Chapter 15 Essay Quiz

Chapter 15 Essay Quiz

Question 15.22

1. Describe the difference between coercion and persuasion.

• Coercion is the act of using manipulation, threats, intimidation, or violence to gain compliance and persuasion is the process of influencing (often changing or reinforcing) others’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors on a given topic.

Question 15.23

2. Describe the three types of propositions for a persuasive speech.

• Proposition of fact (a claim of what is or is not) • Proposition of value (a claim about something’s worth) • Proposition of policy (concerned with what should happen and what goal, policy, or course of action should be pursued)

Question 15.24

3. Describe the four primary approaches to conveying information in an informative speech.

• Descriptive presentation (paints a mental picture for the audience, portraying places, events, persons, objects, or processes) • Demonstration speeches (combine explanatory narration and physical demonstration) • Definitional speeches (define a term or idea and provide answers to “what” questions) • Explanatory speeches (provide reasons or causes and demonstrate relationships)

Question 15.25

4. How might you create information hunger in the audience?

• Arouse the audience's interest in or curiosity about the topic • Work your topic by making the subject matter relevant to the audience

Question 15.26

5. Describe suggested methods for making your presentation easy to listen to.

• Choose a clear organization and structure. • Emphasize important points. • Do not overwhelm the audience. Build on prior knowledge. • Define terms that the audience may be unfamiliar with. • Use interesting and appropriate supporting material. • Use appropriate presentation aids.