Extend your discussion of a subject by supplying additional insights. In his evaluative essay, featured writer Dwight Haynes summarizes and reflects on the results of his evaluation of programs to reduce binge drinking.
While social norms marketing appears to offer a strong combination of positive outcomes and ease of implementation, the environmental approach is more effective overall. Despite being more complicated and demanding more school and community resources, it delivers stronger results by involving students’ entire college community. The environmental approach has a much greater scope than that of the social norms marketing approach and is suitable for schools of all sizes and types. Therefore, it has the potential to affect not only students who drink heavily because they think that’s the normal thing to do but also students who either are unaware of the dangers of using alcohol or will moderate their drinking only in the face of severe consequences for not doing so. Given appropriate resources, a program based on the environmental approach to curb heavy drinking is likely to be the best choice.