Chapter 5 Essay Quiz

Chapter 5 Essay Quiz

Question 5.21

1. Describe the four primary characteristics of nonverbal communication.

• Nonverbal behavior is communicative because it conveys a message with or without the use of words. • Nonverbal communication is often spontaneous and unintentional as we often send nonverbal messages without being aware of our actions. • Nonverbal communication is ambiguous. • Nonverbal communication is more believable than verbal communication because it is less controllable.

Question 5.22

2. In what ways can nonverbal communication function to accompany verbal communication?

• Reinforce verbal messages • Substitute for verbal messages • Contradict verbal messages • Regulate verbal interactions • Create immediacy • Aid in deception

Question 5.23

3. Describe the eight major nonverbal communication codes discussed in the text.

• Kinesics (communicative gestures and body movements) • Facial expressions • Oculesics (the study of eye behavior) • Vocalizations (the sound and quality of one’s voice) • Physical appearance • Space and environment, including proxemics (the use of space in nonverbal communication), territoriality, and use of environmental space • Touch/Haptics (the study of communication through touch) • Time orientation (refers to our associations with the use of time)

Question 5.24

4. Describe the difference in cultural expectations of touch.

• Contact cultures depend on touch as an important form of communication. • Noncontact cultures are touch sensitive or even tend to avoid touch.5. Describe the five types of touching behavior.

Question 5.25

• Functional-professional (used to perform a job) • Social-polite (a polite acknowledgment of the other) • Friendship-warmth (conveys liking and affection) • Love-intimacy (communicates deep closeness) • Sexual-arousal (reveals intimacy)