Brent FosterVideo
Highway Angel

Brent Foster is a freelance photojournalist and cinematographer based out of Canada. As part of his job, he has traveled to over fifteen countries, covering everything from London fashion shows to the untenable living conditions in Jharkland, India. Foster, who started an internship in photojournalism during his freshman year of high school, has since won many awards for his work, including a Digital Emmy for Nonfiction and two honorable mentions for the Best of Photojournalism award given out by the National Press Photographers Association. In “Highway Angel,” which was produced by the Los Angeles Times, Foster followed Thomas Weller as he traveled the highways looking to help stranded motorists. To watch the video, click the image below. After viewing the video, respond to the questions that follow.

AS YOU READ: What motivates people to do good for others?

Brent Foster/

Questions to Start You Thinking

  1. Question

  2. Question

  3. Question

  4. Question

  5. Question

Journal Prompts

  1. Question

  2. Question

Suggestions for Writing

  1. Question

  2. Question