In Process: Making Comparisons


Caitlin Guariglia used comparison to reflect on her experiences with strangers in Rome and with her family. She used a two-column table to make direct comparisons.

Strangers in Rome Family in America
get involved in other people’s business if they feel like they know how to do it better and can help get involved in your business, whether you like it or not!
cool, confident, witty, LOUD not always so cool, but definitely loud, full of themselves, and usually really funny
passionate about their city, its history, and its food love NY, but not all are passionate about it, definitely opinionated about Italian food
beautiful Italian accents only speak a little Italian, NY accents
really big on family, and like to make you feel like part of theirs exactly the same

Caitlin used her notes to shape a point in her final essay:

Our ancestors may have brought the food, the expressions, and the attitudes with them to the United States a few generations ago, but it is safe to say that over the years we have lost some of the style and the musical language that Italians seem to possess from birth.