What About You? Assessing Your Informative Speech

What About You? Assessing Your Informative Speech

Page 326

What About You?

Assessing Your Informative Speech

As you prepare and rehearse your informative speech, you will do well to remember the main points we developed in this chapter. They will guide you and help you approach your audience competently. Use the following questions to assess your speech honestly. You may also ask your friends, family, or roommates to assess your speech using these questions if you are rehearsing in front of them.

1. Have you selected an informative topic that will teach your audience members something new?

2. Are you certain that you can be objective when delivering a speech on this topic, rather than subjective as in a persuasive speech?

3. Did you select an appropriate approach for your informative speech? Will your audience be able to clearly identify your approach?

4. Have you presented a clear benefit to learning the information that you are sharing in your speech?

5. Have you stressed the topic’s relevance to your audience?

6. Does your speech have a clear and logical structure?

7. Have you defined your terms clearly and related unfamiliar terms to familiar ideas?

8. Have you selected the most interesting, vivid examples you found in your research?

9. Are your presentation aids solid, and do they back up your main points (without overwhelming your speech)?