Concept Practice
Wechsler Intelligence Tasks

Chapter 32. Wechsler Intelligence Tasks

mental capacity to learn from experience and adapt effectively to a particular environment
intelligence quotient (IQ)
a numerical score used as a measure of general intelligence, with the average score set at 100
intelligence test
way of measuring mental abilities; typically produces a numerical score that allows comparison with other people
verbal ability
form of intelligence involving comprehension and memory of words and sentences
performance (nonverbal) ability
form of intelligence involving comprehension and reasoning about pictures and geometric shapes
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
an individual intelligence test developed by David Wechsler; provides separate scores for verbal intelligence and nonverbal (“performance”) intelligence
Wechsler Intelligence Tasks
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). Copyright © 2008 NCS Pearson, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale” and “WAIS” are trademarks, in the US and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates(s). Reproduced with permission.
Learning Objectives:

Name each of the tasks used on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).

Describe each of the tasks used on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).



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Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). Copyright © 2008 NCS Pearson, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale” and “WAIS” are trademarks, in the US and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates(s). Reproduced with permission.

1. In the mid-1900s, psychologist David Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), which is now the most widely used individual intelligence test.



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2. In designing this test, Wechsler made an important distinction between verbal ability and performance (nonverbal) ability, and devised separate tasks to measure each type of ability. Scores on these individual tasks were then combined to produce an overall IQ score.



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Information Answer general-knowledge questions
Similarities Explain analogies
Arithmetic Solve math problems
Vocabulary Define words
Comprehension Explain common proverbs or situations
Digit Span Repeat a list of numbers

3. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) contains six verbal subtests. These tasks measure a person’s ability to understand and remember words and numbers, and to solve problems involving words.



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Picture Completion Identify the missing part of a picture
Picture Arrangement Organize pictures to tell a story
Block Design Arrange blocks to match a design
Object Assembly Arrange puzzle pieces in a picture
Digit Symbol Use a code to translate symbols

4. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) contains five performance (nonverbal) subtests. These tasks measure a person’s ability to understand and remember visual information, and to solve problems involving pictures and objects.



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Information Answer general-knowledge questions
Similarities Explain analogies
Arithmetic Solve math problems
Vocabulary Define words
Comprehension Explain common proverbs or situations
Digit Span Repeat a list of numbers
Picture Completion Identify the missing part of a picture
Picture Arrangement Organize pictures to tell a story
Block Design Arrange blocks to match a design
Object Assembly Arrange puzzle pieces in a picture
Digit Symbol Use a code to translate symbols

5. On the next pages, you will try your hand at sample questions and tasks similar to the items on each of the 11 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) subtests. Don't worry too much about how well you do on these questions. This small sample of items would not be considered a valid test of your intelligence, so you won't even receive a score at the end!



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6. In the complete Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), each subtest contains a large series of items arranged in order of increasing difficulty. We'll provide one sample for each subtest, adapted for computer presentation. Please note that none of these sample items is actually used on the WAIS.


Practice 1: Verbal Subtests

Answer the question. Correct answers turn green; incorrect answers turn red. Then, select the “New subtest” button.

Verbal Subtest 1: Information subtest measures your general knowledge (stored information) about the world.
Which of the capital of Russia?
Verbal Subtest 2: Similarities subtest measures your abstract or conceptual thinking through the use of analogies.
How is a bird like an airplane?
Verbal Subtest 3: Arithmetic subtest contains verbal math problems similar to this item.
If a train travels 60 miles per hour, how long will it take to travel 180 miles?
Verbal Subtest 4: The Vocabulary subtest measures your understanding of word meanings.
What's the meaning of the word "tower"?
Verbal Subtest 5: The Comprehension subtest contains verbal reasoning problems measuring your understanding of appropriate social behavior.
Why do most highways have speed limits?
Verbal Subtest 6: The Digit Span subtest measures your attention and memory for individual numbers (presented orally on the actual WAIS).
We will test your Digit Span (immediate memory) for 5 numbers, then 6 numbers, and then 7 numbers. When you select the “Begin” button, the set of numbers will be presented one at a time. After all the numbers have been presented, type the numbers in the exact order in which they appeared. Then select the “Finished” button to see how well you did. When you have completed all three set of numbers, you will be able to move to the next subtest.
Type the numbers you saw:

Practice 2: Performance Subtests

Follow the instructions at the top of the screen. When the subtest is finished, select the “New subtest” button.

Performance Subtest 1: The Picture Completion subtest measures your visual alertness and visual memory.

Study this picture and try to discover what important part is missing in the picture. Type your answer into the response box and select the "Finished" button to check your answer.

The image is a standard clock with the numbers for the hours identified, except for the number 7. The time on the clock is indicated by the hour, minute, and second hands at 5:04
Sergey Melnikov/Shutterstock
This clock is missing the number 7.
Performance Subtest 2: The Picture Arrangement subtest is a nonverbal method of measuring your understanding of social situations and sequential events.

These pictures tell a story. Study the pictures until you understand the story, then drag the pictures into the correct order to match the story. Pictures dragged to incorrect locations will snap back.

Illustration of person on knees, pulling up newly grown carrot
Illustration of person on knees, sprinkling water on young plant
illustration of person on knees, sprinkling seeds dug-up dirt
Illustration of person on knees, digging up dirt in garden
Performance Subtest 3: The Block Design subtest measures your ability to perceive and analyze visual patterns.
On the left side of the screen is 6 rows of 4 blocks in each. The first row has all white blocks. The second row has all red blocks. The third row has blocks that have been divided into two triangles with a line going from upper left to lower right. The left triangle is white, the right triangle is red. The fourth row has blocks that have been divided into two triangles with a line going from upper right to lower left. The left triangle is red, the right triangle is white. The fifth row has blocks that have been divided into two triangles with a line going from upper right to lower left. The left triangle is white, the right triangle is red. The sixth row has blocks that have been divided into two triangles with a line going from upper left to lower right. The left triangle is red, the right triangle is white. In the middle of the screen is a three by three block area. To the right of this is the pattern to be replicated, which is a red hourglass shape with white around it. In order to create this pattern, the following blocks would need to be arranged three in each row, from top to bottom.

The pattern at right can be formed from some combination of the blocks at the left. Select the appropriate blocks and drag them to the correct locations in the center square to from the pattern.

The pattern is a red hourglass shape with white around it and contains 3 rows of 3 blocks in each. Row 1 - a block with line from upper left to lower right forming a red triangle on the right; a red block; and a block with line from upper right to lower left forming a red triangle on the left. Row 2 - a white block, a red block, and a white block. Row 3 - a block with line from upper right to lower left forming a red triangle on the right; a red block; and a block with line from upper left to lower right forming a red triangle on the left.
top right
top left
bottom left
bottom right
white filled square
white filled square
white filled square
white filled square
red filled square
red filled square
red filled square
red filled square
top right corner filled red
top right corner filled red
top right corner filled red
top right corner filled red
top left corner filled red
top left corner filled red
top left corner filled red
top left corner filled red
bottom left corner filled red
bottom left corner filled red
bottom left corner filled red
bottom left corner filled red
bottom right corner filled red
bottom right corner filled red
bottom right corner filled red
bottom right corner filled red
Performance Subtest 4: The Object Assembly subtest measures your ability to deal with part/whole relationships.

This is a familiar object that has been cut into pieces. The piece marked with a red X is stationary. Drag the other pieces to their proper locations to reassemble the object.

hind legs
neck and back
upper part of a tail
lower part of a tail
space between legs
Performance Subtest 5: The Digit Symbol subtest measures the speed with which you learn an unfamiliar code that associates each number with a non-numeric symbol.

Your task is to type the correct number into the box below each symbol. Select the "Finished" button to check your answer. To start the timer and begin the task, select the "Display code symbols" button.

Timer: 1000
Code symbols fi Δ
Code numbers 1 2 3 4 5
Test symbols fi Δ Δ Δ fi
Test numbers
Correct numbers 3 4 1 2 5 1 4 5 2 4 1 3 5 2

Quiz 1

Match the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) verbal subtests to their descriptions by dragging each colored circle to the appropriate gray circle. When all the circles have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Select the NEXT button and move to Quiz 2.
Perhaps you should go back to review verbal subtests within the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
Digit span
measures abstract or conceptual thinking through the use of analogies
measures understanding of word meanings
measures general knowledge about the world
measures attention and memory for a series of numbers
measures verbal reasoning and understanding of appropriate behavior
measures computational ability through the use of verbal math problems

Quiz 2

Match the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) performance subtests to their descriptions by dragging each colored circle to the appropriate gray circle. When all the circles have been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Select the NEXT button and move to the Conclusion.
Perhaps you should go back to review performance subtests within the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
Picture completion
Picture arrangement
Block design
Object assembly
Digit symbol
measures understanding of social situations and sequential events
measures visual alertness and visual memory
measures speed of learning and using an unfamiliar code
measures ability to perceive and analyze visual patterns
measures ability to perceive part/whole relationships
You have completed the activity Wechsler Intelligence Tasks.