Concept Practice
Psychology’s Subfields

Chapter 21. Psychology’s Subfields

applied research
studying practical problems in order to improve people’s lives or performance
counseling psychology
subfield of psychology focused on assisting individuals with adjustment problems, often related to family or work
basic research
studying fundamental problems to increase our knowledge of the world
educational psychology
subfield of psychology focused on studying children’s behavior in school, as well as methods of teaching and learning
clinical psychology
subfield of psychology focused on assessing and treating individuals with psychological disorders
industrial/organizational psychology (I/O)
subfield of psychology focused on studying behavior in the workplace
community psychology
subfield of psychology focused on physical and social environments and how they affect individuals interacting in communities
subfield of medicine in which physicians are licensed to prescribe drugs and treat physical causes of psychological disorders
Psychology’s Subfields
There is a side image of a human head. The following ten subfields of psychology are written inside the head: social, cognitive, personality, educational, community, counseling, industrial/organizational, clinical, biological, and developmental
Learning Objective:

Describe ten of the major subfields of psychology.



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1. Psychology's subfields represent different ways of applying psychological principles to important human activities and problems.



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A woman sits on a couch with her hands outstretched as if she is talking. In front of her sits a man in a chair with a clipboard and pen

2. Two of psychology’s subfields, clinical psychology and counseling psychology, focus on helping people with psychological problems. The same is true of psychiatry, which is actually a subfield of medicine rather than of psychology.



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The figure is a pie graph with eight pieces. Two of the pieces are labeled as clinical and counseling/community. Clinical makes up approximately 30% of the pie. Counseling/community makes up approximately 20% of the pie. Together these pieces make up half of the pie. None of the other pieces of the pie are labeled

3. As you can see in this chart, slightly over half of all psychologists work in the clinical, counseling, and community subfields.



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The figure is a pie graph with eight pieces. Two of the pieces are labeled as educational and industrial/organizational. Educational makes up approximately 7% of the pie. Industrial/organizational makes up approximately 5% of the pie. None of the other pieces of the pie are labeled

4. Other psychologists work in subfields—such as industrial/organizational psychology or educational psychology—that focus on applied research for solving practical problems.



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The figure is a pie graph with eight pieces. The approximate data is in the following table. Table header: psychologist working in each subfield. Column 1 header: subfield. Column two header: % of total. Raw 1 - clinical - 30%. Raw 2 - Counseling/community - 20%. Raw 3 - Developmental - 13%. Raw 4 - Cognitive/biological - 10%. Raw 5 - Social/personality - 8%. Raw 6 - educational - 7%. Raw 7 - other areas - 7%. Raw 8 - Industrial/organizational - 5%

5. The remaining subfields of psychology generally emphasize basic research to improve our understanding of human behavior.


Practice: Major Subfields

Roll over each subfield to see a brief description of typical tasks for professionals in that area.

Social Psychologists

Biological Psychologists

Industrial/Organizational Psychologists

Personality Psychologists

Cognitive Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists

Community Psychologists

Developmental Psychologists

Counseling Psychologists

Educational Psychologists

explore how people influence and are influenced by others

explore the links between brain and mind

study and advise on behavior in the workplace

investigate persistent traits and characteristics

experiment with how people perceive, think, and solve problems

assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavior disorders

help create social and physical environments that are healthy for individuals and groups

study a person’s changing abilities from womb to tomb

help people cope with challenges by recognizing their strengths and resources

study learning and teaching, along with children’s behavior in a school setting


Quiz 1

Drag each of these subfields to the gray area in front of of the appropriate description. When all the subfields have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Perhaps you should go back to review psychology’s subfields.
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Social psychologists
Biological psychologists
Industrial/Organizational psychologists
Cognitive psychologists
Developmental psychologists

explore how people influence and are influenced by others

explore the links between brain and mind

study and advise on behavior in the workplace

experiment with how people perceive, think, and solve problems

study a person’s changing abilities from womb to tomb


Quiz 2

Match the subfields to the descriptions by dragging each colored circle to the appropriate gray circle. When all the circles have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Perhaps you should go back to review psychology’s subfields.
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Personality psychologists
Counseling psychologists
Clinical psychologists
Community psychologists
assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavior disorders
are medical doctors licensed to prescribe drugs and treat physical causes of psychological disorders
investigate persistent traits and characteristics
help people cope with challenges by recognizing their strengths and resources
help create social and physical environments that are healthy for individuals and groups
Psychology’s Subfields
There is a side image of a human head. The following ten subfields of psychology are written inside the head: social, cognitive, personality, educational, community, counseling, industrial/organizational, clinical, biological, and developmental

You have completed the activity Psychology’s Subfields.