As you revise, ask whether your document helps you achieve your purposes. If your assignment directed you to inform readers about a particular subject, for instance, consider whether you’ve provided appropriate information, whether you’ve offered enough information, and whether that information is presented clearly. If your purpose is to convince or persuade your readers, ask whether you have chosen appropriate reasons and evidence and presented your argument as effectively as you can. You’ll find revision suggestions for specific types of assignments in Chapters 5 through 10.
In addition, review your readers’ needs, interests, backgrounds, and knowledge of the subject. During revision, imagine how your readers will react to your document by asking questions such as these:
Finally, identify your requirements, limitations, and opportunities. Ask yourself whether you’ve met the specific requirements of the assignment, such as length and number of sources. Evaluate your efforts to work around limitations, such as lack of access to information. Think about whether you’ve taken full advantage of your opportunities and any new ones that have come your way.