Concept Practice
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome

Chapter 31. Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
according to Selye, the body’s three-stage adaptive response to stress
the body’s response to a threat or challenge
event or object that is the source of stress; any threat or challenge to a person
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome
Three reactions to stress. same cartoon-like character in each of three poses, with each pose labeled:  a feeling labeled Alarm, a feeling labeled Resistance, and a feeling labeled Exhaustion
Learning Objectives:

Name the three stages of the body’s reaction to stress, called the general adaptation system.

Describe a person’s ability to cope with each of the body’s three stress-related stages.



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Photo of Hans Selye
Courtesy Library and Archives Canada, PA-11667

1. Researcher Hans Selye identified the complex sequence of reactions that our body goes through as we experience a stressful event. He called this sequence the general adaptation syndrome.



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Photo of single individual at scene of natural disaster; individual appears to be in shock
AFP/Getty Images

2. First, we go into a state of shock (the alarm reaction).



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Photo of difficult rescue operation during natural disaster

3. Then, the body mobilizes its resources to cope with the stress (the resistance phase).



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Photo of emergency worker obviously collapsed with fatigue during a disaster
AFP/Getty Images

4. But if the stressor continues, those resources will be used up, and eventually the body's resistance will collapse (the exhaustion phase).


Practice: Selye’s General Adaption Syndrome

Play the animation to watch the three stages of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome.

Photo credits: E+/Getty Images, Rubberball Productions/Getty Images, Getty Images News/Getty Images.

Quiz 1

Drag the slider to identify the approximate point in the sequence at which the body's ability to deal with a stressful event is greatest. When the slider has been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Photo credits: E+/Getty Images, Rubberball Productions/Getty Images, Getty Images News/Getty Images.

Quiz 2

In addition to the exhaustion phase, there is one other time in the sequence when we are not well equipped to deal with external challenges. Drag the slider to identify the approximate spot early in the sequence at which our ability to cope with stressful events is very low. When the slider has been placed, select the CHECK ANSWER button.

Photo credits: E+/Getty Images, Rubberball Productions/Getty Images, Getty Images News/Getty Images.
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome
Three reactions to stress. same cartoon-like character in each of three poses, with each pose labeled:  a feeling labeled Alarm, a feeling labeled Resistance, and a feeling labeled Exhaustion

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