the audience’s attention)

Question 11.26

5. Identify the four principles to which ethical speakers must adhere.

• Trustworthiness • Respectfulness • Responsibility • Fairness