What About You? Assessing Your Practice Session

What About You? Assessing Your Practice Session

Page 304

What About You?

Assessing Your Practice Session

After you have practiced your speech aloud (either alone or in front of a mock audience), critically assess your performance and answer the following questions. Note: If you will be practicing in front of a group, you might consider offering your audience members a copy of this quiz so that they can answer the questions as they listen to you.

1. Does your voice project confidence? Authority?

2. Are you varying your pitch (to avoid being monotonous)?

3. Are you varying your speaking rate and volume?

4. Are you articulating well? Are you mumbling? Can other people understand your words?

5. Does your speech contain words that might pose pronunciation problems for you?

6. Are you effectively scanning as you rehearse? (If others are present, are you making eye contact? If not, are you looking at different quadrants of the room you are rehearsing in?)

7. Do you use occasional gestures to emphasize a point you’re making in your speech? Do they feel natural?

8. Do you animate your facial expressions as you deliver your speech?

9. Are you able to integrate your presentation aids into your presentation effectively?

10. Is your speech within the required time limits for the assignment?

11. Are your speaking notes helpful and effective?